New amendments (plural)

Just in case not everyone's on the IET's mailing list:

AMD 3 is out:

and there's a DPC in the pipeline for the 4th amendment!

   - Andy.

  • The IET advertising flyer that came to me by email says the current brown book will be in use until 2026, so we don’t need a new book for two years.

    I guess sales of BS7671 have slowed down with people waiting to see if there is going to be a new book soon and the IET want to get sales back by  confirming it will be used for two more years.

  • The IET advertising flyer that came to me by email says the current brown book will be in use until 2026, so we don’t need a new book for two years.

    I guess sales of BS7671 have slowed down with people waiting to see if there is going to be a new book soon and the IET want to get sales back by  confirming it will be used for two more years.

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