It and Iz

Im getting a bit confused with It and Iz, and which is out final value when calculating cable size

It  - the value of current tabulated in this appendix for the type of cable and installation method concerned, for a single circuit in the ambient temperature stated in the current-carrying capacity tables

Iz -  the current-carrying capacity of a cable for continuous service, under the particular installation conditions concerned.

In =32  Ca 0.87

so    It ≥  32 / 0.87

It ≥ 36.78A

Look up tables in BS 7671  clipped direct (c) one  2 core cable   


6mm= 46A

So we go with 46A

So our It (Tabulated value we look up) is 46A and we will use a 6mm2 cable

So what is Iz?

Iz ≥ In ≥ Ib  understand the relationship

Now Iz = It x correction factors.
Iz = 46 x 0.87 =  40.02A  which is greater than In (32A) so thats OK

But we got a value of 36.78 A when applying correction factors to In

We also have this formula... 

It ≥ Iz / correction factors

40.02 / 0.87 = 46

We end up with the same number.

We have a calculated value of 36.78A  in the book the cable choice is 6mm which is rated at 46A 

I'm struggling to see what we would call our final cable choice? Its not Iz , but the description (continuous service) makes it sound like it is

What is Iz

Hope that make some sense

Its based around this IET article

  • Sorry but I am just not getting Iz

    I understand the cable calculation procedure and getting a value from dividing design current or In by correction factors

    This calculated value it seems has no name? we just know our 'It' has to be equal to or greater than this value.

    This calculated value we look up  in appendix 4 and find a cable that is again equal too or greater than our calculated value.

    So this value from the tables will give us our  final cable size. This is the tabulated value. so will finally be our 'It'

    Iz has not come into it.

    But we could put our 'It' into formula 2.4.0 ( EIDG) See calculations

    It gives us an Iz of 36.97 A
    which is greater than 'In,'  and 'In' is greater than 'Ib' so coordination is OK

    Iz is the current carrying capacity of the cable for continuous service under the particular installation conditions concerned
    Don't get that because its not taking into account the installation conditions.

  • This calculated value it seems has no name? we just know our 'It' has to be equal to or greater than this value.

    I guess that's true. You could call it 'minimum required It' if you like.

    It isn't necessarily greater than Iz - it all depends on how the actual conditions vary from those used for the tabulated values. If ambient temperature was guaranteed to be lower than 30 degrees for example, Iz could be larger than It.

    Isn't it normally In rather than Ib, where overload protection is required (i.e. the actual current could exceed Ib and is limited only by the protective device, not necessarily the load).

    Iz is the current carrying capacity of the cable for continuous service under the particular installation conditions concerned

    Correct - Iz is the current carrying capacity of your actual cable, as installed.

    Don't get that because its not taking into account the installation conditions.

    I'm not following you now. Iz should take account of all the actual installation conditions (or rather it includes adjustments for all the conditions that differ from those assumed by the tables - which should amount to the same thing). So if the table assumes 30 degree ambient and you have 40 in reality, you have 0.87 (rather than 1.0) for Ca.

       - Andy.

  • Isn't it normally In rather than Ib, where overload protection is required (i.e. the actual current could exceed Ib and is limited only by the protective device, not necessarily the load).

    Yes Ib for no overload In for overload. I understand that.

    I'm not following you now. Iz should take account of all the actual installation conditions (or rather it includes adjustments for all the conditions that differ from those assumed by the tables - which should amount to the same thing). So if the table assumes 30 degree ambient and you have 40 in reality, you have 0.87 (rather than 1.0) for Ca.

    This is the thing.  What is Iz...
    2.4.0 (formula multiplies It by correction factors)  What is actually happening here?

    Installaion conditions generally derate the cable.

    In my examples the calculate Iz is 36.97 A 
    The It is 85A
    So how is Iz taking into account installation conditions.
    I know I have a misunderstanding somewhere, which is frustrating me no end Slight smile

  • This is the thing.  What is Iz.

    I think that you are making things too complicated.

    It and Iz are defined in Part 2 (page 46). The definitions are repeated in Appendix 4, paragraph 3 (page 423).

    If the installation conditions match one of the tables in Appendix 4, let's say 4D1A for singles in conduit on a wall, RM B, just use It, which is the same as Iz.

    However, Iz could be higher or lower if the ambient temperature is not 30°C or the conductor operating temperature is not 70°C; or for grouping or other installation methods.

    Paragraph 5 points out that you do not need to know Iz if the cable size is obtained from the tables, with corrections as appropriate.

  • This is the thing.  What is Iz.

    I think that you are making things too complicated.

    It and Iz are defined in Part 2 (page 46). The definitions are repeated in Appendix 4, paragraph 3 (page 423).

    If the installation conditions match one of the tables in Appendix 4, let's say 4D1A for singles in conduit on a wall, RM B, just use It, which is the same as Iz.

    However, Iz could be higher or lower if the ambient temperature is not 30°C or the conductor operating temperature is not 70°C; or for grouping or other installation methods.

    Paragraph 5 points out that you do not need to know Iz if the cable size is obtained from the tables, with corrections as appropriate.

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