At IET EngX, our mission is to create a vibrant, engaging, and supportive community for engineers and technology enthusiasts around the world. To ensure we're meeting your expectations, we conduct surveys among our new members after they’ve been in the community for a month and then again at 6 months in order to gather feedback on their experiences and their suggestions for improvements.

The responses have been insightful and thought-provoking, offering us a clear view of what we're doing right and where we can improve. So let’s summarise the key themes from your feedback and outline some of the improvements we have made, and are making, in response to your valuable input.

These are a few of our favourite things

When asked ‘What do you like best about the EngX community?’ the common theme is YOU, our community members Heart eyes

“A pool of experienced experts from different industries”

“There is always someone ready to assist and give references on how they solved a challenge. “

“Good platform to network with so many professionals coming from different fields”

“It’s great to connect with like-minded people”

“Great advice, support and opinion from experienced engineers”

You also said that reading the variety of blog posts in the community, finding answers to questions, having discussions in the forums, and the sharing of experiences and expertise are also high on the list when it comes to the things you like.

I like you… just the way you are 

When asked ‘If there’s one improvement you could make to EngX, what would that be?’ many of you said that you like the community just the way it is which is always great to hear. Blush However ,you also told us of a few improvements you’d like to see:

Can we have an App?  Many of you have asked for an app version of  IET EngX to improve accessing and using the community on mobile devices.  This is something we have been looking at and are still scoping out.

More help and support in getting to grips with the different features of EngX. A number of you have indicated that you’re struggling with notifications and subscriptions and would like additional guidance on how to set those up. You’ve also said that you would like to see more help guides on how to post in the forum, how to contribute blog posts for Community Insights and how to connect with other engineers and professionals in your industry.   We’ll shortly be launching a much improved help and support area which will contain written help guides and provide a space for short video tutorials that we also have planned.

Monthly topic themes. Another popular suggestion is that you’d like to see topic themes on a monthly or quarterly basis to highlight specific industries and engineering disciplines. This is something we started at the beginning of this year (2024) with our Topic Focus activities. Our first Topic Focus week was on Green Skills looking at the support industry and academia need to ensure the future engineering workforce have the skills needed to be resilient to Climate Change. We’ve also covered Artificial Intelligence, Career Development, Designing for Disability, Energy Storage and recently Systems Engineering in Transport in our Topic Focus activities and will be covering other topics in the months ahead.

Tell us what you want, what you really, really want

In the survey we also ask “Would you like to see more technical content on any particular topics?” and unsurprisingly power and energy topics feature strongly in your wish list as well as career development and sustainability .

word cloud

Your topic suggestions help us put together our calendar of Topic Focus themes and help us to encourage the community to contribute content on the topics you want to see. Want to suggest a topic theme for us to explore or would like to contribute to one of our upcoming Topic Focus themes? Let us know!

A little help from our friends

If you're new to EngX, look out for the surveys that we send to you after a month and again after six months, and make sure you give us your feedback. The surveys are completely anonymous but please do leave your email address in your survey response if you'd like us to get in touch with you to specifically discuss any of your feedback. 

Whether you're new or been here for a while, your thoughts, ideas, and experiences do matter to us. Whether it’s about the blog or forum layout, the topics we cover, or new features you’d like to see, we want to hear it all. Your feedback helps us shape the future of IET EngX and ensures that it meets your needs.

Tell us what you love: What keeps you coming back? Which features or discussions do you enjoy the most?
Share your ideas: Is there something new you'd like us to introduce? A topic you’re passionate about that we haven’t covered yet?
Let us know where we can improve: We’re open to any and all suggestions on how we can make this community more welcoming, engaging, or user-friendly.

You can share your feedback in the comments below, on our  EngX Q&A forum, or if you prefer, you can send a private message directly to me or get in touch with the Admin team at  We’re all ears!

Thanks for helping us make IET EngX the best it can be. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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