HV Safety advice required


Contemplating the safest way to carry out a HV switching program

We're carrying out function checks of an existing 11kV VCB, we have two options:

  1. Switch off, rack out into a test position (only control voltage applied) and manually operate on a dead system, and then rack back into the live connections or:
  2. Switch the downstream load off, so the circuit is energised with no load and perform manual switching in front of the energised VCB

Personally I see both as having pitfalls, however I am uncertain whether manually switching 11kV VCB under no load is safer than racking into and out of live busbars

Any other important considerations to be taken into account?


  • Switch off, rack out into a test position (only control voltage applied) and manually operate on a dead system, and then rack back into the live connections

  • Thanks Dave, however is racking into and out of the live connections not a hazard in itself? 

    Why would this be less hazardous than switching live voltage onto the no load connections ?

  • You're racking into the test position.

Reply Children
  • Yes, but racking out of 11kV before racking into test, and then back into 11kV if we're understanding each other?