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      Does anybody have access to the IET Regs App? Also do you have to pay for it?



  • The IET doesn't have an app for the Wiring Regs

    But there is a subscription-based Digital Wiring Regulations product, where the IET Wiring Regulations (and other publications) are available on computers/mobile devices, details here:

    It's hosted via VitalSource Bookshelf App, and looks something like this on PC, with similar interface on mobile phone:

    You can download books to your device, so no internet access is needed to use the App on-site.

    Page at link above has further links that tell you what publications come with each subscription.

  • The IET doesn't have an app for the Wiring Regs

    But there is a subscription-based Digital Wiring Regulations product, where the IET Wiring Regulations (and other publications) are available on computers/mobile devices, details here:

    It's hosted via VitalSource Bookshelf App, and looks something like this on PC, with similar interface on mobile phone:

    You can download books to your device, so no internet access is needed to use the App on-site.

    Page at link above has further links that tell you what publications come with each subscription.

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