Wiring in bathrooms. Is it normal to hardwire an infrared mirror in a bathroom or can it be plugged into a socket?

Hello, having purchased an Infrared Mirror it needs to be mounted and comes supplied with a plug, but we would prefer it is hard wired into the circuit rather than plugged in. If we cut the plug off we may loose warranty but what do the regs state about this plug or hard wired?

Thank you 

  • How large is the bathroom?  Over 2.5m from the edge of bath/shower than a environment applicable (IP rated and IK rated) socket COULD be used.  Personally I think sockets in the average UK bathroom is not a good idea given the average size.  (think about water and steam ingress)  Additionally this is a special location so I think of this as a place that you could be naked or wet or possibly both.  Next point is remember RCD potection.  Again personally I would like to see bath lights on its own RCBO and not with the lights for thw whole floor of the house.

    However is Europe many countries allow a socket in the bathroom within splashing distance of the sink.

    Again another personal option would be to cut off the plug and wire into an FCU (use ferules if fine stranded cable to make a sound electro-mechanical connection) with correct rated fuse and then possibly put an isolator switch on the OUTSIDE of the bathroom for that device.  This gives you a fuse to protect the unit/person in the bathroom and an accessible isolation point outside the bathroom.  

  • How large is the bathroom?  Over 2.5m from the edge of bath/shower than a environment applicable (IP rated and IK rated) socket COULD be used.  Personally I think sockets in the average UK bathroom is not a good idea given the average size.  (think about water and steam ingress)  Additionally this is a special location so I think of this as a place that you could be naked or wet or possibly both.  Next point is remember RCD potection.  Again personally I would like to see bath lights on its own RCBO and not with the lights for thw whole floor of the house.

    However is Europe many countries allow a socket in the bathroom within splashing distance of the sink.

    Again another personal option would be to cut off the plug and wire into an FCU (use ferules if fine stranded cable to make a sound electro-mechanical connection) with correct rated fuse and then possibly put an isolator switch on the OUTSIDE of the bathroom for that device.  This gives you a fuse to protect the unit/person in the bathroom and an accessible isolation point outside the bathroom.  

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