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  • This May Use RBAC To Spring Clean Your Technology Estate !

    This May Use RBAC To Spring Clean Your Technology Estate !

    The month of May usually finds us going through the cycle of spring cleaning. This allows our space to be regulated of what is no longer required, or understanding that the short term fix is now actually part of day to day activities or even that the core components of our environment are not refining themselves anymore because of the clutter. Often, in high profile transactional environments, the tech stack is constantly in a state of tactical or strategic flux. It organically builds where it heads to either a bottleneck of services or where the ability to scale is diminished - simply because the clutter is too much. Whilst business managers may use tracking schedules of a project to give a sense of accountability, technology focused individuals usually derive the same level of accountability…

    Rimesh Patel
  • Aircraft Propulsion Systems

    Aircraft Propulsion Systems

    Dr Paul Robertson of Cambridge University Engineering Departrment will present on the technical merits and drawbacks of propulsion systems for light aircraft.  Come along to Cambridge University Engineering Department in Trumpingto Streer on Thursday 19 May at 1830 hrs.  Refreshments from 1800 hrs.

    David Blake
  • Bosch are seeking IoT ideas from young engineers...

    Bosch are seeking IoT ideas from young engineers...

    Calling female engineers, do you have an idea that by harnessing the universal connectivity of the Internet of Things, would make the world a better place? If so Bosch UK would like to hear from you.  To read more, and find out how you can share your ideas visit: www.bosch.co.uk/betweenuswecan #BetweenUsWeCan

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    Former Community Member
  • Speaker Highlight - The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025

    Speaker Highlight - The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025

    Professor Timothy Evans, National Director of Clinical Productivity is another one of our expert speakers, presenting at The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025. Timothy Evans qualified in 1979 at the University of Manchester, and underwent post registration medical training at the London postgraduate hospitals, and at the University of Sheffield where he completed a PhD. He undertook postdoctoral research as an MRC travelling fellow at the University of California San Francisco, returning to London in 1985 and receiving further training in pulmonary and critical care medicine. Since 1987 he has been Consultant in Intensive Care & Thoracic Medicine, Royal Brompton Hospital, London; and from 1996 Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, Imperial College London. He is currently National…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • The day your career takes off – Futures Day 15 July 2016

    The day your career takes off – Futures Day 15 July 2016

    Taking place at the famous Farnborough International Airshow, Futures Day will demonstrate the many exciting and rewarding career opportunities that are available in the Aerospace and Defence sectors. -We’ll get your pulse racing with a spectacular three and a half hour flying display -Network with companies who employ trainees, apprentices, interns and graduates -Engage with universities and discover cutting edge technology -Attend career clinics and get a free speedy ‘CV check’ -Gain invaluable careers advice from those in the industry   If you are aged between 16-21 and part of a school, university or youth group you can attend for free. For details on how to register a group click here .

  • Speaker Highlight - The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025

    Speaker Highlight - The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025

    Join us at the upcoming event The Future of Medicine – The Role of the Doctors in 2025, we are delighted to announce our speaker at 3.40pm will be; Professor David Thwaites, Director of the Institute of Medical Physics will be presenting on “Towards adaptive biological targeting in radiation oncology using hybrid imaging and treatment delivery systems.”   Radiotherapy advances have always been intrinsically linked to physics and technology developments. Increasingly sophisticated equipment and methods have evolved for treatment delivery, treatment planning (modelling the interaction of radiation beams and human tissues/structures) and imaging for radiotherapy (for diagnosis, staging, target and other delineation, as well as for verification and image-guidance of the treatment).  These have…

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    Former Community Member
  • Speaker Highlight - The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025

    Speaker Highlight - The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025

    The Future of Medicine – Role of Doctors in 2025 is fast approaching, see another one of our expert speakers at the event on Thursday 19 May 2016; Dr May Abdel-Wahab, Director of the Division of Human Health, Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications International Atomic Energy Agency will be speaking on “Building global partnerships for improving healthcare.” The complex issues surrounding the optimal delivery of and access to quality healthcare have been recognized world-wide. However, the relative paucity of resources in the face of continuously increasing healthcare needs is a challenge. The presentation aims at demonstrating the value of partnerships in improving healthcare through providing real life examples seen in an international organization Partnerships can vary in scope and…

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    Former Community Member
  • Apollo 13 - How NASA Saved The Crew Of The Crippled Moon Mission

    Apollo 13 - How NASA Saved The Crew Of The Crippled Moon Mission

    We’ve all seen the movie and watched Tom Hanks (as Jim Lovell) and his fellow crew members survive the near catastrophic explosion that crippled the Apollo 13 spacecraft, but what was it actually like being in Mission Control on the 11 th 17 th April in 1970?   The planned lunar landing was instantly called off and the new challenge was to get the spacecraft safely back to Earth. When the carbon dioxide in the three astronaut’s exhaled breath threatened to asphyxiate them, the crew improvised a filter device, which had been tested in Mission Control, to make the air breathable. Only hours before hurtling back into the atmosphere did they power up the Apollo spacecraft again not knowing if it had been fatally damaged in the explosion.   Our event this evening  (May 5th) at the Cameo Hotel in…

    Alex Barrett
  • Speaker Highlight - The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025

    Speaker Highlight - The Future Of Medicine - The Role Of Doctors In 2025

    We are delighted to share the presentation title and biography for, Dr Arvind Madan, who will be speaking at our upcoming The Future of Medicine event. Director of Primary Care. Dr Madan will be speaking on “Role of the Doctor in 2025”   Dr Arvind Madan was appointed as Director of Primary Care for NHS England in December 2015. His early focus is on addressing some of the significant challenges general practice faces, and how the service can be supported to deliver the 5-year Forward View. This will require exploring the areas of financial sustainability, recruitment, workload, organisational forms, quality of care and morale. His plan is to develop a more meaningful relationship between NHS England and the profession, bring frontline insight into decision-making and contribute to the development…

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  • About The IET Anglian Coastal Network

    About The IET Anglian Coastal Network

    The volunteers of the IET Anglian Coastal Network organise events and other activities covering engineering and technology topics for engineers and also members of the public who have an interest in engineering and technology. Even if you’re not a member of the IET, you’re still welcome to join us at any of our events . We cover the areas of both Norfolk and Suffolk and organise activities in both counties. Our lectures usually alternate between venues in Norwich and Copdock (near Ipswich). We also organise occasional visits to places of engineering interest across the entire area too.  We’re always looking for ideas and suggestions for events and visits etc so if there is something you would like us to organise, or to help you to organise, please get in touch with us or let us know via our…

    Alex Barrett
  • First IET CoderDojo Club was a Success!

    First IET CoderDojo Club was a Success!

    The IET first ever CoderDojo club took place on Saturday 30 April, at our Stevenage office! CoderDojo  is a global movement of free, volunteer-led,  community based programming clubs for young people. At a Dojo, young people, between 7 and 17, learn how to code, develop websites, apps, programs, games and explore technology in an informal and creative environment. In addition to learning to code attendees meet like minded people and are exposed to the possibilities of technology. I had just over 30 children attend, some accompanied by their parents. The feedback received so far has been fantastic and a lot of the children are excited to join future sessions. The first club focused on building a website and a game using HTML and Scratch. Whilst classes are open to girls and boys, I put an emphasis…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • President of the IET, Naomi Climer, speaks to Radio NZ "Why can't engineers be as famous as rock stars?"

    President of the IET, Naomi Climer, speaks to Radio NZ "Why can't engineers be as famous as rock stars?"

    We were very fortunate to have the President of the IET, Naomi Climer, visiting us recently.  She spoke to Radio NZ about engineering while here.  It's a very interesting interview, I encourage you all to have a listen.  You can find it here .

    Karla Smith
  • Member Of IET Shortlisted For WeAreTheCity's Top 100 Rising Star Awards 2016

    Member Of IET Shortlisted For WeAreTheCity's Top 100 Rising Star Awards 2016

    It has been announced that a member of the IET, Susan McDonald, has been shortlisted for WeAreTheCity’s top 100 Rising Star Awards 2016.   Susan is shortlisted in WeAreTheCity’s top 10 shortlist for the Diversity category, in recognition of her work with Women in National Grid (WiNG), in addition to her role within RIIO Delivery as the SWW Submissions Manager, and her passion to promote careers in engineering and the energy industry.   There is now a public vote open from today, 25 April to Friday 27 May, where you have the opportunity to cast your vote of support.   Please take a couple of minutes to support Susan by voting for her  in the Diversity shortlist category. You will be asked to complete your first name, surname and email address. Please then select ‘Diversity’ from the drop-down…

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    Former Community Member
  • Welcome To The New Library Service At Savoy Place

    Welcome To The New Library Service At Savoy Place

    If you have visited Savoy Place this year, you will have noticed considerable changes in the building. We have a new Faraday Centre for IET members, which includes a cafe, lounge areas, meeting rooms and the new Knowledge Centre. This is the home of the IET's Library service. The Knowledge Centre contains around 5 years of books, as well as popular journals and access to the IET's electronic resources - the Virtual Library books and databases; British Standards online; IEEExplore and the IET's Digital Library. We can also show you the new ES Plus (the digital version of the Wiring Regulations) and sell you popular IET books and Member and Fellow Ties. Those of you who remember the old Library Reading Room on the first floor will be pleased to hear that it is still being used by the Library…

    Anne Locker
  • The contribution of women in engineering

    The contribution of women in engineering

    IET President Naomi Climer discusses the current position of women in the engineering workforce, and her plans to increase their number. Read more...

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  • Inspirational Graduate Engineer

    Inspirational Graduate Engineer

    Ozak started work as a graduate engineer for Cundall, a multidisciplinary engineering consultancy, whilst finishing her PhD in electronic and electrical engineering. Her current role involves designing buildings’ electrical services. - The IET Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Naomi Climer (IET President) Presents At The CIGRE Women's Network Launch Event

    Naomi Climer (IET President) Presents At The CIGRE Women's Network Launch Event

    Fifty female engineers from the power sector attended the CIGRE (“The International Council for High Voltage Networks”) UK Women’s Network Launch at the University of Warwick recently and the IET were there to support this initiative. Read more...

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    Former Community Member
  • Robotics Start ups and spin outs

    Robotics Start ups and spin outs

    In early March, the Robotics & Mechatronics TPN, together the KTN RAS SIG organised a robotics spin out/ start up event at the Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry.  It was a fine example of a collaborative event and organisations with the same aims working together. The event focused on start-up and spin out opportunities in robotics autonomous systems and began with a lively lunch networking session.   Gordon Attenborough, IET Head of Sectors, and Simon Yarwood, KTN, opened the event and topics included: An overview of the current RAS landscape and background of the Midlands ecosystem First-hand accounts from a selection of companies that have already undergone the start-up or spin out process An insight into key business skills, with sessions covering Marcomms, Design and Manufacturing…

  • IET NorCal PATW Held On 23rd April 2016

    IET NorCal PATW Held On 23rd April 2016

    Last weekend, the IET NorCal held their second IET NorCal PATW (Present Around The World) competition. It was held at UC Berkeley. We had seven very good speakers presenting on a wide range of subjects about which they were all clearly very passionate. As with last year’s talks, the event was both inspirational and educational. Inspirational because of the number of enthusiastic and articulate scientists and engineers that want to make their mark; educational because the topics ranged from combat robotics to gravity lighting! The audience found the talks very interesting based on the number of questions asked. One standout feature of the event was the number of people who came to watch the presenters. It was great to see them turn up to support their friends and colleagues.   The presentations…

    Allan Casey
  • Megaw Memorial Lecture 2016

    Megaw Memorial Lecture 2016

    Six final year students from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen’s University, Belfast recently competed in the Megaw Memorial Lecture, showcasing their findings from their final year projects. In front of a strong crowd, the students presented demonstrations and explained their work, helping to commemorate Dr. Eric Megaw, a Queen’s graduate, who pioneered many radar innovations. The presenters and titles of their presentations were: Joseph Murray, mbed Gen-set Controller Henry Hui, Simulation of Dallas Rangemaster using Nodal DK Timothy Montieth, Looking through the Eyes of a Robot d*** Zhangliang, Real-Time Sound Synthesis on Parallella Boards Nilki Weerawardana, Motion planning algorithm for maritime vehicles Conor Robinson, Analogue Acoustic…

    Eoin McGread
  • TV Connect 2016

    TV Connect 2016

    TV Connect 2016 ran at London's ExCel exhibition centre last week.  Whilst it is nowhere near as large an exhibition as IBC or NAB, it is good to have a local exhibition where UK-based engineers and visitors can see and discuss modern television technology and trends.

    Graham Turner
  • Hertha Marks Ayrton - First Woman Member of the IEE -  Celebrated in a Google Doodle

    Hertha Marks Ayrton - First Woman Member of the IEE - Celebrated in a Google Doodle

    Hertha Marks Ayrton was an award-winning English engineer, mathematician, inventor and physicist,  best known for her ground-breaking work on electric arcs and sand ripples. - The Telegraph Read more... Hertha was also the first woman member of the IEE.

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  • 2016-04-21 Aviation Electronics Europe, Munich

    2016-04-21 Aviation Electronics Europe, Munich

    Last week was glorious spring weather in Munich, with scarcely a cloud in the sky – but I’d been stuck indoors!  That sounds like a complaint, but wasn't really because being indoors was at the Aviation Electronics Europe Conference and exhibition in Munich, of which the IET was on the Advisory Committee, chaired one of the sessions (on ADS-B) and was instrumental in supporting a well-attended workshop jointly organised with the RAeS on RPAS (Remotely Piloted Airborne Systems – often also called UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). There was really too much to take in.  As well as an exhibition with nearly 40 stands from many well-known and less well known avionics systems vendors, there were several workshops on various elements of avionics technology.  No matter what your interests, there was…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • IET Singapore Chair gives talk in China

    IET Singapore Chair gives talk in China

    Chairman of Singapore Network Dr Bicky Bhangu represents IET Aerospace TPN and IET Singapore LN to give talk in the 3rd International Symposium on More Electric Aircrafts Technology on 12~13 April 2016.

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