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This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • NEW BOOK/EBOOK! Healthcare Monitoring and Data Analysis using IoT: Technologies and applications

    NEW BOOK/EBOOK! Healthcare Monitoring and Data Analysis using IoT: Technologies and applications

    NEW BOOK/EBOOK! Congratulations to Book Editors Dr. Vishal Jain, Jyotir Moy Chatterjee, Pardeep Kumar and Utku Köse, and to all their chapter contributors on the publication of their new book, "Healthcare Monitoring and Data Analysis using IoT: Technologies and applications". IoT-enabled healthcare technologies can be used for remote health monitoring, rehabilitation assessment and assisted ambient living. Healthcare analytics can be applied to the data gathered from these different areas to improve healthcare outcomes by providing clinicians with real-world, real-time data so they can more easily support and advise their patients. The book explores the application of AI systems to analyse patient data and guide interventions. IoT-based monitoring systems and their security challenges…

  • Platinum Jubilee activities for primary children

    Platinum Jubilee activities for primary children

    Platinum Jubilee activities for schools and at home will be in full swing this spring and summer term! Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee is going to be an event to remember. Never before has a monarch reigned for 70 years, so to help celebrate this momentous occasion, and the four-day weekend, we have lots of STEM activities to engage primary aged children. Make bunting with your class and design place settings for the table. Craft beautiful crowns to wear, or think up delicious recipes with the children to inspire them to work together and design recipe books of their dishes for an unforgettable Jubilee tea party. We have Jubilee activities for KS1 and KS2 mapped to the curriculum with lesson plans and presentations alongside the printables, to have everything you need to hand. Join…

  • IET Hong Kong March / April 2022 Newsletter

    IET Hong Kong March / April 2022 Newsletter

    The IET Hong Kong March / April 2022 Newsletter has been published. It contains a number of upcoming activities, covering a wide range of subjects, and some reports of interesting past events. Please click Here for the IET Hong Kong January / February 2022 Newsletter. We would love to see you at one of our events!

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Entries are now open for the E&T Innovation Awards 2022!

    Entries are now open for the E&T Innovation Awards 2022!

    Are you working on cutting edge innovations or initiatives which have the potential to make dramatic improvements to modern society? Planet Earth is facing many challenges as our growing population requires more food and energy, and is constantly using more resources. Something must change. Ultimately, it will be engineers and scientists who solve the problems and pave the way for future generations. Many of the E&T Innovation Award categories reflect the societal impact that engineers can make, and our hope is that these Awards will identify and promote the innovators who stand at the doorway of positive change. Enter your innovation in the 2022 E&T Innovation Awards now. Take this opportunity to put your work forward, get the recognition you deserve and celebrate with your peers. If…

    Jane Neufville
  • Industrial Gluing Solutions: State of the Art and Harnessing Technology for Quality, Productivity and Sustainability

    Industrial Gluing Solutions: State of the Art and Harnessing Technology for Quality, Productivity and Sustainability

    The London Hammersmith network is hosting a lecture on Industrial Gluing Systems at 7pm on 24 th May by Shaun Baker of Robatech Gluing Technology. Glue is used in a host of applications from packaging, print and graphic applications, timber and wood processing, doors, bed mattresses, medical devices, building supplies and automotive applications to name but a few. To deploy gluing systems effectively draws on a host of technologies from those needed for the applicators, through to the integration of automated systems, process control, software, visualisation systems, the use of robotics and approaches to meet sustainability goals. So do join us at the Novotel Hotel in Hammersmith for this unusual talk and learn how technology is being harnessed to meet our needs in this crucial industry!

  • Modern Surface - Tribology

    Modern Surface - Tribology

    Colleagues at Modern Surface would like to share their newsletters which contain curated items on surface engineering with extra light-hearted content. Here are also details of their next webinar: “MXenes: A Model Material for Solid Lubricants” Speaker is Dr. Philipp Grützmacher of TU Vienna. 28th April 2022 Two-dimensional transition metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides, which are called MXenes are a relatively new class of 2D materials. They offer an extreme versatility in terms of composition, layer thickness, and surface terminations. This makes them ideal model materials to study the influence of theses parameters on tribological behaviour.

  • SmallSats - emerging trends and future

    SmallSats - emerging trends and future

    The IET Satellite TN recently held a webinar on the above topic. If you missed the webinar you can watch it OnDemand. Unfortunately, our speaker Rachana Mamidi Reddy was unable to cover all of the questions that were raised during the Q&A session due to the sheer number that were posted during her presentation, however, she has kindly responded to these unanswered questions post event and you can view her responses below: Presumably a 'fleet' of small sats could effect SAR? There are several SAR satellite constellations already in operation and several being planned. Check Capella space, ICEEYE. Arguably large sat manufacturers do standardise on e.g. common bus architectures, standards etc and commonality of design approaches? Yes, they do, but the standards are internal…

  • Festival of Physics, Stroud, Gloucestershire

    Festival of Physics, Stroud, Gloucestershire

    Our friends at the Institute of Physics are holding a whole-day event for school students and their families, professional and retired physicists, in fact anyone with an interest in Physics! There will be talks and demonstrations. Talk topics include: Einstein's Revolutionary Ideas, the UK Space Agency funded Destination Space project, and 50 years of the Canal Restoration from the River Seven through to the River Thames Date: 30 April 2022, 10.00 to 16.00 Location: Subscription Rooms, George Street, Stroud, GL5 1AE For more info: https://www.iop.org/events/festival-physics

    Rob Gregory
  • Help us support technicians of tomorrow

    Help us support technicians of tomorrow

    We want to review what the IET offers technicians around the world in its’ membership offering, how we promote it as well as the support, advice and inspiration we offer them within it. Understanding the views of technicians from all industries, across the globe, is critical to getting this right. As such, we would welcome your views in our technician survey , which should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey seeks to paint a picture of how technicians’ roles might change in the future and how we need to change to suit. We want to understand what products and services, like EngX, we offer you know about and how interesting and useful they are. Finally, at this time of huge economic pressures, we know that we must get the value we offer and the methods you can use to pay…

  • IET (Swindon Local Network) Present Around Swindon

    IET (Swindon Local Network) Present Around Swindon

    IET Present Around Swindon is a competition organised by the IET Swindon Local Network for young professionals, graduates, apprentices and students within engineering to develop and showcase their presentation skills, enhance their knowledge and make invaluable connections. What is it exactly? A 10-minute technology-related presentation which is judged by presentation skills (70 per cent) and its technical content (30 per cent) with five minutes for questions from the judges and audience. Are there prizes involved? £150 for the winner £100 for the runner up (if more than 3 participants) Am I eligible? You must be 18-30 years of age to enter. The competition is open to IET members and non-members. Where and when? UTC Swindon, Swindon, SN1 5ET 28 June, 2022 Do you have any questions…

  • Not Backup Day!

    Not Backup Day!

    You have one birthday a year, and probably celebrate it in one way or another: traditionally; unusually; differently; or even to excess, often totally ignoring the 364 unbirthdays that make up the rest of the year - and not forgetting that every so often there are 365 unbirthdays to celebrate!. The first morning of April is noted for what used to be decried as 'fake news', and nowadays, so is the rest of the year as well - which means that April Fool's Day (or April Fools' Day, both apostrophes are correct!) now seemingly lasts for the whole year. And just about very other day of the year has one or more celebratory 'Day' associated with it, as well as the 'Un-' days that aren't, or are. Yes, I'm regularly one of those people who sends a belated 'Happy Birthday' late, or try to turn it into…

  • CMCC event - Journey of a droplet to the ocean of decarbonisation – GUTTA project workshop, 4th May 2022

    CMCC event - Journey of a droplet to the ocean of decarbonisation – GUTTA project workshop, 4th May 2022

    This workshop will review the state of the art of maritime decarbonisation from multiple viewpoints: the regulatory institutions, the research and academia, the industry, and an advocacy organization. It will also provide a special focus on the impact of COVID-19 on the maritime sector, and how it may have affected its pathway towards its decarbonisation. The workshop’s main outcome shall be a cross-fertilization among experts and disciplines, which is much needed for successfully tackling the enormous challenges it faces. The workshop will try to bring the latest technical advancements to the broadest audience. The speakers will be committed to an effort for plain communication, which will also foster cross-cutting interactions among them. Find out more. GUTTA project workshop – Hybrid…

  • Part of the 6th IET GCC Robotics Challenge - 2022

    Part of the 6th IET GCC Robotics Challenge - 2022

    On 26 th of March , .. we had the (the 6th IET GCC Robotics Challenge - online ), event. It was a very successful event. It was attended by almost 80-90 (students and organization committees). Here is an attached report of that event .. Part of the 6th IET GCC Robotics Challenge - 2022 2022 - Challenge Theme: It was related to present (Ideas) related to robotics based Solutions/Systems to battle against coronavirus Saturday 26th of March 2022 - A Virtual Challenge Presentation Duration (25 minutes, with Q/A) Presentations Titles 01 SELF COVID TESTING MACHINE 02 Sensitization Assistant Robot 03 ALDKHTAR 04 COVID Screening Systems in School/University Transports 05 Dual Disinfection Robot 06 Memo Robot 07 The robotic technologies during the COVID-19 08 Robot Modification for COVID…

  • Encouraging the uptake of careers in quantum technologies

    Encouraging the uptake of careers in quantum technologies

    The growth of a skilled UK workforce in quantum technologies has been a strategic priority of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme (UKNQTP) since its inception in 2013. Nearly a decade on, the UKNQTP has turned into a huge success story and continues to serve as a benchmark for similar national initiatives on a global scale. As some of the key stakeholders – the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), alongside the national programme’s Strategic Advisory Board and delivery partners – are coming together to develop the UK’s Quantum Strategy for the next ten years, creation of the next generation quantum workforce with the appropriate skills and training to support the aims of the programme and contribute to its success is once again back on the agenda. The issue…

  • Special rate for IET members at Space Conference - Towards a Space Enabled Net Zero Earth

    Special rate for IET members at Space Conference - Towards a Space Enabled Net Zero Earth

    26-27 April 2022 No. 4 Hamilton Place, London and Online Colleagues at the RAeS are offering IET members a special rate at the above conference. See their website for further details and how to register. Conference objectives • Identify the innovations and actions using space technology that can help the UK (and the world) achieve net zero in line with pledges made at COP26. • Involve senior stakeholders in industry, academia and government to debate our space-enabled vision, and to leverage multi-year support from the public and private sector to drive forward new technology and exploitation delivery mechanisms. All the above will form the basis of our exciting conference programme, where a series of presentations and panel sessions will span the following topics: • How can we use…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie in Space


    Dear IET members, young professionals, and student members. Good day. The Young Professionals Section (YPS) of IET Malaysia Network will be organizing our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 17 April 2022 (Sunday) at 2.00 pm , virtually through Zoom platform. The Agenda of AGM 2022 is as follows: 1) Welcoming remarks by 2021/22 Chairperson, Dr. Ivan Ling Ting Yang 2) Review of AGM 2021 minutes 3) Secretary report by 2021/22 Honorary Secretary, Mr. Ling Ting Rang 4) Treasury report by 2021/22 Honorary Treasurer, Mr. Lee Zhe Wei 5) Election of 2022/23 YPS Board 6) Appointment of 2022/23 Internal Auditors 7) Other arising matters We would like to invite you to attend our AGM. Please confirm your attendance through online registration using the link attached to the email before…

  • How can we Decarbonise the Built Environment?

    How can we Decarbonise the Built Environment?

    Over the last three months we’ve been writing about three major issues which affect our industry but which we don’t seem to be able to deal with. The first is digital transformation , the second building safety , and this article is about the third – the decarbonisation of buildings. Decarbonisation In the UK, the Committee on Climate Change has recommended that all buildings must be net-zero to deliver the Government's goals. To achieve net-zero we must eliminate or offset both embodied carbon and operational carbon in buildings. Embodied carbon is the Carbon emissions associated with materials and construction processes during the construction and refurbishment of a building or infrastructure. The World Green Building Council calculates that embodied carbon in the built environment…

  • Egg-citing Easter STEM resources!

    Egg-citing Easter STEM resources!

    As we welcome in the spring, what better way to celebrate than with eggs and chocolate, whilst still achieving your children’s learning goals. We have fun activities for children aged 4-16, on a variety of topics, and they can be created at home with parents, grandparents and carers of children, along with being curriculum-linked to save teachers valuable time, so do please share these with your local school. For KS1 (age 4-6) and KS2 (7-11) there’s a graphics project to design a pop-up Easter card. Or you can let their creativity flow as you use papier mâché and a balloon to make an Easter egg to decorate or help link words or numbers on cracked eggshells. Pop up Easter card Papier mâché Easter egg Match eggy words or numbers In the name of science, your 11-14 year-olds (KS3…

  • Call Recording: How do we get to Building Safety? Making the case for Transparency and Integrity

    Call Recording: How do we get to Building Safety? Making the case for Transparency and Integrity

    Over the coming months, the Plain Language Guide Editorial Board will be publishing a series of opinion pieces and hosting open online calls to discuss them. On 22nd March we will be holding an exclusive in-person event for senior executives to address the issues these articles cover. Our second article was called 'How do we get to Building Safety? Making the case for Transparency and Integrity' and you can read it here . A week later we held an open online call which was recorded - watch the video below. We invited participants to give their comments on the following questions: What do you think are the barriers to transparency and integrity in our industry? What structural or behavioural mechanisms need to be in place to enable transparency and integrity in our industry? …

  • CPD Certificate - Formula 1 Racing Cars -an Engineering Challenge

    CPD Certificate - Formula 1 Racing Cars -an Engineering Challenge

    The CPD certificate for Formula 1 Racing Cars - an Engineering Challenge is now available for download.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Engineering Climate Conference and the John Rennie Gala Dinner 16 June 2022

    Engineering Climate Conference and the John Rennie Gala Dinner 16 June 2022

    Join us for the Engineering Climate Conference which has been jointly organized by IET Scotland and ICE Scotland https://www.engineeringclimate.org/ The conference is a full day event which will centre on the theme of how we as engineers will build the new sustainable future. This event will focus on challenging regulations, standards and supply chains to create sustainable, smart structures that minimize the impact to the environment and ultimately aim to reduce carbon emissions. The event will be followed in the evening with the John Rennie Gala Dinner Date: 16 June 2022 Place: Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh Time: 9:00-23:00 Cost Lectures only 9:00-16:30 £130 Dinner only: 18:00-23:00 £100 Full event £200 Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/engineering-climate-conference…

    Carol Marsh
  • IET Media TN to host an event on Sustainability in Media Technology | Savoy Place | Monday March 21st | Noon to 4pm

    IET Media TN to host an event on Sustainability in Media Technology | Savoy Place | Monday March 21st | Noon to 4pm

    The IET Media Technical Network is hosting an afternoon of talks on Sustainability in Media Technology on Monday 21 st March at Savoy Place, London. The event will start at noon with registration and a networking lunch. These talks had been scheduled to run at IBC in December. As many of you in the industry will know, IBC had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 precautions. However, we were keen to rearrange this event as we believe that we must keep the issue of sustainability high on the agenda. This is true even in a time of war. While we must send all good wishes and practical help to the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom and democracy, the planet can’t wait for this war to finish before we resume our battle to pass on a livable planet to future generations. The latest report…

  • Call for Authors for IET Book on Hybrid & All-Electric-Aircraft

    Call for Authors for IET Book on Hybrid & All-Electric-Aircraft

    The Aerospace Technical Network are editing the above book and are looking for authors to cover the following chapters: Enabling Technology HV Airborne Power Aircraft Integration Thermal Management Hydrogen Aspects Performance Case studies of aircraft development programmes are also welcome. If you are interested in contributing a chapter to this book, please contact John Turton, co-Editor rudder.pedal@googlemail.com by 31 March 2022 For more information on #Hybrid Technologies #All-Electric-Aircraft

  • Nuclear Energy and its Potential for Ireland

    Nuclear Energy and its Potential for Ireland

    On Tuesday 22 February the IET Ireland Network hosted “Nuclear Energy and its Potential for Ireland” by Sarah Cullen of 18for0. The webinar was co-hosted by the Energy, Environment and Climate Action Division of Engineers Ireland. Sarah Cullen is a Co-Founder and Director of 18for0, an Irish clean energy advocacy group calling for the repeal of Ireland's anti-nuclear legislation. She has worked in planning for the Irish solar sector and in training for the international nuclear and radiation technology sectors. She holds a master's degree in Energy Systems Engineering and a BSc in Physics. For those who attended the live broadcast we learnt that Nuclear energy has served the world very well to date and that it needs to be included in the discussion of options for future energy developments…