HV Safety advice required


Contemplating the safest way to carry out a HV switching program

We're carrying out function checks of an existing 11kV VCB, we have two options:

  1. Switch off, rack out into a test position (only control voltage applied) and manually operate on a dead system, and then rack back into the live connections or:
  2. Switch the downstream load off, so the circuit is energised with no load and perform manual switching in front of the energised VCB

Personally I see both as having pitfalls, however I am uncertain whether manually switching 11kV VCB under no load is safer than racking into and out of live busbars

Any other important considerations to be taken into account?


  • Not an SAP but presumably there’s also (3) Switch downstream load off, then rack the CB out off-load and carry out tests on a dead system.

    Consider: What happens if the EUT fails?

    The best answer may depend on the make, model, age and condition of the equipment. For example, when was the busbar racking system itself last serviced and are there any known operational notices applicable to the system?

  • Do you have appropriate arc flash protection clothing? It's not perfect but it can be helpful if something goes wrong.

  • Switch off, rack out into a test position (only control voltage applied) and manually operate on a dead system, and then rack back into the live connections

  • Thanks Dave, however is racking into and out of the live connections not a hazard in itself? 

    Why would this be less hazardous than switching live voltage onto the no load connections ?

  • You're racking into the test position.

  • Apologies Jam, both options are switching the downstream load off

  • Yes, but racking out of 11kV before racking into test, and then back into 11kV if we're understanding each other?

  • Hi,

    I assume this is an older type of oil circuit breaker at 11kv. Do you know the manufactures type and reference type it is?

    Why do you need to do a function check? If the function check is to just open and close the breaker are you not testing protection? When was the last time this was done?

    I am an SAP amongst other things, if you are not that sure - i would suggest you look at external support.