Is this meter fitted with an internal isolator?

Good morning,

Hope everyone's doing ok?!!

In a discussion, about this meter, with someone... I know you can give me the correct answer!

You need to click the box, to view the meter, cheers!

Does it have a proper internal isolator?

Thanks... Tom

  • That photo is a bit fuzzy in the key area - I can read the bar code but not the text to the right of it, but  if you can tell us what I hope is the meter model no. in the text above the centre seal wire, we can look it up and probably be pretty certain.

    (The white screwslot in the body above the RH terminal cover looks interesting - and I hope identifies as one of these LG 5258 series 

    If so, and only if so,  L+G consider it to be an "isolation switch")


  • Hello Mike,

    Well done... always on the ball. I'll see if I can get that model No! 

    Thanks, Tom

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