Electrical Safety Requirements for Masonic Guildhall

I am the deputy site manager for a beer festival that was held at the Masonic Guidhall in a suburb of Greater Manchester. The installation is over 60 years old, no documentation, old bakelite mcbs, no rcds and multiple violations. The majority of the ground floor is supplied from a single 40amp fuse and a series of consumer units. Needless to say there were frequent power outages 

I have submitted my report and need ammunition to back up why they need to see an EICR or equivalent. Nobody seems to be taking this seriously!

Comments please.

  • I have performed a search for the premises by name, postcode and street name and there are three premises listed but not the Masonic Guildhall. Other than the insurance for the premises what are the legal requirements to maintain the electrical installation in a safe manner?

    I agree that the BS88 fuse performed it's job correctly and isolated the circuit. It transpired that the three phase fuse box had two of its phases disconnected at both ends so effectively instead of the original 3 x 40amp fuses everything was being supplied through a single 40amp fuse. A new 32Amp circuit had been installed to provide power for a portable toilet block. that was used during the beer festival also on the same 40amp fuse.

  • I have performed a search for the premises by name, postcode and street name and there are three premises listed but not the Masonic Guildhall. Other than the insurance for the premises what are the legal requirements to maintain the electrical installation in a safe manner?

    I agree that the BS88 fuse performed it's job correctly and isolated the circuit. It transpired that the three phase fuse box had two of its phases disconnected at both ends so effectively instead of the original 3 x 40amp fuses everything was being supplied through a single 40amp fuse. A new 32Amp circuit had been installed to provide power for a portable toilet block. that was used during the beer festival also on the same 40amp fuse.

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