Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Call for papers: IEEE HISTELCON 2021, Moscow

    Call for papers: IEEE HISTELCON 2021, Moscow

    Call for papers now open for the IEEE HISTELCON conference on the history of technology, to be held in Moscow, Russia 18-20 August 2021. HISTELCON is an IEEE Region 8 conference covering topics in the area of Technology History, held about every two years. The theme for HISTELCON 2021 is: "The evolution of computer architectures and system software, the influence of social aspects on the development of computers". However, this is only the main theme and papers on all other aspects of the History of Technology relevant to IEEE scope will be welcomed. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 12 June 2021. Papers accepted and presented by an author at HISTELCON 2021 may be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and in some cases, the author(s) may be invited to prepare a revised or extended…

    Anne Locker
  • Wonders Beyond Numbers

    Wonders Beyond Numbers

    Wonders Beyond Numbers - Johnny Ball Christmas Lecture Please see https://youtu.be/8iChFzWl5Uo   for the lecture and the Q&A session afterwards. We hope you enjoy the event Derrick

    Derrick Willer
  • You Tube site for Zoom recordings

    You Tube site for Zoom recordings

    IET Cambridge have a You Tube site at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqRqghVKrnMhQpbm54PYJQ or you can search on You Tube for IET Cambridge.  On the site you will find video recordings of talks presented over Zoom.

    David Blake
  • Do You Want To Work On The World’s Most Exciting Physics Experiments & Engineering Projects?

    Do You Want To Work On The World’s Most Exciting Physics Experiments & Engineering Projects?

    Are you interested in a PhD in particle accelerator research? Want to work for a company or national laboratory that makes particle accelerators or their components?Find out more at our virtual National Particle Accelerator Open Day 3rd February 2021 . Science encompasses an extraordinary diversity of disciplines, capabilities and facilities, each contributing to the drive for new knowledge and for new solutions to existing and emerging challenges. For over half a century, particle accelerators have been at the heart of that drive. It is estimated that over 25,000 accelerators are currently in operation around the world. Some have even become household names, like the The Large Hadron Collider at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Switzerland, other accelerators are much…

    Joanne Longton
  • Happy Holiday Season, Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

    Happy Holiday Season, Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

    G’Day all This year COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes and challenges to our lives, experiencing something that is very difficult and unpredictable. My thoughts and prayers to everyone who has been affected by this terrible virus. With the year 2020 ending in the next two weeks, on behalf of CCAP members, I would like to wish you and your family a happy Holiday Season, Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year. May the holiday season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter. Thank you for all your kind support, commitment and dedication in these unprecedented times in 2020 and hoping that 2021 would be better for all of us. Stay healthy and take care! Warm wishes

    Siong Tang
  • Why You Should Share The Manufacturers Product Data Project

    Why You Should Share The Manufacturers Product Data Project

    We look back over the work of the last four months in an article designed for you to share.Over the last three months the Plain Language Guide editorial board have been developing a guide to product data for manufacturers. As part of that process, over the last three months we have written articles and held open zoom calls about them, inviting contributions from across industry. We have also held a number of valuable conversations offline with individuals and organisations. This article describes this work and how you can get involved in the production of the Guide.   About the Project We are writing a Plain Language Guide for the CEOs of Manufacturers of all sizes and their advocates, in order for them to prepare for the changes to come in their industry. Key Messages of the guide are: Why…

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • Call 7: Avoiding Failure: Product Data Post Grenfell

    Call 7: Avoiding Failure: Product Data Post Grenfell

    Watch the video of the call about the seventh article in our series on manufacturers' product data, recorded on 11th December 2020This video is a recording of a call to discuss the seventh article in the series about manufacturers product data. You can read the article and subscribe to further updates here:   Avoiding Failure: Product Data Post Grenfell Join the conversation on the blog, on the calls (registration link in each blog post) or via LinkedIn and Twitter using the hashtag #ManufacturersPLG.

  • IET Brunei Darussalam Network's 23rd AGM

    IET Brunei Darussalam Network's 23rd AGM

    13th December 2020 - The Institution of Engineering and Technology Brunei Darussalam Network held its 23 rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) last Sunday, 13 th December 2020 at Radisson Hotel, Brunei. The AGM received the Chairman’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report for the Session 2019/2020, and also the election of the new Office Bearers, Management Committee Members and Auditors for the term 2020/2021. The new management committee is comprised of professionals from both the government and private institutions. Ir. Haji Jailani bin Haji Buntar has been elected as the Honorary Chairman for the Session 2020/2021.  Also elected was Dk Roselawati binti Pg Haji Halus as the new Honorary Vice Chairman, Muhd Aminuddin bin Mohd. Yussof as the Honorary Secretary, Major (R) Wan Farhan bin Ibrahim as the…

    Aminuddin Yussof
  • Emergency On Planet Earth (IET Central London Network)

    Emergency On Planet Earth (IET Central London Network)

    “The current damage taking place on earth is the equivalent to 5 atomic bombs going off every second” explains Dr Emily Grossman, Honorary STEM Ambassador, internationally acclaimed science author, public speaker and TV personality, at the IET Central London Network Christmas webinar hosted by David Tabor. Global temperature records started in about 1850, the last 4 years have had the highest average hottest years recorded. This means that since the start of the industrial revolution, the Earth has increased its heat energy by 1°C - that's like 5 atomic bombs going off every second - and this trend is increasing. Other trends show that whilst solar radiation is not increasing, CO2 levels are proportionally increasing to align with the 1 degree heat increase, prompting Milankovitch-Cycle theories…

    Rimesh Patel
  • IET Railway Young Professionals 'Introduction To Signalling And Communication Pathway' Webinar, 10 December 2020

    IET Railway Young Professionals 'Introduction To Signalling And Communication Pathway' Webinar, 10 December 2020

    This event focus is primarily on students, early career, young professionals with the presentation focus being aimed at this audience.  This session is designed to introduce the main and basic concepts of railway signalling and why this is important in such a safety-critical system like railways. Our speaker is Nick Rodney.  Nick is a senior railway signalling engineer with more than 25 years of experience in engineering projects around the world and has recently moved to the education sector as the senior curriculum lead at the national college for advanced transport and infrastructure. Nick will explain how this has been progressed since the beginning and how young engineers can be involved in this demanding and innovative field. These online events are to help us inspire, inform and influence…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Level Up Your Career 2020: IET Young Professionals Coventry And Warwickshire

    Level Up Your Career 2020: IET Young Professionals Coventry And Warwickshire

    On Wednesday 18 th November the IET Young Professionals Network hosted their first virtual careers event called: Level Up Your Career. Click to read all about the panellists and the kind of advice that was imparted at the event... On Wednesday 18 th November the IET Young Professionals Network hosted their first virtual careers event called: Level Up Your Career. This event brought a panel together to speak about their experiences including: who they are, what their current role is, their career journey to today, what they wish they knew at the beginning of their career and other Student/Young Professional friendly advice. The panel was made of a people at different stages in their career and from different backgrounds. This ranged from Industry to Academia, and from early career to retirement…

    Vanessa Jane Stanley
  • Draft video content blog

    Draft video content blog

    Railway Young Professional Webinar Series These event focus is primarily on students, early career, young professionals with the presentation focus being aimed at this audience.  These online events are to help us inspire, inform and influence the global community of young professional engineers, supporting and promoting technology innovation to meet the needs of society.  We hope to contribute to content that young professionals will find interesting and useful and improve communications to young professionals. Friday 4 December, 13-14:30 Railway Engineering a New Horizon to Successful Future Career Andrew Boagey who is an expert in railway systems engineering with more than 25 years of experience in managing railway projects and leading engineering programmes will introduce the concept of…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Understanding What Is Project Quality Management

    Understanding What Is Project Quality Management

    Project Management and Quality Management are seen as being complimentary bodies of knowledge as both disciplines seek stakeholder satisfaction based upon the underlying aim of delivery which is on time, on budget and achieves all of the attributes as defined in the project's statement of requirements (SoR).   Project Quality Management (PQM) is defined as the process through which quality is managed throughout the project.  However, what constitutes 'Quality' varies to some extent by the client's expectation of the project deliverables which can carry a broad spectrum of requirements.  This blog post seeks to offer an understanding of what PQM is and how it compliments the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) in the delivery of given projects. In PQM there are three distinct phases…

    Louis Redding
  • UK Local Network Webinars Available To View Online

    UK Local Network Webinars Available To View Online

    Local networks in the UK have been busy hosting webinars since May 2020. If you have missed some of them, or would like to have the opportunity to watch them again, please see below what's available. Don't forget to also head over to the Technical Network Hub where you can register for upcoming webinars or watch on-demand. Gain CPD and learn about the latest developments in transport, healthcare and communications. Smart Buildings 26 May 20 East Midlands Network An Appreciation of Quantum Computing 3 Jun 20 Sussex Network Simple cyber security – stay safe online 8 Jun 20 Hereford & Worcester Network Smash your career goals 10 Jun 20 London Network Electric Vehicle Charging 16 Jun 20 North Yorkshire Aerial mapping 17 Jun 20 Surrey Network The Near Future of Conversational AI 18 Jun 20 Berkshire…

  • Event Bookings/You Tube

    Event Bookings/You Tube

    If you wish to attend an event, please ensure you register and book a place via the link on the event page.  This will ensure you are sent a Zoom link via IET systems. We are currently working on a You Tube page so recordings of talks can be downloaded.  Will be available in Mid Dec 2020.

    David Blake
  • Avoiding Failure: Product Data Post Grenfell

    Avoiding Failure: Product Data Post Grenfell

    What is happening to post-Grenfell regulation and what construction product manufacturers should consider  The Plain Language Guide project began four years ago with an attempt to look at the journey of product data through the construction and built environment ecosystem, with the Product Data Working Group set up by the UK BIM Alliance. That project reported in 2018 and you can read the report here. From the beginning this work on Product Data, both the working group report and the Plain Language Guide , was inspired by the need to address the challenges raised by the Grenfell tragedy, that has shocked so many of us and challenged us to think again about how our industry works. We’ve left writing specifically about Grenfell quite late in the series because we wanted to set out some principles…

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • It's International Volunteer Day!

    It's International Volunteer Day!

    At the IET, volunteers are at the heart of our organisation. International Volunteer Day is the perfect opportunity to reach out to the volunteers you work with and thank them for their hard work and support! In 2020 our volunteers have helped us achieve a lot throughout a very testing year! We have over 4500 IET volunteers who this year have: Helped 2,600 people gain registration accredited degrees globally that reach over 160,000 students awarded 185 scholarships awarded 13 achievement medals You can read more about the incredible work our volunteers do and how they are making a difference on our   Volunteer Hub . Please help us celebrate our volunteers and thank them for their dedication by sharing our thank you video on social media – look out for it on twitter @TheIET. Also, as part of…

    IET Editorial
  • Healthcare Webinars

    Healthcare Webinars

    Did you know about our webinars?Keep an eye out for our latest upcoming webinars! All our past webinars are available to view On Demand (please note you'll be asked to register to view these): Peter Wells Memorial Lecture Annual Healthcare Lecture AHT 2020

    Gemma Hadley
  • 12th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion

    12th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion

    The IET 2020 Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion was held virtually between the 9th and 11th November 2020. The conference was originally planned to be held with physical attendance in Paphos, Cyprus. The 12th international IET MEDPOWER conference was organized by the IET Cyprus Local Network with the contribution of the IET Greece and Malta networks. It provided the opportunity to engineers, scientists, technicians, researchers, scholars and companies, to exchange ideas and discuss the latest research achievements in academia and industry. The conference also provided a forum to create opportunities for networking and collaboration through 17 technical paper sessions. 4 Keynote speeches, 4 Project sessions, and 2 plenary sessions,…

    Christos Christou
  • The Role Of Quality Management In Supporting Efficient And Compliant Projects.

    The Role Of Quality Management In Supporting Efficient And Compliant Projects.

    As I listened to a recent IET Webinar relative to this topic delivered by our Chairman David Perton it struck me that this topic is not often covered routinely in our forums or events.  As I continued to listen several questions naturally arose some of which I list below: - What is Quality within the Project Space? - What are the cultural considerations that exist when seeking to drive a quality focus? - What Quality Tools are available for use? - What types of data exist and does this govern how Quality tools are used? - What are the distinctions between Compliance, Governance, Assurance, and Quality Control? As a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Quality Professional I feel that I am able to offer some guidance on these issues.  Going forward I will offer a monthly vignette of some of these…

    Louis Redding
  • Meet The Tribology TN Team - Introducing Kranthi Maniam

    Meet The Tribology TN Team - Introducing Kranthi Maniam

    From December 2020, the IET Tribology Technical Network are starting a new initiative to introduce the members of their Executive team to the wider Tribology community.  We start this month with an introduction to our colleague Kranthi Maniam who has a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India. Besides the research compatibility, Kranthi has experience of setting a high industry benchmarks in its core competency by developing the products/process from lab/pilot scale to industrial scale and acknowledging the efforts. He also has industrial experience in an engineering consultancy and R& D industries such as Atotech and served as an Assistant General Manager- Technical at Vishnu Group, India.  Kranthi’s primary research and engineering activities…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Santa's 2020 Cyber Debrief

    Santa's 2020 Cyber Debrief

    Reboot-Blog Alert! Rudolf has been re-fitting his fellow team with smart Covid-19 tracing mechanisms and also ensuring their sleighs have Covid-19 secure hygiene systems in place, he's updated the entire sleigh-fleet with new Industry 4.0 based GPS tracking devices. All software and hardware have also just completed vulnerability testing and he's working with the elves to address the remediation plan against the online delivery system that Santa engaged in earlier this yea r .  Santa is accountable and responsible to ensure that all individuals will receive gifts this xmas - Rudolf and the elves are working through the risk register to help Santa reduce risks identified to make sure deliveries remain successful. Santa is a founding member of the Inter-Galactic-Tech-Standards (IGTS) steering…

  • IET YPS Malaysia 150 T-shirt Design Competition

    IET YPS Malaysia 150 T-shirt Design Competition

    IET YPS Malaysia 150 T-shirt Design Competition IET 150 th anniversary year has officially begun. IET Young Professionals Section (YPS) Malaysia kickstarting the IET 150 th celebration in Malaysia with this awesome T-shirt Design Competition.   Entry Period: 29 th Nov 2020 - 17th Jan 2021 (submission before 12 noon) Who can participate: Competition is open to public (IET members and non-members from Malaysia) Prizes: First prize – Lazada Voucher RM250 + Digital Cert Second prize – Lazada Voucher RM150 + Digital Cert Third prize – Lazada Voucher RM50 + Digital Cert Notifications of Winners: Dec / January 2021 How to participate For T-shirt design, format MUST be in .AI and .JPEG (both required). Send your T-shirt design together with registration form to: wengmun.ng@ietvolunteer.org ; CC: TengHwang…

    Dr John Tan
  • #PurpleLightUp


    #PurpleLightUp   Published     #PurpleLightUp is a global movement that celebrates and draws attention to the economic contribution of the 386 million disabled employees around the world. 3 December is #PurpleLightUp    day

    David Blake