Adequate protection of balanced 3P Circuit , no neutral , no cpc

Hello - we have an installation that is proposing to use multiple sets of LV AC in parallel, terminated at at ACB at load side and taken directly from a transformer at supply side. What is the best way of protecting the cable where the TX does not include a neutral / earth point so there is no cpc. 

Plan is to install using unarmored single core cables run in trefoil.

How could we adequately monitor / protect these cables? 

Would an IMD device be ineffective as there is no earth fault return path for the AC circuit that is running in i.e. no cpc dedicated or armoured or is it still possible to place an IMD monitoring each phase and provide a dedicated earthing connection for the IMD only? 

What other options for protection are available in this scenario? 

  • what happens in fault ? - if we ground one of the 'phase' cables does the system keep running, with the other 2 phases now at  higher offset voltage to earth and the faulty one at zero volts? Is this acceptable to the load side wiring ? On second fault on another phase over current will operate...(!)

    If the 3 phases are fully floating what stops them floating up to a voltage that is a sizeable fraction of the transformer primary voltage, via the inter-winding capacitance ?

    I assume from your description the TX secondary is a delta ? One can externally create a centre for fault detection / earth leakage tripping with 3 identical impedances - special ZZZ transformers are made for this.

    A bit more info would help.

  • Dyn11 TX, so the secondary does has a star point but the OEM has specified only brining phase conductors to the LV Circuit Protection Device for their equipment. 

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