Electrical Safety for Small craft On-Board Guide

I've just purchased this guide.
I'm a little miffed that there doesn't seem to be any mention of a TT earthing system for shore supplies.
I quote " For a large percentage of UK small craft that have a permanent berth, especially those in marina locations, the majority of such berths will be serviced by a TN-S 230v AC single-phase shore supply."
Any marina or boatyard shore connection I've seen has always been on a TT system.
Explain away..

  • Humm interesting. I've not seen the final version so couldn't comment, but I'm pretty sure a similar comment was made at the DPC stage - so I'm a little disappointed it wasn't  updated.

       - Andy.

  • " For a large percentage of UK small craft that have a permanent berth, especially those in marina locations, the majority of such berths will be serviced by a TN-S 230v AC single-phase shoire supply."

    Did you know 9 out of 10 cats prefer Whiskas or 80% of dentists recommend......

    As part of my job, I assist in gathering information for court. Such a statement would be straight back from the barrister with a big red circle and  question marks following one word.....Source??

  • wrong what else have they got wrong?

    I had quite a few comments at the DPC stage - like I said, I've not seen the final version, but in places the DPC read like it was based the 14th Ed of the Wiring Regs but has been drifting off at a tangent ever since. Maybe not wrong as such, but perhaps a long way behind current standards to my way of thinking.

       - Andy.

  • Pirate wiring clearly, the rest of us have a 'shore' supply. 

    But joking aside, I'd  agree - rather like another doc we are discussing on another thread it seems that stuff is sometimes pushed out without enough critical review. Actually very few DNOs in England will provide TN-S so unless it is your own transformer, or the supply dates back to  the swinging '60s, then it is either TT or TNC-s here.


  • So I repeat.
    Who do I get in touch with to air my grievances.
    I've just paid £30 for a guide which has a glaring error, maybe more, I stopped reading it when TN-S raised it's ugly head and I do appreciate that the majority of incoming supplies are likely to be TNC-S.
    I would have expected better from the IET, there are some serious safety issues when electricity meets water.

  • So I repeat.
    Who do I get in touch with to air my grievances.


  • Many thanks
    Not exactly overworked are they.
    Helpline only open Mondays and Fridays

  • Well I have made contact.
    I also refer you to GN7 8.5

  • More than a little disappointed I haven't had any meaningful reply yet.
    Really I should be demanding my money back as this guide isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

  • Dear Graham

    The IET technical helpline is for enquiries relating to BS 7671. For enquiries relating to IET codes and Guidance publications and activities, the email address is ietstandardsenquiries@theiet.org.

    I have searched the IET technical mailbox but unfortunately I am unable to locate your enquiry. Are you able to resend it or provide the date it was submitted please?

    Many thanks
