1 minute read time.

The SESAME (South East Scotland Afternoon Meetings and Events) section is part of the IET's South East Scotland Network.

As our name suggests we arrange events within the South East of Scotland with a focus on being both a social and technical group.

All our events and other activities are multi-disciplinary, addressing a wide range of current engineering and technology topics of interest to both specialist and generalist alike.

Our talks, by an invited speaker, are held at Edinburgh Napier University Craiglockhart Campus with the presentation followed by afternoon tea and discussion with the speaker. They are open to the public and are free. Registration is not necessary but is helpful for us to manage the event. Our technical visits are generally within an hour’s drive of Edinburgh and normally involve meeting locally for lunch followed by the visit. Visit attendee numbers can be limited thus registration is essential. Visit attendees pay for their own lunch

We organised two talks and two visits in the period February to May 2023.

We are pleased to say that our Autumn session is as below

Planning for 2024 is well underway. A further blog post will be issued when we have the first half of the programme confirmed.

If you live in Scotland or are just visiting us, we'd love to see you at one of our events! 

Further details about SESAME can be found on the South East Scotland Local Network EngX page Scotland South East