Last week was the annual stress test of the NICEIC inspection.

Much made of additional admin requirements which will be checked next time round.

Today a survey from NICEIC to see if i would be interested in a two, or even three year period between inspections.

Ummmmm - might be !

  • Clause 14 of the IET Electrotechnical Assessment Scheme allows a maximum interval of 3 years given due risk assessment.

    I am inspected annually and have been since in gained membership of the NICEIC in 1986. My first Area Engineer was with me for 25 years and witnessed my family grow up and me lose my youthful looks to the vagaries of time. Two engineers for the last 14 years were always made welcome in my home where I have my office.  Whilst I might be a worthy low risk candidate for 3 yearly assessments, I think I would miss the annual technical kick about with very well-informed gentlemen. 

  • Clause 14 of the IET Electrotechnical Assessment Scheme allows a maximum interval of 3 years given due risk assessment.

    I am inspected annually and have been since in gained membership of the NICEIC in 1986. My first Area Engineer was with me for 25 years and witnessed my family grow up and me lose my youthful looks to the vagaries of time. Two engineers for the last 14 years were always made welcome in my home where I have my office.  Whilst I might be a worthy low risk candidate for 3 yearly assessments, I think I would miss the annual technical kick about with very well-informed gentlemen. 

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