Should the humble EICR be improved?

Should the humble EICR be improved to include a tick box for a valid/in date FRA (Fire Risk Assessment) for blocks of flats for the communal area? This would be in line with The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005,

Some things to note might be
THE NATIONAL Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) has published a position statement urging the Government to introduce more robust regulations

As always please be polite and respectful in this purely academic debate.

Come on everybody let’s help inspire the future.

  • Should it perhaps be the other way - the building user/responsible persons fire check should have a box to tick saying 'EICR in date ?'  Along with ' Fire shutters operate?' and 'Door closers work' and things

    It  is not clear who is in ultimately in charge of things otherwise.

    On the EICR it might say copy sent to fire risk assessor ?


  • Interesting idea Mike.  Maybe the humble EICR and the humble FRA should have a tick box that refers to the other being present and in date/valid.

  • Maybe the humble EICR and the humble FRA should have a tick box that refers to the other being present and in date/valid.

    So starting from nothing, how could you sign off the first? (For the definition of recursion, see recursion...)

       - Andy.

  • Lots of vaid points there Mike.  I wonder what the Grenfell Inquiry will bring up when it is published in September 2024

  • (For the definition of recursion, see recursion)

    Thanks Andy - I think my point is that despite the natural professional superiority (!), the building design process may not always start and end with an electrician, and his or hers may not be the dominant set of decisions.


  • (For the definition of recursion, see recursion)

    Thanks Andy - I think my point is that despite the natural professional superiority (!), the building design process may not always start and end with an electrician, and his or hers may not be the dominant set of decisions.


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