Code for a concentric cable on domestic EICR ?

Hi guys.  How would you code a Concentric cable feeding a detached domestic garage.  Cable is i believe a short run under a tarmac drive although i can't find the house connection ( probably behind kitchen cupboards ). There is plenty wrong with how it has been connected but specifically the use of the cable. I was thinking a C3 as i don't think it's dangerous as unlikely to be damaged in the ground because of the tarmac.  Any thoughts please.  

Thanks Gary

  • So obviously the way it is terminated is terrible. The cable is under ground below tarmac so won't be dug by accident unless they redo the drive. Probably only under ground a meter or so. So potentially it could be reused without digging drive up ?  

  • So obviously the way it is terminated is terrible. The cable is under ground below tarmac so won't be dug by accident unless they redo the drive. Probably only under ground a meter or so. So potentially it could be reused without digging drive up ?  

  • I agree it is dog rough - at the very least there should be an enclosure around that RCD the exposed live is a C1. But if N and E can be kept separate then it could be remade neatly in a proper containment,  and re-used. It may then score a C3 on someone else's radar but we already know its not quite what we would do if we had a clean sheet installation.
