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  • Engineering open house week resources

    Engineering open house week resources

    Is your company opening its doors to young visitors during Engineering Open House Week this year? We have put together a selection of our teaching resources that use readily available equipment and are simple to facilitate for both primary and secondary children to enjoy during their visit. They will put their newfound knowledge to the test and promote sticky learning to enhance their experience. For younger children: Invent your own project using old cardboard boxes Cool cardboard crafts for kids (theiet.org) Make biodegradable paper planters Paper planters (theiet.org) Power LED lights with lemons and limes Fruit lights (theiet.org) Make an erupting volcano using sodium bicarbonate and vinegar Erupting volcano experiment (theiet.org) Create rainbow reflections with paper and…

  • Celebrating 75 Years of the National Health Service and the future of healthcare.

    Celebrating 75 Years of the National Health Service and the future of healthcare.

    Our Healthcare, Robotics and Vision & Imaging Technical Networks are joining forces on June 22 to host a one-day seminar ‘ The Future of Healthcare 2023 ’. We’ll be looking at how emerging healthcare technologies may be able to help alleviate some of the unprecedented pressures the National Healthcare Service is currently facing. But did you know that our revolutionary healthcare system will be celebrating its 75 th birthday this year? Let’s look back on some of the remarkable milestones that have shaped this institution: Birth of the NHS On July 5, 1948, the NHS was established under the visionary leadership of Health Secretary, Aneurin Bevan. This marked a significant turning point in healthcare accessibility with the radical idea of providing free medical treatment to everyone, irrespective…

  • Martin Russ: Reflections on a Life

    Martin Russ: Reflections on a Life

    The most important part of any organisation is it's people. Organisations are made of people, every sort... from the bottom to the top, and our activities are reflected from those people. I reflect on this because back in February, the IET Media Technical Network lost one of its own: Martin Russ, who passed after a short illness. We thought it apt for those who knew and worked with him to put a few words together about him. My memories of Martin are fond and energy filled; his self-titled Media Innovator role did not do justice to a man with depths of knowledge, curiosity and energy many could not even think of emulating. When it came to the IET Multimedia committee, I recall Martin's meticulous attention to detail and his precision for a well run event which only served to improve the…

  • ICRA 2023 – Lab tour – UCL Robotics WEISS

    ICRA 2023 – Lab tour – UCL Robotics WEISS

    ICRA (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) this year was held in London for the first time in the UK and makes up the largest robotics and automation conference. With attendee numbers rising post pandemic it was an opportunity for UK robotics, with thousands of attendees. With the main conference being held at the ExCel centre hosting the talks and industry showcase, lab tours were organised within different Universities around London and Oxford to demonstrate different aspects of robotics and automation. UCL Robotics had three lab tours, to which I took part in the surgical robotic site at UCL WEISS hosting attendees to ICRA 2023 on the 29 th May over two sessions during the day. The purpose of the lab visit was to show attendees the work carried out at UCL WEISS with…

  • Konfer - A new gateway platform to help innovators.(a brokerage platform for university access and an open-source database resource)

    Konfer - A new gateway platform to help innovators.(a brokerage platform for university access and an open-source database resource)

    The IET’s Innovation Management Technical Network has been focusing on the challenges faced by UK innovation at its early stages as well as on their path to commercialisation. That has featured looking at funding challenges, risk reduction, addressing the need for access to technical support and building an infrastructure to make innovation work in start-ups. The latter is particularly important and least well covered. Start-ups usually do not have the resources to use technology consulting, and an accessible and affordable pool of scientific, laboratory and development tools would help. Both may be found in UK universities with a little effort. We have noticed that a comprehensive UKRI-funded brokerage platform has been assembled by the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB…

  • The Morrell Review and Construction Product Data: What You Need to Know

    The Morrell Review and Construction Product Data: What You Need to Know

    Here is a summary of our recent panel session which brought together the Morrell Review of construction product testing, recent research by the IET into construction product manufacturers, and the Office for Product Safety and Standards (the UK regulator for construction products), to discuss digitisation of construction product data and how the Morrell Review views digitisation. The IET Built Environment Panel has been working towards a better understanding of how construction product manufacturers can supply their product information to the construction supply chain in digital form. This work was prompted by the UK BIM Alliance (now nima) document ‘ A Fresh Way Forward for Product Data: State of the Nation ’ (2018) and led to the publication of ‘Digitisation for construction product manufacturers…

  • Some things you didn’t know you needed to know about IET Bahrain

    Some things you didn’t know you needed to know about IET Bahrain

    The IET’s local network in Bahrain is small, but surprisingly active Bahrain can be easily overshadowed by its larger, better known neighbours in the Gulf region of the Middle East; especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Perhaps the same might be said of IET Bahrain, the IET Local Network that works in the kingdom. Early Days The Chairman of IET Bahrain is Dr. A-Imam Al-Sammak, an Associate Professor at the University of Bahrain for slightly over 30 years. He joined the IET way, way back in 1979 or 80 when doing his Masters in the UK. Dr Al-Sammak was one of the eight engineers who found the island’s Local Network, sometime in 1995. In the 1990s, the local network had somewhere in the region of 150 members. Many were migrants, in Bahrain for work. These days, as workers have left…

  • June events on the history of women in engineering

    June events on the history of women in engineering

    June is a great month to celebrate women in engineering, with International Women in Engineering Day on 23 June. I'd like to let you know about two exciting, free, online events happening at the end of June that you are very welcome to join. On Wednesday 21 June, 2-4pm BST , Imperial College is hosting a Wikithon on women in STEM. Join us to find out about how to edit Wikipedia to enhance and create biographies of notable women engineers and scientists. You’ll discover how to become a Wikipedia editor and how to use your skills to improve our knowledge of the contributions of women to the field, as well as building your research and writing skills. More information and a registration link can be found at Eventbrite . And on Monday 26 June, 3-4:30pm BST the IET, University of Ottawa and…

    Anne Locker
  • Making an impact - how do we support the engineers of the future?

    Making an impact - how do we support the engineers of the future?

    The engineering talent pipeline is a challenge facing many organisations today. It was heartening then to be able to see the impact of the support shown by donors and partners on future generations of engineers in our recently published Futures Fund 2022 Impact Report. Individuals, companies, and foundations supported the IET Futures Fund with donations, volunteering and resource support to inspire children to discover the wonders of engineering and support young people to step into engineering careers. In 2022, over 44,000 young people took part in IET Future Fund activities, including Faraday® Challenge Days, FIRST® LEGO® League and IET Launch Scholarships. Our ambition in 2023 is to reach even more young people from all walks of life to ensure that the UK’s engineering community is…

    Elsa Scott
  • What are the power generation and power systems for the future?

    What are the power generation and power systems for the future?

    With the UK and other countries around the world setting ambitious targets for net zero and the need to deliver on renewables, what will the future of energy and power generation look like? And who will be the engineers and technicians to drive it forward? In order to achieve Net Zero by 2050 and other environmental goals there will need to be a substantial increase in the contribution of renewable sources to the energy generation mix. So what will these sources be and what will the renewable landscape look like? The main thing that will drive the ideas and innovation required will be the people behind the technology and the engineers and technicians willing to think outside the box and present new ways of thinking and working. As part of this rapid advancement in renewable power there…

  • A Sea of Change: The Future of Warships in the Age of Modern Missiles and Direct-Energy Weapons

    A Sea of Change: The Future of Warships in the Age of Modern Missiles and Direct-Energy Weapons

    The challenge of Modern Weaponry and Warship Adaptability The evolution of modern missiles and Direct-Energy (DE) weapons may raise concerns over the future of warships in naval warfare. While these advancements undoubtedly pose new challenges to warships, it is essential to consider their integration with existing naval platforms, rather than viewing them as making warships obsolete. In this essay, I will argue that the incorporation of these cutting-edge technologies in warships will not only ensure their continued relevance but will also enhance their ability to use or deter threats, leading to a significant operational advantage. To substantiate this argument, I will examine the impact of missiles and DE weapons on naval warfare, the importance of adaptability, embracing new technology…

  • From Pencil to Pixel: Why Sketching Still Matters in Modern Design

    From Pencil to Pixel: Why Sketching Still Matters in Modern Design

    In the throes of our digital epoch, numerous designers find themselves gravitating towards the virtual oasis of computer-aided design (CAD) software (including myself) to breathe life into their brainchildren. CAD, with its plethora of benefits, is indeed a powerful tool in the designer's arsenal. However, let us not forsake the craft of design sketching, a skill that, when paired with digital tools, can significantly enrich the design journey. The magic of design sketching resides in its inherent simplicity. It allows the wielders to rapidly navigate through the labyrinth of ideas and concepts in a manner that even the most advanced CAD software might struggle to emulate. Sketching serves as a tangible medium for the swift iteration and exploration of design ideas, devoid of the complexities…

  • Engineering and the Royal Family

    Engineering and the Royal Family

    By Anne Locker From Royal patronage to serving Presidents, and from Honorary Fellowship to engagement with engineering and technology, the history of the IET and the engineering profession is intertwined with that of the Royal Family. As we celebrate the coronation of King Charles III, here some highlights of that history from the IET’s Archive collections. A version of this blog appeared on the IET’s website in May 2023. Royal Charter In 1921, the Institution of Electrical Engineers (later the IET) was awarded its first Charter. It was granted by George V on 15 August 1921, and the King also agreed to act as the Institution’s first royal patron. Edward VIII, George VI and Elizabeth II also acted as patrons. First page of the IEE’s Royal Charter, 1921 Royal Presidents The…

  • Uncovering pieces of the past- archaeology at Savoy Place

    Uncovering pieces of the past- archaeology at Savoy Place

    By Asha Gage, IET Archivist In 2013 the IET’s London home, Savoy Place, underwent a major refurbishment project to adapt the building to the needs of modern-day events and its members. As part of this a condition was stipulated that an archaeological investigation was to be undertaken on the site. This was carried out between October 2013 and November 2014 by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology). The current building was built between 1886 and 1889 to serve as an examination hall for the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons. This is the modified building that the IET now occupies but the area of The Savoy has seen multiple transformations from the 13 th century, most notably a palace, hospital and military barracks. Savoy Place 1908 A site of many transformations…

  • Easier said than done?: decarbonising our airports

    Easier said than done?: decarbonising our airports

    Removing carbon from our airport infrastructure and aviation can be done, but ultimately requires a rethink of aircraft design says Dr Arnold Gad-Briggs UK airports consume a huge amount of energy, approximately 200 terawatt hours for the industry as a whole in 2019 according to research undertaken by EGB Engineering UK. This was pre-pandemic and at the height of what was then unrestricted flying. The challenge will be to remove of all of the carbon from the production of this energy. An airport as conventionally designed is for aircraft to land and take off and the functions and facilities that are provided to them to allow that to happen, primarily involves the use of energy and aviation fuel. Energy is needed in the form of electricity or natural gas to for heating or to fuel several…

  • Electrical Safety Awareness Month

    Electrical Safety Awareness Month

    It’s Electrical Safety Month and the IET is keen to remind the industry of the risks you need to always consider when working with electricity. How many times have you heard - “If only we had switched it off it wouldn't have happened” or “But we never followed the procedure. It would have taken too long!!!” All electrical incidents can be upsetting, and every associated injury causes suffering and some with life-changing effects. However, it is so often the case that simple steps could have prevented the incidents. Many people are exposed to electrical risk and many of them do not have an electrical background or sufficient electrical knowledge to minimise the risk. Those people include, cleaners, equipment operators, maintenance fitters and managers for example. To these categories can…

  • Engineering the engineers of the future

    Engineering the engineers of the future

    A rising star of Engineering’s future is engineering the engineers of the future We often forget that ‘Jack of all trades but master of none’ continues, ‘but oftentimes better than a master of one.’ Yun Hang Cho exemplifies this within engineering, although he wouldn’t tell you himself. One look at his history and we see what this really means. His background is in mechanical engineering, and he is currently a research engineer at the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre . Yun also kicked off the Sheffield Space Initiative which creates opportunities for hundreds of aspiring Engineers/Scientists to work on real hands-on space projects with NASA, DLR, ESA, among others. He loves to work across different fields, something that drew him to the Institution of…

  • IET Malaysia Prestigious Lecture & Award Dinner 2022: Recognizing Industries in the Engineering and Technology Sector

    IET Malaysia Prestigious Lecture & Award Dinner 2022: Recognizing Industries in the Engineering and Technology Sector

    In February 2023, more than 300 people attended the IET Malaysia Prestigious Lecture & Award Dinner 2022 The Prestige Lecture and Award Dinner (PLAD) is a prominent annual event organised by the Institution of Engineering and Technology IET Malaysia Network. It was attended by 300 guests including Yang Berhormat Tuan Chang Lih Kang, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI), Charles Hay MVO, British High Commissioner, captains of industry, academics, alongside chairmen and women of Engineering and Technology Institutions. The ceremony, at Kuala Lumpur’s Aloft Hotel, was opened by a message delivered by the IET’s current President, Professor Bob Cryan. Up for grabs at this year’s PLAD22 awards were: Outstanding Industry Captain Award, Industry Excellence Award, IET…

  • The IET Cambridge Network hosts a talk by PervasID on Advanced RFID Tracking Technology

    The IET Cambridge Network hosts a talk by PervasID on Advanced RFID Tracking Technology

    On 26th April the IET Cambridge Network hosted an engaging and informative talk by Dr Sabesan Sithamparanatha , co founder and CEO of PervasID Ltd at The University of Cambridge Engineering Department. Sabesan founded PervaseID based on his PhD research into RFID technology and he’s gone on to grow the company into a global business serving the healthcare, industrial, security, retail and logistics sectors. He told us about his entrepreneurial journey with PervasID and explained the main advantages of its cutting edge technology over conventional methods. The company is at an important stage in its development, now working with several global clients and we were very glad Sabesan was able to make the time to share his experience and insight. To find out more about our events visit…

  • What Engineers and Policymakers need to know about the ChatGPT Revolution

    What Engineers and Policymakers need to know about the ChatGPT Revolution

    Is the engineering profession on the brink of a major disruption? With the rise of ChatGPT and other AI-powered technologies, engineers are set to benefit from unprecedented levels of productivity. AI-literacy and transparency are critical to getting it right . ChatGPT is not the only, nor the first artificial intelligence (AI) system that can mimic human text production. It belongs to a class of large language models (LLMs) which generate text by calculating the probability that one word follows another in a given context. Google, Meta, and Microsoft have each released their own LLMs, and the further development of these technologies is moving more rapidly than ever before. By 2030, most of us will be using ChatGPT-like systems as digital ‘assistants’ in our daily working lives – this…

  • Who was Professor Peter Wells?

    Who was Professor Peter Wells?

    On May 3rd, the IET's Healthcare Technologies Network is holding an evening lecture at IET London: Savoy Place titled 'The Peter Wells Memorial Lecture 2023: Ageing Science and Technology: is it possible to live longer than 120?' . This lecture is the latest in a series of annual events hosted by the Joint Biomedical Engineering Group and held in honour of the late Professor Peter Wells, but how much do you know of him him and his work? Read on to learn more. A British physicist and engineer, Wells is widely recognised for his contributions to the field of medical ultrasound. He began his career as a researcher at the National Physical Laboratory in the United Kingdom, where he focused on the application of ultrasound in medicine. His pioneering work paved the way for the use of ultrasound…

  • Pumping cash into electrified heat, is it worth it?

    Pumping cash into electrified heat, is it worth it?

    As a novice to the ins and outs of electrified heat, I have been surprised by the recent boom in news stories about heat pumps. So, I wanted to explore further into the pros and cons of these heat-creating machines. First things first, let’s clarify what they are. Heat pumps harvest heat energy from the ground (GSHP) or air (ASHP), and either use it immediately as space heating or store it in a medium for later use as domestic hot water or space heating. This is exciting as you get more power out than what you put in. The UK Government hopes to install 600,000 heat pumps annually by 2028, offering each household a £5,000 grant towards the cost. The heat pump’s intention is to reduce your energy bills. Worldwide, the International Energy Agency predicts that heat pumps could slash carbon…

  • Activities to celebrate the King’s Coronation in schools and at home will be in full swing this term!

    Activities to celebrate the King’s Coronation in schools and at home will be in full swing this term!

    The Coronation of King Charles III is going to be an event to remember. Not many of us will remember the last King’s reign so we have created some STEM inspired activities to keep primary aged children busy over the 4-day weekend and help prepare for this momentous occasion. Design place settings for the lunch table or make bunting to hang around the room. Think up delicious recipes to inspire children to work together and design recipe books of their dishes for an unforgettable royal tea party. Then craft beautiful crowns to wear during the day to make everyone feel like a King or a Queen. Find Coronation activity ideas and join the celebrations while inspiring numeracy and design and technology skills with your 4–11-year-olds. We have Coronation activities for KS1 and KS2 mapped to the…

  • IET Cambridge Network at the Cambridge Festival 2023

    IET Cambridge Network at the Cambridge Festival 2023

    A team of volunteers from the IET Cambridge Network did a great job of educating and entertaining visitors of all ages to our stand at the Cambridge Festival 2023. Over the weekend of 25th and 26th March we had hundreds of visitors, who saw demonstrations of energy generation and electromagnetic induction, did experiments with magnets and plasmas and made their own LED torches to take away. It all went very well, leaving many smiles on the faces of our visitors, some of whom, we hope, will be inspired to explore engineering and technology in the future. Some of the team can be seen in the photo but many thanks to all the volunteers who helped to make the event such a great success this year. The Cambridge Festival is an annual celebration of science, arts, and culture that takes place in…