Should the humble EICR be improved?

Should the humble EICR be improved to include a tick box for a valid/in date FRA (Fire Risk Assessment) for blocks of flats for the communal area? This would be in line with The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005,

Some things to note might be
THE NATIONAL Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) has published a position statement urging the Government to introduce more robust regulations

As always please be polite and respectful in this purely academic debate.

Come on everybody let’s help inspire the future.

  • Absolutely nothing to do with our EICR inspection regime and responsibilities.

    The "Duty Holder" is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable statute regulation for their property.

    The Fire Risk Assessment of the property has nothing to do with an EICR, even suggesting a "Tick" box, would mean what? the electrical inspector saw a bit of paper with a signature and words fire risk assessment and some dates ?

    Where would you stop? add on another box to say Legionella checks have been done, gas appliances have a valid Gas Safe inspection Cert, Lifts have had a LOLER inspection done.....................etc etc?

    The electrical contractor/inspector should be employed ideally with a formal contract to do a EICR with any exclusions etc agreed in advance. The competent inspector carries out the EICR inspection/tests, issues the required report and thats it end of story.

    Maybe in the UK, if we can actually get 100% of the EICR's to be actually carried out and reports completed in accordance with BS7671:2018+Amd2:2022 then that would be a good step to achieve first.

    Some Duty Holders employ people to amke sure they are compliant with all legislation and regulation, so those people should be ensuring fire risk assessment in place, control procedures etc are in place, mainatined and working, and any works/changes of use to the property structure, processes, materials then that risk assessmnet is reviewed and any requirements carried out.

    Duty Holders can employ specilist facility Management or Safety companies to make sure they are compliant.

    Not for the EICR.


  • Absolutely nothing to do with our EICR inspection regime and responsibilities.

    The "Duty Holder" is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable statute regulation for their property.

    The Fire Risk Assessment of the property has nothing to do with an EICR, even suggesting a "Tick" box, would mean what? the electrical inspector saw a bit of paper with a signature and words fire risk assessment and some dates ?

    Where would you stop? add on another box to say Legionella checks have been done, gas appliances have a valid Gas Safe inspection Cert, Lifts have had a LOLER inspection done.....................etc etc?

    The electrical contractor/inspector should be employed ideally with a formal contract to do a EICR with any exclusions etc agreed in advance. The competent inspector carries out the EICR inspection/tests, issues the required report and thats it end of story.

    Maybe in the UK, if we can actually get 100% of the EICR's to be actually carried out and reports completed in accordance with BS7671:2018+Amd2:2022 then that would be a good step to achieve first.

    Some Duty Holders employ people to amke sure they are compliant with all legislation and regulation, so those people should be ensuring fire risk assessment in place, control procedures etc are in place, mainatined and working, and any works/changes of use to the property structure, processes, materials then that risk assessmnet is reviewed and any requirements carried out.

    Duty Holders can employ specilist facility Management or Safety companies to make sure they are compliant.

    Not for the EICR.


  • Maybe in the UK, if we can actually get 100% of the EICR's to be actually carried out and reports completed in accordance with BS7671:2018+Amd2:2022 then that would be a good step to achieve first.

    Is there an extra zero in that target? Thinking