Reverse Polarity

Has anyone encountered a reverse polarity single phase PME supply to a house? If so, how did it happen and how was it detected?

I am intrigued to how you would discover it by measuring L-N, L-E, and N-E at the incoming side of the Main Switch, as the Earthing conductor would be connected to the Line at the cut-out and give 0V, the same as if it were correctly wired and you were measuring N-E?

I cannot get my head around how you would detect the issue.... maybe I will set it up on an empty standalone C/U and see what I get?

  • Fluke T150 with the batteries out and in, as well as batteries in but only single pole contact, there’s audible warnings as well with the batteries in and the option for a low impedance tests which gives visual, audible and tactile warnings as it vibrates as well as buzzing and lighting up.

    The tip shrouds were only removed for those particular tests and have been refitted.

  • Fluke T150 with the batteries out and in, as well as batteries in but only single pole contact, there’s audible warnings as well with the batteries in and the option for a low impedance tests which gives visual, audible and tactile warnings as it vibrates as well as buzzing and lighting up.

    The tip shrouds were only removed for those particular tests and have been refitted.

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