disturbed earth bonding

Dear Engineers

Apologies for lowering the standard of discussion here with my first and probably only question. I had some work done to my mains stopvalve recently. In the cause of this the plumber needed to remove and then reinstate the green and yellow cable. I now noticed that it is not very tightly fastened into the clamp - see photo, and easily wobbles. Also the warning label has disappeared.

My question is: It looks easy to fix and to get a new label. Happy to have a go myself. But is there more to it? Does it need testing, perhaps? In other words: is this for householder or for electrician to remedy.

Many thanks in advance if you can help.


  • Hi Anna

    If I was in your position I would call the plumber back and get him to fit it properly or tell him you will call an electrician out to do it and forward him the invoice. He has basically compromised the safety of your installation under certain fault conditions.  There is no immediate danger but there could be.  Earth clamps can be fiddly to fit properly if you haven't done them before so I would suggest you don't try and do it yourself.


  • thank you Gary!

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