NHS Production System (NHSps)

An NHS Production System is evolving. Help is requested from interested Production Engineers:

Poster can be viewed on line here: https://catmalvern.co.uk/Lectures/Posters/

  • I don't know about anyone else, but I couldn't even read that poster (even if I downloaded it and zoomed in). Some of few words I could make out looked looked like Greek to me.

       - Andy.

  • I wonder if there are any healthcare engineers or estate managers using this forum? I would like to hear their thoughts on the topic of NHS backlogs and how an NHSps could help improve the situation. As you have mentioned, Process Productivity, effectiveness and efficiency are all underlying causes of NHS backlogs in addition to the issues of staff shortages, funding and capacity. I am curious to know how NHSps would work in practice and what challenges or opportunities it would entail.

  • I was a Production Engineer working in manufacturing including the car industry. I was a member of the Institute of Production Engineers (IProdE) The IProdE joined forces with the then IEE. Not sure if there are any Production Engineers left in the IET. I was hoping that if there are then they would join this forum. It would be good if any members working in the NHS joined in. The VMIps certainly has worked in practice and VMI Consultants are working with the NHS. I'm sure IET members could provide some very useful imput.

  • Thanks for sharing your background and experience as a Production Engineer. It is impressive to know that you participated in the car industry and the IProdE. I was unaware of the VMIps or the VMI Consultants until now, but I looked them up online . It seems that they are related to veterinary medicine and animal health ? 

  • Not sure about animal health, it's certainly human health now. If you search on Amazon for Virginia Mason you will see their three books. All about delivering healthcare in their hospitals. I think that they have 11 and many more smaller clinics. I'll good stuff.

  • Ian, If you click on the illustration then click on 'Zoom in' top left of screen you will see a larger image.

  • Thanks Tom, very interesting. Virginia Mason is known for its patient-family partner program, which aims to improve health care quality and safety by involving patients and their families in various aspects of care. How common and effective is this approach in the NHS?

  • The NHS do put a lot of effort into this but it is not very effective in instigating improvements. The various schemes are not joined up nor related to specific NHS processes.

  • A new British standard for quality management in healthcare has just been published. BS ISO 7101:2023. If only the NHS would give it some consideration. I will continue to put pressure on the NHS to take an Engineer's view on Process Management, Quality Management and Safety Management. It would be great if the IET were to help.

  • What can be done to pressure the NHS to adopt the Engineers view ? Are you collaborating with others ? Maybe IHEEM.

  • Sorry about the slow response to your comments. Two things, first NHS Impact and second a new British Standard for Quality Management in healthcare, BS ISO 7101:2023, both are very interesting and could, with the right encouragement have synergy. Unfortunately because the IET leaders refuse to show any interest in this area of Technology I am leaving the IET. My efforts with the NHS and healthcare will continue though. The IET leaders consider that there is no interest in this aspect of healthcare within it's membership. I think that that is more to do with a lack of understanding of the issues and a lack of discussion available to members. If you are interested in continuing your interests I'm on twitter @thomasjohnrose and can be found on the Q Community website. I do communicate a lot with VMI.

  • Sorry about the slow response to your comments. Two things, first NHS Impact and second a new British Standard for Quality Management in healthcare, BS ISO 7101:2023, both are very interesting and could, with the right encouragement have synergy. Unfortunately because the IET leaders refuse to show any interest in this area of Technology I am leaving the IET. My efforts with the NHS and healthcare will continue though. The IET leaders consider that there is no interest in this aspect of healthcare within it's membership. I think that that is more to do with a lack of understanding of the issues and a lack of discussion available to members. If you are interested in continuing your interests I'm on twitter @thomasjohnrose and can be found on the Q Community website. I do communicate a lot with VMI.

  • Hi Tom,

    Thank you for your message. I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving the IET due to their lack of interest in healthcare technology. I appreciate your efforts with the NHS and the new British Standard for Quality Management in healthcare. I agree that they are very interesting and could have a lot of potential.

    I'm not on twitter, so I can't follow you there, but I would love to stay in touch with you and learn more about your work. How about the IHEEM membership if not already?
    I hope you keep well and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • My email is t.rose.1@bham.ac.uk and my Q Community page URL is https://q.health.org.uk/community/directory/thomasjohnrose/ I'll have a look at IHEEM. It would be good to keep in touch.

  • I remember now, the IHEEM are involvers in Estates management and not the design and delivery of services so would not be relevant to my efforts but thanks anyway. Healthcare production systems are definitely within the scope of Engineering Technology. It's a great shame that they know so little about it and are not interested in learning. It's so interesting!

  • Yeah, it's really sad that the IET doesn't care much about this kind of engineering technology, even though they took over the IProdE's work? 

  • Have you seen the NHS Impact reports. It is creating big changes the the NHS as is PSIRF, both only just being considered by Trusts. Loads of 'systems engineering' design required. Not sure that clinical staff can do it alone. The IET members could have a big input if they knew somrthing about it.

  • I haven't read the impact report yet, but I'm interested in learning more about it. What are the main findings?

  • NHS IMPACT (Improving Patient Care Together) has been launched to support all NHS organisations, systems and providers at every level, including NHS England, to have the skills and techniques to deliver continuous improvement. It has five components. The most interesting to me is 'Embedding improvement into management systems and processes'. That is a massive change for the NHS. The new BS that I referred to above would be a good fit for this but they have no idea how to design a system following the standard. The new standard is based on ISO 9001 that we are all so familiar with. What with remote monitoring, AI, wearables, it is a big task and they have to get started. What a mess they are in. Certainly new hospital design is very important as well. SALUS are doing loads of work in this area as you no doubt know.

  • Embedding improvement into management systems and processes.  Can you tell me what this involves and how you do it? What are the advantages and difficulties of doing this? How do you check and measure the effect of this component on patient care and outcomes?

  • That's the question that the NHS are trying to answer. As they have no process documentation or process management and don't know where or how to start they are struggling. This is where I have been volunteering my time to help and have asked the IET to take an interest but, right from the top, the IET have declined to engage. This is so sad because it's the IET membership that could help. The key difficulty is that the NHS think that ticking a few boxes on a checklist will suffice. There is a lot of detail on the internet.

  • They are reluctant to participate, even though they assumed the responsibilities of the IProdE? I suppose even this discussion illustrates it, only you and I have really contributed here. It demonstrates their lack of interest or willingness of IET members to engage.