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  • Winners Of The IET Engineering And Technology Photographer Of The Year 2019

    Winners Of The IET Engineering And Technology Photographer Of The Year 2019

    The winners of the IET Engineering & Technology Photographer of the Year Competition 2019 have been announced This week we announced the winners who demonstrated the ingenuity, breadth and vibrancy of engineering and technology from the 450 entries received from young people and adults across the world. Photos were submitted to five categories: Design and Production; Digital; Environment and Energy; Structure and Transport. Supported by Amateur Photographer magazine and fronted by the Gadget Show’s Georgie Barrat, the Engineering & Technology Photographer of the Year 2019 was launched earlier in the year and was open to any photograph of an engineering-related subject that captures the dynamic, creative and progressive face of engineering and engineers today. The overall winner was Dibs McCallum…

    IET Editorial


    Sunday, 5th October 2019 - Aman Hills Hotel, Bandar Seri Begawan. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Brunei Darussalam Local Network (LN) organised the 1 st Regional Faraday Challenge 2019 and Asia Pacific Community Volunteer Conference (AP-CVC) 2019. The events were held at the Aman Hills Hotel, Kampong Manggis, Bandar Seri Begawan.  The Guest of Honour present during the events was Yang Mulia Dato Seri Paduka Ar. Awang Haji Marzuke bin Haji Mohsin, Acting Minister of Development who has officially opened both events. Also present, was Yang Berhormat Ar. Siti Rozaimeriyanty, President of PUJA (Brunei), IET Fellow Members, Permanent Secretary & Deputy Permanent Secretaries, senior officers from the Ministry of Development , Head of Engineering Division PUJA (Brunei) – Ir. Haji…

    Aminuddin Yussof
  • [UniMAP IET OC]: 190417 Site Visit To Tunnel & Dam Construction Project At Timah Tasoh, JPS

    [UniMAP IET OC]: 190417 Site Visit To Tunnel & Dam Construction Project At Timah Tasoh, JPS

    UniMAP IET On Campus (UIOC) had organized a site visit to project LENCONGAN BANJIR BARAT (LBB), department of irrigation and drainage, JPS Perlis. This event purposed to provide the platform for participants either experience or learning the overall technical operation of the irrigation and drainage system in Perlis, Malaysia. PPP representative team have guided the participants to their monitoring room complete with system SCADA. He introduced about the operation of SCADA system and function of every facility built around the dam. It was set up in middle of the main river at Perlis and supplies water to the people of Perlis as well as prevents any occurrence of flood in the state of Perlis.

  • [UCSI IET OC]: 190827 3D Printer Workshop

    [UCSI IET OC]: 190827 3D Printer Workshop

    The Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET) On Campus of UCSI University has successfully conducted their first 3D Printer Workshop on the 27th and 28th July 2019. This workshop aims to provide a comprehensive review of additive manufacturing technology to students in addressing various types of real-world problems. Through this workshop, students are able to learn about the theoretical knowledge of 3D modelling as well as to gain extensive practical experiences via the assembly and calibration of 3D printers. Furthermore, they are also exposed to the proper skills of handling the slicing software and some useful guidelines to evaluate the quality of 3D printed products.  A total of 35 students from different disciplines including engineering, business and optometry, divided into eight…

  • [Heriot Watt IET OC]: 181019 Chumbaka Workshop and Visit

    [Heriot Watt IET OC]: 181019 Chumbaka Workshop and Visit

    HWUM Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Student Chapter has organized a trip to Digital Maker Hub Cyberjaya in Cyberjaya on the 19th October 2018. The workshop provided some basic level of the methods to make a simple mobile application on an android device. The participants quickly engaged with the workshop contents and swiftly grasped the fundamentals for utilising the suggested app, which is the MIT App Inventor 2 and the companion web software for it. The application provided a beginning platform for the participants to be engaged with the concept of programming as it features a very user-friendly UI and drag-and-drop for the bulk of the programming.

  • [Mahsa IET OC]: 190110 IET Student Chapter AGM

    [Mahsa IET OC]: 190110 IET Student Chapter AGM

    Faculty of Engineering and IT (FOEIT), MAHSA university kicked off its event with Annual General meeting(AGM) for IET Mahsa On Campus  at level-9, Engineering auditorium,Engineering Block, MAHSA university, Bandar Saujana Putra, on 10-1-2019, 10.45 A.M. In the AGM FOEIT had student members election and planning of YPS on campus activities for the year 2019. Dean Ir.Dr.Leong welcomed all the members and new members for the AGM. She also briefed the members about benefits of IET YPS. To encourage the members IET related video clipings had been shown and the students got motivated.

  • Portland Energy Center technical visit

    Portland Energy Center technical visit

    The visit allows us to see the actual thing we learned from book.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • ICMS:  International Construction Measurement Standards 2

    ICMS: International Construction Measurement Standards 2

    A new international cost control standard for the construction sector will help bring greater confidence to an industry that is critical to creating resilient and successful projects.The second edition of the International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS 2) was developed by a 50 strong global coalition of professional bodies, including the IET Project Controls Network. Its purpose is to improve financial management by standardising cost reporting, improving cost prediction and control data, and aiding forensic analysis of construction costs. "This new standard is a game changer for the global construction industry, representing the first time there will be an internationally standardised way to report the full life cycle cost for portfolios, programmes, and projects around the world…

  • IET launches new 'Inspiring the Next generation of Engineers' report

    IET launches new 'Inspiring the Next generation of Engineers' report

    New research shows six to 15-year-olds' attitudes to engineering and technology have improved since 2015 The IET commissioned CHILDWISE to explore the attitudes and feelings six to 15-year-olds have towards engineering and technology, focusing on STEM education and, consequently, how children, parents and teachers feel about engineering and technological careers. The research concluded that children’s love for STEM subjects is on the decline, with interest in Science amongst nine to 12-year-olds falling 10 per cent, Design and Technology down 12 per cent and ICT/Computing falling furthest at 14 per cent over the last four years. The report shows a clear gender divide with girls being less enthusiastic about STEM subjects. Although maths was polled as the favourite subject for both girls and…

    IET Editorial
  • Leadership In Energy And Environmental Design (LEED) Lunch N Learn

    Leadership In Energy And Environmental Design (LEED) Lunch N Learn

    Is this of interest to you?  Weekly sessions (Oct 2 ~ Nov 30) that will familiarize you with LEED green building rating system. We will be going through every credit category from the Integrative Process to Environmental Quality. We aim at providing you with a good background knowledge on sustainable buildings and be ready to tackle the LEED Green Associate professional credential exam. A LEED trivia night underway to challenge you on sustainable buildings to compete for prizes! Email (  iet.toronto2013@gmail.com  ) to register mandatory if you plan to attend.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Where Next For Speed? A Final Successor To Concorde? - 7 September 2019

    Where Next For Speed? A Final Successor To Concorde? - 7 September 2019

    It's hard to believe Concorde, manufactured by BAC (later BAe and BAE Systems) and Sud Aviation (later Aérospatiale and Airbus), first took flight 50 years ago and was designed with slide rules and wind tunnels. Ricky Bastin, former senior Concorde engineer and aviation historian, presented an interesting talk on the development of supersonic flight and Concorde at the IEEE building in Irvine, California on September 7th, 2019. He also discussed ongoing developments in supersonic passenger aircraft and potential successors to Concorde.  Of great interest was the discussion of the advanced nature of the Concorde design, a British-French turbojet-powered supersonic passenger airliner that was operated from 1976 until 2003. It had a maximum speed over twice the speed of sound at Mach 2.04 (1,354…

  • Action Today! Final Call For Registration For The MFI / IET Joint National Meeting In Erlangen

    Action Today! Final Call For Registration For The MFI / IET Joint National Meeting In Erlangen

    This is a final call for registration for the the MFI / IET Joint National Meeting in Erlangen on Saturday 19th. October 2019.Please see the details in the event section of this community and register TODAY by downloading the reply form from the MFI website. The programme is also attached here. Important! We need to know the exact numbers attending as soon as possible. Please reply TODAY if you are planning on attending. Thank you.   Howard Gray IET Volunteer

    Howard Gray
  • Sniffing comets

    Sniffing comets

    Wow! What a start to the (academic) year. Last night, Geraint Morgan (Taff) led us through the fascinating journey the Rosetta space probe ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_(spacecraft) ) went through to land on the rubber duck shaped asteroid. ( https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-28351234 ). Taff worked on the mass spectrometer used to determine the make-up of the comet gasses. The spin-off of this space research is used in everything from whisky sniffing, submarine safety, and fireproof underpants. It was great to meet members of the Staffs Uni Engineering society ( https://www.staffsunion.com/organisation/TheIES/ ) and we plan to work closely with this group. We have an exciting line-up of events coming up, however, Taff has set the bar very high!

  • Discover How Volunteering For The IET Can Benefit You…

    Discover How Volunteering For The IET Can Benefit You…

    If you would like to express your interest in volunteering then apply today and we will put you in touch with your Local Network committee. What do we look for in a LN volunteer? An individual who wants to be more engaged and is passionate about raising general awareness of science, engineering and technology. What are the benefits? Make new connections and expand your network Learn new skills that will count towards your CPD Contribute ideas for event topics Gain a competitive edge when applying for jobs Share your passion and inspire others Visit our website to find out more about: a list of volunteering positions, what a LN is; what we’re looking for in a volunteer; how you could benefit, and how to apply.

    Alison Siu
  • Discover How Volunteering For The IET Can Benefit You…

    Discover How Volunteering For The IET Can Benefit You…

    If you would like to express your interest in volunteering then apply today and we will put you in touch with your Local Network committee. What do we look for in a LN volunteer? An individual who wants to be more engaged and is passionate about raising general awareness of science, engineering and technology. What are the benefits? Make new connections and expand your network Learn new skills that will count towards your CPD Contribute ideas for event topics Gain a competitive edge when applying for jobs Share your passion and inspire others Visit our website to find out more about: a list of volunteering positions, what a LN is; what we’re looking for in a volunteer; how you could benefit, and how to apply.

    Alison Siu
  • Discover How Volunteering For The IET Can Benefit You…

    Discover How Volunteering For The IET Can Benefit You…

    If you would like to express your interest in volunteering then apply today and we will put you in touch with your Local Network committee. What do we look for in a LN volunteer? An individual who wants to be more engaged and is passionate about raising general awareness of science, engineering and technology. What are the benefits? Make new connections and expand your network Learn new skills that will count towards your CPD Contribute ideas for event topics Gain a competitive edge when applying for jobs Share your passion and inspire others Visit our website to find out more about: a list of volunteering positions, what a LN is; what we’re looking for in a volunteer; how you could benefit, and how to apply.

    Alison Siu
  • Discover How Volunteering For The IET Can Benefit You…

    Discover How Volunteering For The IET Can Benefit You…

    If you would like to express your interest in volunteering then apply today and we will put you in touch with your Local Network committee.   What do we look for in a LN volunteer? An individual who wants to be more engaged and is passionate about raising general awareness of science, engineering and technology. What are the benefits? Make new connections and expand your network Learn new skills that will count towards your CPD Contribute ideas for event topics Gain a competitive edge when applying for jobs Share your passion and inspire others Visit our website to find out more about: a list of volunteering positions, what a LN is; what we’re looking for in a volunteer; how you could benefit, and how to apply.

    Alison Siu
  • Message From LN Honorary Secretary

    Message From LN Honorary Secretary

    Posted on behalf of Timothy So The AGM for the Toronto LN is happening on Thursday, October 10th. The positions of the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are open for nomination. This is a great opportunity to help shape the future of the LN, and network with other like-minded professionals. You are also encouraged to join the committee and get involved in various event and governance-related initiatives. If you know of anyone who would be a good fit for those roles, or if you are interested in joining the committee as an at-large member, please send an email to  iet.toronto@theiet.org .

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Sussex Network - A New Type Of Event

    Sussex Network - A New Type Of Event

    The Sussex Network is, I think, rightly proud of the 16 technical talks that it stages and the dozen STEM events that its volunteers attend each year. The talks are held alternatively between the north and south of our two counties, where we attract between 30 and 100 members and guests to each talk (we do need to improve our marketing). The STEM activities are either fairs, where we have an IET stand amongst the industrial and academic stands, or workshops that we run in schools. This combination of talks and STEM events has been taking place each year for at least as long as I’ve been actively involved in the Network (about seven years), but this year we thought that we would try something different. We start our talks with a 45 minute period where we provide tea/coffee, sandwiches and cake…

    David James
  • Old Brand Name Give Away Competition

    Old Brand Name Give Away Competition

    Toronto LN has entered the competition.We are working with university student group in the annual SAE International Collegiate Design student competition.  https://communities.theiet.org/groups/blogpost/view/250/222/6555   We are also planning on organizing Faraday Lecturer in 2020. The gift box will be cool stuff for us to give away at events! List of Toronto events:  https://communities.theiet.org/communities/events/250   Follow us on Instagram @iet_toronto_ln   Below is updated on 12 October 2019. We won! The box was received just before our AGM and MIET present at the AGM were excited to receive the IET pin. A great evening for everyone present at the AGM!

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET China host joint event with Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE)

    IET China host joint event with Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE)

    IET China hosted a joint Professional Registration Interview event with CSEEOur China office arranged for 35 candidates, recommended by CSEE, to attend Professional Review Interviews in Beijing with the support of 11 experienced interviewers. Colin Sellers, Registration and Standards Manager at the IET, led the volunteer team for three days, with interviews of three panels. Another three days of Route to Registration training and one to one advice sessions for the third batch of CSEE candidates took place during 16 to 18 August. There were 75 candidates who attended the training and are scheduled to be interviewed in early December 2019. Colin explained why events such as these are important: “Firstly, they provide internationally renowned recognition of the competence and commitment of Chinese…

    IET Editorial
  • IBC Platform Wars Panel Report

    IBC Platform Wars Panel Report

    On Friday afternoon, the IET Media Technical Network ran a series of panels on "The End of Broadcast", including one on "Platform Wars -The De-aggregation And Re-aggregation Of Content"I would like to thank Brian Paxton from Kingsmead Security, Chris Ambrozic from TiVo, Colin Phillips from BT and Colin Dixon from nScreenMedia (shown in the picture from left to right) . Thanks also to Justin Lebbon for moderating the panel. It was a lively and informative discussion. While it's clear that we are entering a new phase in the content distribution sector, the outcomes are still far from clear. A video of the event is online. These were my main takeaways - Colin Dixon cited research that consumers reach "max stacking" at 2 to 3 pay TV apps. Chris Ambrozic reported that TiVo see a figure of 7.2 of…

    David Short
  • Feeling Inspired And Want To Giving Back To Your Local Engineering Community?

    Feeling Inspired And Want To Giving Back To Your Local Engineering Community?

    Here are some of what you can potentially gain through volunteering:opportunity to: learn new skills; organize technical activities that can enhance your career;  network and make new connections; make your résumé stand out to potential employers; count your activity towards CPD; be affiliated with a professional international body

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Attendance At 'The Manufacturing Forum' Event  - 17th September 2019.

    Attendance At 'The Manufacturing Forum' Event - 17th September 2019.

    I was invited by Peter Edwards who's the Chief Executive at the International Trade Forum, to an event they'd organised at the AMRC last week where James Muir the chair of the SCR LEP gave a presentation about the economy in SY and offered his views on how the region needs to attract more inward investment. Productivity in the South Yorkshire region is quite low compared with other more industrial  areas of the UK and does not compare well with other similar sectors in the EU. It was suggested that a recession will follow even with a deal but if  'no deal' then the  SCR would be hit quite hard. There is quite a significant Productivity divide between the North and the South and a gloomy perspective was forecasted. Infrastructure in the North is archaic particularly when compared to the South…

    Alan Chater