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  • Why do some of our events not work out?

    Why do some of our events not work out?

    Yesterday we had an IET Switzerland committee meeting. We discussed (among other things) attendance at our activities. Recently we had to cancel an event because too few people registered. Other events work out really well. General trend is however a noticable decline in attendance. Why do some events succeed and others not? Starting time on a working day? Our host cannot open for us on a Saturday? Not an interesting subject? We would like your comments on this subject.

    Paul Hulbert
  • Resources


    Safety Resources Many areas of the IET have an involvement in safety-related work.  Here is a summary of some of the safety-related resources available online from the IET. IET.tv Video Presentations: SIL Determination Seminar 2014 - London, 11 Dec 2014 9th International System Safety and Cyber Security Conference - Manchester, 14-16 Oct 2014 8th International Confrence on System Safety, incorporating the Cyber Security Conference  - Cardiff, 15-17 Oct 2013 21st Safety-critical Systems Symposium - Bristol, 5-7 Feb 2013 How To Stop Data Causing Harm  - Safety Critical Systems Club seminar, London, 4 Dec 2012 7th International Conference on System Safety, incorporating the Cyber Security Conference  - Edinburgh, 15-18 Oct 2012 SIL Determination Seminar 2008 - 5 Dec 2008 Factfiles: EMC and Functional…

    James Inge
  • Post ARSR / SWICOM thoughts

    Post ARSR / SWICOM thoughts

    The Second Joint International Workshop on Applied Radio Systems Research and Smart Wireless Communications (ARSR/SWICOM 2013) co-organised by University of Bedfordshire and University of Manchester, took place at the University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK. The objective of the workshop is to bring together early stage researchers and engineers from both academia and industry who contribute to the on-going trends and advances in applied radio systems and smart wireless communications research, such as cognitive radio, software defined radio, smart antennas, wireless sensor networks, etc. I attended the conference on behalf of the IET’s Antennas & Propagation Technical & Professional Network, and was impressed by the standard of the papers and posters presented. From a non-technical perspective…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Women in STEM: it's time to take ownership of being female

    Women in STEM: it's time to take ownership of being female

    Why do women feel they must abandon their female identity in order to work in science, technology, engineering or maths? Is this staement correct?

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Australia's Future Energy With Nigel Fine

    Australia's Future Energy With Nigel Fine

    IET Victoria was delighted to have Nigel Fine (Chief Executive and Secretary of the IET) deliver an opening address to its members at a seminar on the perceived effects of the recently introduced Carbon Tax on the generation of energy in Australia. The seminar consisted of a panel of representatives from various stakeholder organisations in the energy industry, each delivering their interpretation of the likely effects of the Carbon Tax on their respective methods of energy generation. This was followed by an open Question and Answer session with the attendees, with the late Robert Jones acting as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. The seminar took place on October 15, 2012 at the Kaleide Theatre at the City Campus of RMIT University in the Melbourne CBD. The Master of Ceremonies for the…

    Rowan P
  • Bristol Present Around the World Results

    Bristol Present Around the World Results

    The Bristol heat of the IET Present Around the World competition took place on the 15th of May - There were 7 very interesting and very well prepared presentations. There was a great diverstity of topics, ranging from the very technical, such as the use of fuel cells in aerospace, to more social with the role of women in engineering. The winner was Faraz Khan who took us on a journey into Interstellar Flights - his presentation " Propulsion Methods for Interstellar Flight " analysed all the possible methods (Nuclear pulse propulsion, Fusion rockets, Antimatter propulsion, Beamed propulsion) and quantified in detail that Intestellar flights is a possibility of the near fututre! The runner-up was Adam Hill who presented " Thermal Imaging Camera use of next generation maintenace of Aerospace Hydrogen…

    James Inge
  • Vale Dr Robert Jones

    Vale Dr Robert Jones

    IET Victoria was saddened to learn recently of the passing of one of its committee members - Dr Robert Jones. Robert was an enthusiastic member on the IET Victoria committee and was instrumental in the execution of IET Victoria's seminar on "Australia's Future Energy" when Nigel Fine (IET CES) visited in October 2012. He acted as the Master of Ceremonies on the night, and also assisted in forming the panel of guest speakers. The IET Victoria committee is grateful for his injection of ideas and determination to disseminate engineering truths to the wider public, and offers its condolences to the family and friends of Dr Robert Jones.

    Rowan P
  • IET Local Network Prize - 2013 - RMIT University

    IET Local Network Prize - 2013 - RMIT University

    Anthony Leigh Lyngcoln, who completed a four year Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) degree with first class honours in 2012, was this year's recipient of the IET Local Network Prize at RMIT. Two representatives from the IET Victoria Young Professionals Section recently attended the RMIT University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Student Awards Ceremony to present the IET Local Network Prize for 2013. Rowan Pattieson (Chairperson) presented the award on behalf of IET Victoria, and Sam Joy (Vice-Chairperson) was also in attendance to network with other industry donors, other award winners and their friends and family present on the night. The ceremony was held on 9 April 2013 in the Storey Hall 'Green Brain' , to recognise the academic and leadership achievements…

    Rowan P
  • Robogals Industry Gala 2012

    Robogals Industry Gala 2012

    The inaugural Robogals Industry Gala Night was held at the York Butter Factory from 7pm to 10pm on 23 November 2012. The formal cocktail event, organized by the Melbourne Chapter, was an opportunity to thank their sponsors and volunteers, and recognize their efforts and achievements during the course of the year. Being one of the sponsors, IET Victoria was invited to the event and was ably represented by Laval Yu, Michelle Zhao and Sam Joy on the night. The event started off with an informal session where the attendees were allowed to mingle with each other, followed by a more formal Welcome presentation by the Robogals committee. Nicole Brown (Robogals Melbourne) spoke about the purpose of the organization and how it has grown since its inception. The volunteers in the organization aim to…

    Rowan P
  • Draft Guidance on EMC and Functional Safety

    Draft Guidance on EMC and Functional Safety

    The IET working group on EMC for Functional Safety has drafted some practical guidance to complement the EMC for Functional Safety Book and IEC 61000-1-2. The approach taken is to suggest techniques and measures that will improve the operational resilience of a safety system to EMI, similar to the approach taken in IEC 61508 to deal with other systematic faults and failures. In fact, many of the techniques and measures are drawn from those in IEC 61508, but presented in terms of their usefulness in mitigating the effects of EMI. The first draft intended for public comment is available in the IET Safety Community files area at https://communities.theiet.org/communities/files/47/2613 (you need to be logged in as a member of the community to access this URL - registration is free). The working…

    James Inge
  • IgnIET : Kick-start 2013 With The IET!

    IgnIET : Kick-start 2013 With The IET!

    The IET Victoria YPS organised its 2013 launch and volunteer recruitment event for university students on the 21st March 2013 at RMIT. The evening started with a presentation by Rowan, the YPS chairperson, about the IET and the benefits of joining. He answered the 6 W's questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How about the organisation. It was followed by other volunteers from the committee about their own experience and gains through volunteering and involvement with the IET such as the PATW competition, the Toyota Site Visit and Network 2011. The final part of the schedule included a list of potential events that can be run this year and in the future that the attendees can be involved with and start volunteering. After the presentation, the participants were given the opportunity to interact…

    Rowan P
  • A mighty maze of mystic magic rays…

    A mighty maze of mystic magic rays…

    “I’m such a geek…” I hear myself saying it quite a lot but I really am.. I was lucky enough to be invited to a special behind the scenes tour (or a ‘behind the, behind the scenes tour ) of the new BBC Broadcasting House last week, and while some of my fellow attendees were in awe of the various celebrity newscasters and weathergirls that could be seen around the building, the highlight of the visit for me was being shown the rack of hard disks containing the music collection for the BBC’s radio stations… GkF (Geek Factor) of 3 methinks? Sooo… the conversation when I got back went a little like this: “So did you see Huw Edwards?” “Umm… nope. But I saw inside some of the sound studios! Went down to the basement to look at all the communications equipment sending audio and tv signals all over…

    Lisa Miles
  • Railway YP Best Paper applications close April 30

    Railway YP Best Paper applications close April 30

    Are you a Young Professional interested in the Rail industry? You might want to consider entering the IET Railway Network's annual Best Paper competition. This year's theme is "What is the value of innovation?" . All you need to get started is to submit an abstract no longer than 500 words by April 30, 2013. For more information, visit www.theiet.org/best-paper .

    Rowan P
  • Victorian PATW winner creating 'sound bubbles'

    Victorian PATW winner creating 'sound bubbles'

    Kyle Slater, past PATW winner and IET Victoria volunteer, was recently featured in The Melbourne Magazine in an article titled "City of Ideas" , to discuss a current side project of his, involving the formation of "sound bubbles" . You can read the full article on The Age's website . Kyle won the 2010 IET Victoria Present Around The World competition with his "soundBeam" invention (a device that transmits highly-directional sound waves on ultrasonic carriers) and went on to win the Australian and overall international competition at the IET's home in London. He is currently studying for a PhD in epilepsy research, as well as working on the Bionic Eye project with the Bionics Institute .

    Rowan P
  • Photos From Asia-Pacific Community Volunteers Conference

    Photos From Asia-Pacific Community Volunteers Conference

    Michael Russell and Sam Joy recently attended the first annual Asia-Pacific Community Volunteers Conference in Hong Kong on November 10 and 11, 2012. Their contributions as active volunteers in the IET Victoria and YPS committees in 2012 were rewarded with nominations to represent Victoria at the event, including an all-expenses paid flight and accommodation package to Hong Kong. The conference is an opportunity for volunteers all over the Asia-Pacific region to get together, meet each other and share experiences, as well as to get the latest updates about the new initiatives being introduced in the IET for the benefit of its members. Check out the photostreams on Flickr below... looks like a great time was had by all (including a lot of hands in the air and holding hands ) Asia Pacific Volunteers…

    Rowan P
  • Volunteers Required for @Bristol Live Labs

    Volunteers Required for @Bristol Live Labs

    The IET are currently helping to fund a project with @Bristol to develop engineering challenge activities for schools. These will take place in 'Live Lab', @Bristol's practical science space. Volunteers are now needed to piloting these challenges over National Science and Engineering Week, 18-22nd March.@Bristol are looking for engineer 'experts' to support the activities, working alongside the At-Bristol team. Activities will run on each day of the week, from 10:00-14:30ish. They aim to run sessions on the hour and half hour, from 10:00-14:30, with a max of 20 students in each, c200 students a day The activities will be aimed at KS2 (Junior School) students, poss some for KS3. They are based around the theme of flight and there are three different sessions that will look at plane design, the…

    James Inge
  • How to Stop Data Causing Harm

    How to Stop Data Causing Harm

    This Safety Critical Systems Club seminar, held on 4 Dec 2012 in London, aimed to address the safety issues concerned with data-driven systems. Presentations from the day are now available for viewing on iet.tv . The seminar has led to a follow-on series of workshops. For more information, see the SCSC website . Read on to see the list of video presentations available. Speaker Title Alastair Faulkner, Abbeymeade Limited Introduction – Standards and Industrial Practice Paul Ensor, UK Hydrographic Office The Safety of Data and Information Systems Alan Simpson, Ebeni Aeronautical Information – How confident are we it’s correct? Ian Bingham, Logica (now part of CGI) Safety Data in National Infrastructure Projects Mark Nicholson, University of York Topics in Dataware Safety Mike Ainsworth, Altran…

    James Inge
  • The Elevator Pitch...

    The Elevator Pitch...

    Last Tuesday I was in the offices of 123 Buckingham Palace Road waiting for a meeting with the Chairman of the London Network. While sitting in their rather lovely reception area, speaking with Sarah the receptionist and looking in envy at the brightly coloured and fun offices of Google on the third floor, I found myself watching the rather nice looking glass lifts (or elevators as they are also known) in the central atrium area and wondered: "Why is it that the fundamental basics of lift mechanisms haven’t changed that much since they were first introduced?"Last Tuesday I was in the offices of 123 Buckingham Palace Road waiting for a meeting with the Chairman of the London Network. While sitting in their rather lovely reception area, speaking with Sarah the receptionist and looking in envy…

    Lisa Miles
  • Def Stan 00-56 available for review

    Def Stan 00-56 available for review

    The MOD 00-56 Core authoring team would like to invite system safety specialists and relevant Industry organisations to review a draft version Def Stan 00-56 Issue 5 parts 1 and 2. Def Stan 00-56 review packs can only be obtained from the MOD editor. Each review pack is intended for the designated reviewer only, but a Company/Organisation can nominate a co-ordinating reviewer. The cut off date for comments is the 22nd February 2013, but early returns would be appreciated. Def Stan 00-56 is the UK Defence Standard giving Safety Management Requirements for Defence Systems. The current version was published by the Ministry of Defence in 2007. It is being updated to take into account recent developments in procurement and safety management practice. Update 4 Mar 13: Def Stan 00-56 Issue 5 Part…

  • Young Engineers' Competition - Western Aerospace Centre

    Young Engineers' Competition - Western Aerospace Centre

    See "more" for some info on a local competition for young engineers, closing date for abstracts is the end of this month. I've also uploaded the flyer into the Files area of this website. -- Russ. Dear All, Please can I bring to your attention an exciting opportunity to support the Professional Development of Young Engineers in the South West. The Western Aerospace Centre is running it annual prize competition for Young Engineers. The purpose of the competition is to encourage the ongoing professional development of Young Engineers by entering a competition to deliver a presentation on any aviation related topic. Selected finalists will be invited to give a 20 minute presentation at the competition evening scheduled for April 2013, in front of a panel including engineering directors from the…

    Russ Haines
  • Soap gets in your eyes…

    Soap gets in your eyes…

    I’m very wary of electric showers. Water, electricity and a human body in a rather ‘vulnerable’ state, all in one space at the same time, is a recipe for disaster in my eyes… Needless to say, when my electric shower started playing up this weekend I was none too pleased and didn’t relish the thought of having to fix it. The shower came with the house and, unlike my own practice of keeping them, the previous owners did not keep the instruction manual. However a quick search on the internet came up trumps with the full installation and service manual (in 0.41 seconds to be precise by using the correct descriptive search terms) which became my Sunday afternoon reading material. A quick read of the manual and it seems that the shower simply needed a purge and a reset. The water company had just…

    Lisa Miles
  • Out With The Old And In With The New...

    Out With The Old And In With The New...

    You know you’re getting older when you find much joy in the simplest of things…   I have a new washing machine!! Yaay!   A joyous occasion but also a small tear of sadness….    My friends will tell you that this is a BIG deal in my household. Some of my IET volunteers also know all about my long lasting relationship with my old washing machine.    I’ve had it since 1994 and repaired it four times now. Once when the pump broke and I replaced it, then one of the impeller blades in the pump snapped off, so I took it apart and glued it back together (it’s still working to this day), replaced the capacitor as the drum wasn’t turning with enough force (it’s an induction motor) and fixed a faulty vacuum switch as it wasn’t switching to drain the drum (it did this while I was dyeing the kitchen rug…

    Lisa Miles
  • Present Around The World (PATW) Event Report (2013)

    Present Around The World (PATW) Event Report (2013)

    The IET Victoria Present Around The World (PATW) 2013 competition was held on November 22, 2012, at RMIT University in Melbourne. The event was attended by both IET members and the general public. Full event report Photos Event summary The finalists were each provided an allotted time slot of 10 minutes to present their project followed by a round of questions from the audience and judges. The criteria for the contestants included presentation skills, time management, impressions and impact on audience and clarity in delivery of the material. Congratulations to Nicholas Venables , who was adjudged to be the winner of the competition and awarded the winner's certificate and a cash prize of $225. Nicholas will now participate as the Victorian representative in the national Australian Competition…

    Rowan P
  • Learning the Lessons from Major Accidents

    Learning the Lessons from Major Accidents

    Following the loss of the RAF Nimrod aircraft XV230 in 2006, with the lives of all 14 service personnel on board, Charles Haddon-Cave QC was commissioned to write an independent report. One of his recommendations for a new safety culture in the Ministry of Defence was that there should be briefings for all those in Leadership positions of the lessons to be learned from the loss of Challenger, Columbia, Nimrod XV230 and other major accidents. Haddon-Cave pointed out uncanny, and worrying, parallels between the organisational causes of the loss of Nimrod XV230 and the organisational causes of the loss of the NASA Space Shuttle ‘Columbia’, stating that the report of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board should be required reading for anyone involved in aviation safety. He also noted further…

    James Inge