Experienced worker even more difficult

The underpinning knowledge element of the experienced worker qualification must now be formally ratified by a recognised qualification prior to candidate registration. TESP list the acceptable qualifications on their website. 
Hitherto, the assessor would need to have been satisfied that the candidate had the necessary theoretical knowledge to carry out the task correctly and safely. Now it is back to school for all those chaps who don’t have one of the qualifications listed!

I have over 30 candidates on the slipway, most have no formal qualifications. Having interviewed all and because I would know most of them and their employers, I would have been content to acknowledge their standing as competent electricians without further ado. However, each produces a comprehensive portfolio of solid evidence to meet all performance objectives, undertakes a technical interview, achieves at least the 2391 initial verification and 18th Edition qualifications and is required to pass the AM2E. 
That’s a lot of hoops for someone who is already working as an electrician and has been doing so consistently for at least five years post apprenticeship! 
For those first class experienced electricians who are without the formal qualifications and want to get the ESC/JIB card, for whatever reason, life just got harder!

  • I have the 2361 and 2362 as core quals plus 2391-52 and 2382-22. I served my indentured apprenticeship with Norweb. I do not have the letter they gave me close to 40 years ago, NORWEB (Now electricity North West) have confirmed they have not kept records. My National Insurance records show I was with NORWEB for the 4 years of the apprenticeship and beyond...

    But, say ECS / JIB you don't have the formal letter confirming apprenticeship completion so no gold card because 'computer says No'.

    ECS have stated in their own documents those quals at the time would have been part of an indentured apprenticeship. City & Guilds have confirmed the same. Electricity North West training academy have confirmed it would have been an indentured apprenticeship.
    The qualifications that I have the certificates for confirms the same. National Insurance records show the employment from 1980 onwards.

    It really is a nonsense that no one can apply some sound logical 'case by case' assessment. Letters go missing, more so when 40 years ago it could not have been known it might one day be needed to confirm what all at that time knew. A time when common sense still was in the room.

    25 years electrical experience. Still, won't be many guys left who qualified pre AM2 perhaps that is how they are dealing with it. Let them all die off and they can take it up with God.

    Yet I know people just passed AM2 who have never rewired, worked with containment, never tested anything away from a classroom and so forth. Very limited knowledge and yet considered more 'competent'. Perhaps ECS / JIB would like to give a reasoned reply? They have refused all my requests for one. Rather, from the tone of the replies received, it is one of 'we are not stopping you from working in the sector... this is just how it is, now stop being SO annoying'.

    With all the examples in this thread people are being prevented from earning a living by a scheme set in place by people who seem to be unaccountable and out of touch. A process streamlined to suit an admin system out of touch with reality.
    Preventing someone from working should be a decision not taken lightly and deserves full reasoned decision as to why in 'your' case 'you' cannot now work in your trade. If such should be an inconveneience for these scheme providers who push such onto the industry well what a shame, skip a meeting and provide the reason for your decision.
    It was the case that the industry self-regulated, the good guys were kept on sites those useless were kicked off site and word spread as to who knew what they were doing and who did not. Now, as is so often the case with such, the intent is lost and it becomes all a tick box exercise. Little Briton read the future well... "computer says No"

  • I have the 2361 and 2362 as core quals plus 2391-52 and 2382-22. I served my indentured apprenticeship with Norweb. I do not have the letter they gave me close to 40 years ago, NORWEB (Now electricity North West) have confirmed they have not kept records. My National Insurance records show I was with NORWEB for the 4 years of the apprenticeship and beyond...

    But, say ECS / JIB you don't have the formal letter confirming apprenticeship completion so no gold card because 'computer says No'.

    ECS have stated in their own documents those quals at the time would have been part of an indentured apprenticeship. City & Guilds have confirmed the same. Electricity North West training academy have confirmed it would have been an indentured apprenticeship.
    The qualifications that I have the certificates for confirms the same. National Insurance records show the employment from 1980 onwards.

    It really is a nonsense that no one can apply some sound logical 'case by case' assessment. Letters go missing, more so when 40 years ago it could not have been known it might one day be needed to confirm what all at that time knew. A time when common sense still was in the room.

    25 years electrical experience. Still, won't be many guys left who qualified pre AM2 perhaps that is how they are dealing with it. Let them all die off and they can take it up with God.

    Yet I know people just passed AM2 who have never rewired, worked with containment, never tested anything away from a classroom and so forth. Very limited knowledge and yet considered more 'competent'. Perhaps ECS / JIB would like to give a reasoned reply? They have refused all my requests for one. Rather, from the tone of the replies received, it is one of 'we are not stopping you from working in the sector... this is just how it is, now stop being SO annoying'.

    With all the examples in this thread people are being prevented from earning a living by a scheme set in place by people who seem to be unaccountable and out of touch. A process streamlined to suit an admin system out of touch with reality.
    Preventing someone from working should be a decision not taken lightly and deserves full reasoned decision as to why in 'your' case 'you' cannot now work in your trade. If such should be an inconveneience for these scheme providers who push such onto the industry well what a shame, skip a meeting and provide the reason for your decision.
    It was the case that the industry self-regulated, the good guys were kept on sites those useless were kicked off site and word spread as to who knew what they were doing and who did not. Now, as is so often the case with such, the intent is lost and it becomes all a tick box exercise. Little Briton read the future well... "computer says No"

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