Disclaimer for connecting 3rd party generator to customers pa system and other equipment.

As above a charity has asked me to connect,for free a generator to their equipment for an outdoor presentation with

their PA system and a screen.They are supplying the generator,which I will be inspecting for suitability.

I was hoping to get them to sign a disclaimer on the lines of "Joe Blogs Electrical is not responsible for any damage

to equipment ,caused by use of the generator"Wondered if this sounds viable or better to walk away?



  • It's not entirely clear to me what the scope of your work is when you say 'connect' the generator (which you're not supplying) to some equipment (which you're also not supplying).  Are they asking you to supply the distribution equipment/cabling between the two things they are supplying?

    Would you issue documentation under BS7909 for the temporary system you're providing with a defined scope limitation. 

    As Simon says, think of how you might do it as a paid job and what's involved as if something goes wrong with a bit that you are 'responsible' for then consider the fact that there's a 100% discount may not help you very much?!

  • Think thats decided then,Its a no from me!

    Thanks for the advice,




  • Think thats decided then,Its a no from me!

    Thanks for the advice,




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