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Hi all,

I bought one of these for the first time today for a job I have coming up. I was suprised when I opened it up to find the SPD linked to the isolator by just 2.5mm wires, as these are the factory connection I guess this is the norm but I was suprised all the same! Why so small? I was expecting a copper busbar!


  • I suppose if you cut a three pin section of busbar then cut the middle pin out to bridge past the centre terminal you could then trim the plastic shroud so it goes on the other way up to insulate the top of the busbar rather than the bottom.

    Installing the SPD with a couple of 6mm tri-rated insulated conductors with fork crimps on the main switch end in the balcony slots and the other ends in the SPD cage terminals seems a winner to me.

    Andy Betteridge.
  • I said 6mm because the yellow 6mm insulated crimps are the biggest I have on my van.
  • Remember in amongst this, you cannot install the Wylex single phase AFDD in a three phase distribution board, because they don’t have arc shields, because they don’t need them in a single phase board all sat on the same busbar.

    As soon as pins are chopped off to bridge terminals all sorts of issues can arise.