New amendments (plural)

Just in case not everyone's on the IET's mailing list:

AMD 3 is out:

and there's a DPC in the pipeline for the 4th amendment!

   - Andy.

  • Good afternoon Andy

    I would be interested in people views on AMD 3 post DPC now the amendment has been published.

    I suppose the IET have said that an amendment 4 DPC is in the pipeline that will solve the question of amendment or 19th Edition?


  • I would be interested in people views on AMD 3 post DPC now the amendment has been published.

    They certainly seem to have gone down the minimalist route - a single sentence and no mention of power flow at all - so they certainly seem to have "designed out" a lot of the objections/confusion to the DPC. I guess some say it's too brief and won't be understandable by some, but I suppose that's where guidance comes in. I don't thin it's a bad attempt.

      - Andy.

  • The IET advertising flyer that came to me by email says the current brown book will be in use until 2026, so we don’t need a new book for two years.

    I guess sales of BS7671 have slowed down with people waiting to see if there is going to be a new book soon and the IET want to get sales back by  confirming it will be used for two more years.

  • I think they've done an excellent job. Less is more, so condensing down to one sentence which elegantly conveys what is necessary is sublime.

    I particularly like that it’s a normative requirement to “take account off” – it’s a nice balance which meets the objective of what’s nescessary at this point whilst avoiding overreaching when we don’t quite have the underpinning principles in place.

    I wonder if Amendment 4 will get some balls rolling on trying to get the principles sorted?

  • So I've downloaded the amendment three PDF. 

    Its got like two definitions and a couple of lines on Chapter 53

    Is that it? No other amendments?

    Kind Regards


  • Is that it? No other amendments?

    I can imagine training providers crying in their beer! On the other hand, having read responses from Keir Stitt and others to a recent post on the subject, it is more complex than it might seem! 

  • I downloaded the 3rd amendment, had a read at it, considered exactly what it states and rferes to.

    I think, its short sweet and to the point, and to myself states exactly the detail that should be considered and applied with regards the subject described, and definition etc.

    I think the " Little is more" approach has maybe stirred a few feathers, for once its likley the importance of the subject matter thats driven this 3rd amendment rather than the quantity of detail that one would normally see in an amendment to BS7671:

    Cheers GTB