Just in case not everyone's on the IET's mailing list:
AMD 3 is out: https://electrical.theiet.org/bs-7671/updates-to-18th-edition
and there's a DPC in the pipeline for the 4th amendment!
- Andy.
Just in case not everyone's on the IET's mailing list:
AMD 3 is out: https://electrical.theiet.org/bs-7671/updates-to-18th-edition
and there's a DPC in the pipeline for the 4th amendment!
- Andy.
Is that it? No other amendments?
I can imagine training providers crying in their beer! On the other hand, having read responses from Keir Stitt and others to a recent post on the subject, it is more complex than it might seem!
Is that it? No other amendments?
I can imagine training providers crying in their beer! On the other hand, having read responses from Keir Stitt and others to a recent post on the subject, it is more complex than it might seem!
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