Detached garage wiring

I have a large detached garage which is supplied from the  house via a "garage" ditribution box, underground armoured cable then into a "garage" box containing main rccd / 6a lighting breaker and 26A breaker all installed by an approved / certified electrician.

Can I, as a non professional electrician, considering the new regulations, wire the garage for 3  lighting units , and 4 x 13a doulble  power power sockets, and connect them into the supplied distrbution box without having the instalation certified?

Many  thanks for your replies and guidance on this post.

  • I think that we need more details please. Did the electrician's work stop at the CU? If so, you will be creating new circuits, which are notifiable. However, if you already have at least one light and one socket, you will be simply extending the circuits, which does not require notification in England.

  • Thanks for the quick reply chaps.

    Firstly - in England

    The fitted garage consumer unit is a fairly standard 63A rcd 16A mcb and 6A mcb, previously fitted.

    There are no lighting circuits or power circuits connected to this distribution box.

    The plan is to fit 3 overhead lights to the 6A mcb (all lights will be led fully sealed units over the bench) and 4 x twin 13A sockets off the 16A mcb.

    I am happy to create a ring cct for the 13A sockets to improve available power and safety.

    Reading what you say, if I carry out the work, I will either need to employ a certified electrician to test and provide a certificate or, try the local authority approach which I did not know that that was an option.

    Many thanks mapj1 and Chris that was most helpful.

  • It would be pointless creating a ring if you are connecting to a 16amp breaker. If you are clipping direct in a garage a 2.5mm is good for a lot more than that. About 23 amps i think from memory 


  • I am happy to create a ring cct for the 13A sockets to improve available power and safety.

    No need to do that. A radial circuit in 2.5 mm² fits with the 16 A MCB.

    Assuming that you can join up a few cables competently and work safely, the real question is, "what are the consequences if I do not notify?"

    The next question might be, "how do I certify?" The answer is that you can do it yourself, but you need the right equipment.

    Frankly, if it is an average sort of garage in an average sort of property, nothing bad will happen if you wire it up carefully.

  • I am happy to create a ring cct for the 13A sockets to improve available power and safety.

    No need to do that. A radial circuit in 2.5 mm² fits with the 16 A MCB.

    Assuming that you can join up a few cables competently and work safely, the real question is, "what are the consequences if I do not notify?"

    The next question might be, "how do I certify?" The answer is that you can do it yourself, but you need the right equipment.

    Frankly, if it is an average sort of garage in an average sort of property, nothing bad will happen if you wire it up carefully.

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