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This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Another Chance To Attend New IET Courses

    Another Chance To Attend New IET Courses

    If you weren't lucky enough to book onto one of our new courses that I wrote about in November , then the good news is that you have another chance.   Commercial Awareness for Technical People The aim of this one day course is to expose the commercial context within which technical work is carried out. It is to allow technical staff to understand how they fit into a larger picture,why they may be asked to undertake tasks that may not appear to be technical and the impact their interactions have within the commercial context. Project Management Techniques The aim of this course is to provide project managers with a toolkit they can use on their projects. The tools range from the simple that can be used on all projects to the advanced that can be used where appropriate. These are two of a portfolio…

    Kathryn Bain
  • A Robust Framework is a Great Asset

    A Robust Framework is a Great Asset

    What do Highways England and The Environmental Agency have in common? With help from CH2M, they are both implementing robust asset management systems that will be the firm foundation for their strategic plans to provide us with the service that we (English customers) desire.    In a well-attended Central London evening lecture at Savoy Place on 13-Jan-2016, we were well informed by not one, not two, but six speakers, each covering their specific part, followed by a lively Q&A panel session.  After a clear introduction to the concepts and standards by CH2M, we heard from TEAM 2100 (Thames Estuary Asset Management) followed by Highways England.    The scale of the challenge is awesome, not least owing to the sheer number of assets in their portfolios.  Consider: 21900 miles of road, 18500 bridges…

    David Tabor
  • Are you interested in a technical trip to Japan - read on!!!

    Are you interested in a technical trip to Japan - read on!!!

    The IET Manufacturing TPN, in association with Inside Japan,  are looking into organising  a visit to Japan flying direct from London Heathrow to Tokyo.    The visit would be fully escorted throughout with visits to Toyota, Mazda and Honda production and innovation centres. All internal travel is included either by private coach or public transport including the Bullet train.  All accommodation is included with private facilities at all destinations.   There is time outside of the program to visit recognised attractions at various centres.   The estimated cost will be around £4500.00 per person (plus individual insurance) dependent upon response.   If you would be interested in such a visit please contact Joanne Longton by email.   We have some interest expressed already but we need to gauge…

    Joanne Longton
  • Iris Ageing in IET Biometrics Journal

    Iris Ageing in IET Biometrics Journal

    The IET would like to bring to your attention that from time to time issues arise within the research community which spark widespread debate and, sometimes, disagreement. The question of “iris ageing” - specifically, the effect of the passage of time on the recognition of individuals based on the analysis of their iris characteristics is an issue which has been generating considerable debate in recent months. Two key papers in this area have been published from authors who have rather different views on topic.      One of these contributions is "A critical examination of the IREX VI results" which argues that improvements in the methodology used in the NIST report would lead to uncovering of an ageing trend leading to a decrease in recognition rate over time.  The second paper (written by…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Alan Watts on G4F

    Alan Watts on G4F

    Earlier this month, Alan Watts, former IET Trustee, visited Solent LN to discuss with the network the G4F proposals and upcoming members' vote. As a former trustee and the principal driving force behind the new G4F proposals, Alan was excellently placed to explain the reasoning behind the proposed changes and painted a very clear picture of how the changes would affect IET Council and the running of the IET. The Council is an advisory body for the IET with over 70 seats at present. If successful, the new G4F proposal will see this reduce to 27 members 1 president. These 27 members will be split across three boards; a Membership and Professional Development Board, a Knowledge Services Board, and a new Volunteer Engagement Board. As well as forming these three boards, the Council members will…

    Joe Dunn
  • Call For Experts for Satellite Systems & Applications Executive Team

    Call For Experts for Satellite Systems & Applications Executive Team

    We’re just about to start formulating our programme of activities for the 2016-17 session and in order to ensure we have a good balance of committee members that is representative of both academia and industry; we are particularly keen to hear from academics who may be interesting in joining our team of volunteers.   We are also keen to hear from female engineers in any area of Space Systems & Applications whether in academia or industry.   We cover the areas of satellite systems, space vehicles and earth stations and their use for applications encompassing communications, navigation, earth observation, remote sensing and space exploration.    To give you an idea of the type of activities/content we organised, here is a list of what we’ve either done just recently or are currently looking to…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Event Review - Passive Components In Power Electronics

    Event Review - Passive Components In Power Electronics

    Bill Drury, Chair of the PEMD TPN shares his thoughts on the TPN's latest event...   "The Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) community gathered at Austin Court, Birmingham on 1 st December 2015 for a one day seminar “Passive Components for Power Electronics” organised by the IET PEMD TPN with the support of the EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics.  Over 70 attended with a good balance between academia and industry.   Passive components typically account for around 50% of the volume and weight of a power electronic converter, and with faster switching speeds and operating frequencies their design is critical to optimised solutions. Their importance has been recognised by the EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics, which has a dedicated theme to components.   This seminar brought together…

    Gemma Hadley
  • Executive Committee

    Executive Committee

    The IET Multimedia Communications Committee organises programme of activities for engineers working within the Multimedia, Broadcasting and Communications Industries .  All of these events and activities are made possible by the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers.   If you would like to know more about the committee or volunteer your time to help with our activities, please get in touch .   Graham Turner Chairman   Martin Russ Member  Stephen Plunkett Member Laurence Murphy Member Ratnasabapathy Jananthan Member

    Phoebe Houssein
  • IET Auckland Network Committee Members 2017 - 18

    IET Auckland Network Committee Members 2017 - 18

    Warren McLuckie, Chairman Luca Parisi, Vice Chairman Julia Zhou, Secretary George Arulanantham, Treasurer Alice Chan, Committee member Frank Lewis, Committee member Chris Johnston, Committee member Andy Peacock, Committee member

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • NI IET Annual Dinner

    NI IET Annual Dinner

    This year, our Annual Dinner will be taking place in the Europa Hotel on 21st April 2016. The Deputy President of the IET, Nick Winser will be attending and the after dinner entertainment will be announced soon. Save the date! Contact cmalone@theiet.org for more details

    Eoin McGread
  • Nominations open for the Young Rail Professional of the Year 2016

    Nominations open for the Young Rail Professional of the Year 2016

    We are looking for this year’s Young Rail Professional of the Year.   The award, sponsored by CPC Project Services, will be presented to the rising star who has demonstrated an outstanding contribution, ability and commitment to their role.   The winner will be announced on Friday 8 April in front of over 400 of the railways young talents and one of the industry’s most influential leaders, Sir Peter Hendy, chairman of Network Rail, at the YRP Annual Dinner  at the National Railway Museum in York. Nominations are now open, so get your submission in! Download a nomination form h ere For more information on the submission rules click here.   If you have any questions please click here to email . The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 1 March 2016 . Good luck.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • The Just Not Sorry app is keeping women trapped in a man's world

    The Just Not Sorry app is keeping women trapped in a man's world

    ''I’m sorry to do this to you but this is yet another piece on “Just Not Sorry” because I just don’t quite get it, apologies. I know you’re busy, so I’ll keep it brief.  Here is my problem: when did being polite become a bad thing?'' - Harriet Minter, The Guardian Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • She just got a prosthetic arm...

    She just got a prosthetic arm...

    The smile on her face is everything.  #engineersinspire 

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • “Should Humans Go to Mars”

    “Should Humans Go to Mars”

    This is a question full of engineering, medical, and social issues all intertwined. Teachers find it easier to teach the facts and figures in science and math than to explore the debate that comes with it. Josh Doyle from Gallomanor Communiciations Ltd is preparing a Space Debate Kit, the 11th in their series of kits, which will provide everything teachers need to get their students discussing the issues behind sending humans to Mars.  Previous kits can be found here: http://debate.imascientist.org.uk/ . The kit will follow a tried and tested format, based on character cards and lesson notes. It will include 8 debate cards outlining the opinions of different fictional characters with an interest in human space flight, and teacher notes to help carry the lesson effectively. The debate will help…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • People To Live In A 3D Printed Village On The Moon

    People To Live In A 3D Printed Village On The Moon

    Earth’s relationship with the Moon has changed significantly since our first foray to its surface. The moon went from being the ultimate goal of the 60s space race to being overshadowed by the prospect of deeper space exploration . Today the Moon is as important as ever, it is back in the news as an integral part of future space travel. The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced a plan to 3D print a lunar village in the 2020’s. This is planned to be a permanent fixture that will replace the International Space Station (ISS). If all goes to plan then this will be the first permanent settlement for humans in space. The lunar village will be home to astronauts where they will be able to further experiments and space exploration. The benefits of this village would include: -Establishing telescopes…

  • Would You Go to Mars? Meet the Four Women Astronauts Who Can't Wait to Go

    Would You Go to Mars? Meet the Four Women Astronauts Who Can't Wait to Go

    '' Would you take the trip? The average temperature on Mars is 81 degrees below zero. But scientists say that in 15 years, we may be able to visit, even live there. Pictured here, four who'd love a ticket: astronauts Nicole Aunapu Mann, Anne McClain, Jessica Meir, and Christina Hammock Koch'' Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Members asked to vote on changes to modernise IET governance

    Members asked to vote on changes to modernise IET governance

    Your vote on future governance matters. The IET’s Board of Trustees, supported by Council, has put forward resolutions to strengthen the IET’s leadership and governance, and to improve the way in which Council operates, so that it is better placed to meet the needs of its members in future. Please take a couple of minutes to vote on these resolutions ahead of the Special General Meeting (SGM) on Thursday 11 February 2016.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET Annual Dinner 2016

    IET Annual Dinner 2016

    The IET Annual Dinner continues to be the leading engineering and technology networking event of the year and we invite you to join us once again at the Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel for another fantastic evening in stunning surroundings. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • 2015/16 Committee Members

    2015/16 Committee Members

    Here is the Bristol Network committee for the 2015/16 season:   Vice Chair / Acting Chair: Jeremy Boyd   2 ND Vice Chair: Junichi Sugiura CEng FIET Honorary Secretary: Junichi Sugiura CEng FIET Honorary Treasurer: Eur Ing Dr Russell Haines CEng FIET Young Professionals’ Chair: Chris Waters MIET Professional Registration Advisor: John Garrett CEng FIET Fellow (FIET) Representative: Eur Ing Dr Russell Haines CEng FIET IEng Representative: TBD IEng MIET Schools & Colleges Liaison: Eur Ing Dr Russell Haines Becky Hutchinson CEng FIET CEng MIET Academic Liaison (UoB): Prof. Mark Beach CEng MIET Court Liaison (UoB) Eur Ing Dr Russell Haines CEng FIET Academic Liaison (UWE): Dr Pritesh Narayan MIET Industrial Liaison: Dr Qasim Al’Akayshee CEng MIET IET Connect Liaison: John Garrett CEng FIET Retired…

    James Inge
  • NASA Pioneering Electric Aircraft Developments

    NASA Pioneering Electric Aircraft Developments

    NASA has been dominating the news lately with their recent developments in electric aircraft technology. From the battery powered plane with 10 engines ‘Greased lightning (GL-10) to their LEAPTech project, we are seeing a lot of innovation that could bring us closer to the first commercial electric aircraft. The developments being made in green technology by NASA are expected to help further the commercial aerospace industry and make a $250 billion saving. NASA’s Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) project makes various claims as to how they will make such progression, including: Maturing technology in the next 5-10 years to reduce noise, fuel burn and emissions Determining the potential impact of electric/hybrid aircraft if introduced into the air transportation system Assuming that…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Keeping your skills up to date

    Keeping your skills up to date

    Perhaps you are taking a career break to raise your children, care for an elderly relative or focus on your personal or professional development. Whatever the reason, there are a few ways that you can keep connected with your industry, hone your skills and broaden your experience, so that you are prepared when the time comes to return to work. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Cyber Security Issues For BIM - FREE IET Publication

    Cyber Security Issues For BIM - FREE IET Publication

    Building Information Modelling (BIM): Addressing the cyber security issues Building Information Modelling (BIM) is going to transform the way that the architecture, construction, engineering and facilities management (FM) industries work together. This insight will look at the risks that are inherent in the adoption of BIM, in particular the need to address cyber security in the implementation of the collaborative processes and systems. Download this free IET publication here: http://www.theiet.org/sectors/built-environment/design/bim-cyber-security.cfm

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Routes into Rail Video wins first prize at the International CineRail Festival

    Routes into Rail Video wins first prize at the International CineRail Festival

    The “ Routes into Rail: What I Have Always Wanted ” video won first prize in the corporate films category at the 21st Festival International CinéRail on Thursday 17 December 2015 at the UIC in Paris. The video faced stiff competition from across Europe and the recognition comes after yet another successful year of Routes into Rail activities, which are aimed at encouraging more young people to choose a career in rail.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Next IET Bucks event

    Next IET Bucks event

    Micro-power connections to the grid is our next talk on 19th January at Bucks New Uni . See diary entry on this page for more details.

    Andrew Dodd