Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • When Engineering Meets Biology (IET Central London Network)

    When Engineering Meets Biology (IET Central London Network)

    "Synthetic biology borrows from engineering and biology disciplines making it possible to execute better design, build, and testing of DNA sequencing" explains Dr Stefanie Frank, lecturer in Synthetic Biology, Department of Biochemical Engineering at University College London (UCL), at the IET Central London Network event held at IET Savoy Place. She explained in very simple, coherent terms how 'Cutting and pasting' techniques are allowing sections of DNA, that provide the code for proteins such as enzymes (biocatalysts), nanoparticles, or even spider silk, to be cloned.  However this, is just the start. The synthetic biology industry is going through a revolution, where advances in micro-technologies are enabling the central dogma of biology – DNA -> mRNA -> Proteins – to be utilised by the…

    Rimesh Patel
  • call for nominations

    call for nominations

    G'Day all Are you interested in applying for appointment to Council, CRC, or CC-AP? If the answer is yes, please email to: governance@theiet.org. Please state your membership number in your email correspondence. You will be contacted and asked to complete a form giving details of your experience and skills. Please note that the closing date is 2 April 2020. More information can be found here: https://www.theiet.org/media/4983/call-for-nominations.pdf https://www.theiet.org/about/governance/elections/

    Siong Tang
  • Satellite Volunteers In LEO

    Satellite Volunteers In LEO

    We tried, but we could only make it as far as the lovely roof terrace at IET Savoy Place!  We had an excellent Executive team meeting on 12 February 2020 and were pleased to welcome Dave Orr our new volunteer from One Web and also David McQuiggan our volunteer based out in Southern California who was over here for other meetings.  In addition to the roof we also managed to get them together outside the Faraday Centre.  The Satellite TN activities only happen due to the sterling efforts of this group of volunteers, so please keep up to date with our Highlights page on Engineering Communities and also ensure you have updated your preferences to receive updates as we private message all community volunteers when promoting our events.   There's two great activities coming up i.e. the Call for Abstracts…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Back To The Future: IET Media Network In 2020

    Back To The Future: IET Media Network In 2020

    We are now well into 2020 and I wanted to tell you more about what the IET Media Network has in store in 2020.We are ramping up our activities and we have launched our IET Media Network YouTube channel at http://bit.ly/IETMediaVideos . Our channel is the new home of everything that we are producing of a video nature, and we have begun with a series of informative webinars that will continue throughout 2020. Right now you can catch up with our Online Streaming Primer and an introduction to Broadcast Content Protection, and more webinars are planned throughout 2020. In addition we have also launched our LinkedIn presence at http://bit.ly/ietmedia , so come along and join us there as well as on our Community site at http://bit.ly/IETMediaCommunity .    In February, we are very excited to be running…

    Ian Nock
  • Back to the Future: IET Media Network in 2020

    Back to the Future: IET Media Network in 2020

    We are now well into 2020 and I wanted to tell you more about what the IET Media Network has in store in 2020.  We are now well into 2020 and I wanted to tell you more about what the IET Media Network has in store in 2020.  We are ramping up our activities and we have launched our IET Media Network YouTube channel at http://bit.ly/IETMediaVideos , and you can easily subscribe via YouTube to feed your professional expertise. Our channel is the new home of everything that we are producing of a video nature, and we have begun with a series of informative webinars that will continue throughout 2020. Right now you can catch up with our Online Streaming Primer and an introduction to Broadcast Content Protection, and do look out for more webinars planned throughout 2020.   In addition we have also…

    Ian Nock
  • Event: IoP History Group Celebrates 200 Years Of Electromagnetism

    Event: IoP History Group Celebrates 200 Years Of Electromagnetism

    On 16 September 2020, The Institute of Physics History Group is organising a one-day seminar to celebrate the publication of Oersted's seminal paper on electromagnetism. In July 1820, Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) of the University of Copenhagen published a four-page text “Experiments on the effect of the electric conflict on the magnetic needle”.  He had discovered that a wire carrying an electric current generated by a Voltaic pile affected the orientation of a nearby compass needle and in particular that the effect circulated outside the wire in the plane perpendicular to it.  Within months, André-Marie Ampère (1775-1836) had extended Oersted’s work by experiment and mathematics.  Ampère published his  magnum opus  on electrodynamics in 1826/1827, establishing himself, according to…

    Anne Locker
  • Renaissance Meets Advancing Technology.

    Renaissance Meets Advancing Technology.

    In September 2020 the global radar community will gathering in Florence for a full week of knowledge and sharing of information. As part of the IET activities in Italy, I have had the privilege to meet up with the Honorary Chair and General co-Chairs of the IEEE Radar Conference to ask some anticipation on the upcoming event. 2020 IEEE Radar Conference RadarConf20 In conversation with:   Alfonso Farina FREng, LFIEEE, FIET   Consultant to Leonardo Land & Naval Defence Electronics, Italy   Honorary Chair, RadarConf20 | IEEE Radar Conference       Prof. Fulvio Gini FIEEE    Professor at University of Pisa   General co-Chair, RadarConf20 | IEEE Radar Conference     Prof. Maria Sabrina Greco FIEEE    Professor at University of Pisa   General co-Chair, RadarConf20 | IEEE Radar Conference   by   Dr…

    Dr Michele Fiorini
  • RF And Microwave TN Committee Members 2020

    RF And Microwave TN Committee Members 2020

    The IET RF and Microwave Network Committee organises a programme of activities for IET members, engineers and members of the public. All of these events and activities are made possible by the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers. Bal Virdee Chair Kafil Ahmed Past Chair Christopher Dodds Member   Gavin Watkins Member   Spiros Grammenos Member Xiaobang Shang Member Maziar Nekovee Member Tamara Monti Member Stephen Hanham Member James Birchall Member Dehao Wu Member   Natalia D'Lima Community Manager

    Former Staff Member
  • Joint SARS/IET Event: Adaptive space antennas and their modern communications and environment applications with Dr Amit Mehta

    Joint SARS/IET Event: Adaptive space antennas and their modern communications and environment applications with Dr Amit Mehta

    The Swansea Amateur Radio Society and IET Wales South West Local Community are pleased to announce that our next event will be a talk from Associate Professor Dr Amit Mehta on    Adaptive space antennas and their modern communications and environment applications. The talk will be delivered in Room 002 in the IQ Building at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David SA1 Innovation Quarter, Swansea​ at 7:00 pm and there will be refreshments before the talk starting at 6:30. Registration is not compulsory but it helps us to plan catering for the refreshments. You can register via the IET Events system here:  https://communities.theiet.org/communities/events/item/470/77/24782 .   About the Talk Space communications are the key for tons of future man-kind needs. Americans even say that if ‘you…

    Chris Jobling
  • MEDPOWER 2020

    MEDPOWER 2020

    The 2020 Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion will be held  9-12th November 2020, in Paphos, Cyprus. The 12th international IET MEDPOWER conference is organized by the IET Cyprus local network with the contribution of the IET Greece and Malta networks. ONLINE PAPER SUBMISSION IS NOW OPEN For additional information visit  http://medpower2020.org/

    Christos Christou


    FIRST The IET TT LN held its first executive meeting on Saturday  25, January 2020 at Starbucks, Munroe Road, Chaguanas. At this meeting, various issues were discussed which included forthcoming events for 2020, goals and objectives,  funding, venues for meetings, etc.

    J. Maraj
  • Call For Abstracts Open For The IET Railway Young Professionals/Early Career Call For Papers 2020

    Call For Abstracts Open For The IET Railway Young Professionals/Early Career Call For Papers 2020

    Topic - Sustainability Challenges in the Railway IndustrySubmit your 250 work abstract for a chance to present your work to your peers and win a cash prize Abstract to be submitted to Lynsay Callaghan (lcallaghan@theiet.org) by 12th June 2020. This is open to anyone between the ages of 18-30 including young professionals (working in the industry for 5 years or less), recent graduates (graduated in the past 5 years), apprentices and students within engineering to develop and showcase their  The competition is open to IET members and non-members.

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Internet Of Things TN Committee 2020

    Internet Of Things TN Committee 2020

    The IET Internet of Things Network Committee organises a programme of activities for IET members, engineers and members of the publicAll of these events and activities are made possible by the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers. If you would like to know more about volunteering your time to help with our activities, please get in touch with any of the current volunteers listed below or the Community Manager for the network. Mike McKean Chair Jiafeng Zhou Committee Member Aaron Russell Committee Member Roy Millard Committee Member Frank Johnson Committee Member Jaysern Pang Committee Member Ioannis Paraskevas Committee Member Bhagvat Joshi Committee Member Ivan Ling Committee Member Natalia D'Lima Community Manager   Updated 12 November 2020

    Former Staff Member
  • Antennas & Propagation TN Committee 2020

    Antennas & Propagation TN Committee 2020

    The IET Antennas & Propagation Network Committee organises a programme of activities for IET members, engineers and members of the public.All of these events and activities are made possible by the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers.   If you would like to know more about volunteering your time to help with our activities, please get in touch with any of the current volunteers listed below or the Community Manager for the network. Anil Shukla Chair Rebecca Walton Vice Chair John Batchelor Committee Member Anthony Brown Committee Member Darryl Smith Committee Member James Flint Committee Member Richard Rudd Committee Member Sana Salous Committee Member Mike Warrington Committee Member Lee Ford Committee Member Costas Constantinou Committee Member Qammer Abbasi Committee Member Ivor Morrow…

    Former Staff Member
  • 5G Has Arrived!

    5G Has Arrived!

    The 7th conference on 5G was designed to be a celebration of the consumer launch of 5G and with a sell-out event, the conference, held again at Savoy Place, London, certainly had a festive atmosphere!  Speakers from BT, Digital Catapult, BBC and University of Bristol, gave a whistle stop tour of the current landscape in 5G. Delegates were treated to real world examples of how 5G is being deployed including a BBC broadcast done purely via 5G from just down the road in Covent Garden. In the afternoon the delegates got the chance to see 5G technology at work up close with demos from Blu Wireless, Dassault Systemes, University of Sussex and the BBC. If you weren’t able to join us the videos of some of the speakers are up on IET.tv At the end of the conference, conversation turned to the future…

    Former Staff Member
  • AI Slides

    AI Slides

    The slides presented by Rupert Thomas at the recent AI talk are now available at https://slides.com/rupertthomas

    David Blake
  • Dai Hitchings

    Dai Hitchings

    We mourn the sad loss of Dai, a committed member of the IET. An obituary has been published.Dai's obituary can be found here . https://www.theiet.org/membership/member-news/obituaries/obituary-news/dr-david-james-hitchings-bsc-hons-msc-phd-ceng-fiet-october-1943-december-2019/

    Samuel Wane
  • Midlands Power Group - Challenge Of Electrical Integration In Electrified Railways

    Midlands Power Group - Challenge Of Electrical Integration In Electrified Railways

    On Wednesday 29th January 2020, the Midlands Power Group were delighted to host a talk by Dr Roger White, Director of Rail Electrification Consultancy, on the challenges of achieving electrical integration on modern railway networks.  The talk considered the Why, What, How and When questions that must be addressed whenever modern electric railways are designed and constructed.An audience of over 65 attendees at IET Austin Court enjoyed an informative and well illustrated talk on the undesirable effects of failure to adequately plan, design, coordinate and control the multitude of electrical systems and infrastructure on the railways.  Roger summarised the consequences as Danger, Damage, Disruption and Downtime (the four D's) with the worst instances becoming "Black Swan" events with potentially…

  • Midlands Power Group Event - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Who, What, Why & When

    Midlands Power Group Event - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Who, What, Why & When

    On Wednesday, 31st October 2018, the Midlands Power Group were delighted to welcome Dr Rob Armstrong, Expert Services Manager at Eurofins York to Austin Court to deliver a presentation on Electromagnetic Compatibility with a strong focus on the management of EMC in the railway sector.Rob gave the 60 or so attendees an informative insight into the challenges arising from EMC and views on the legislation and regulations are in place to prevent adverse consequences of uncontrolled electromagnetic emissions, The talk started by explaining the electromagnetic spectrum and the range of frequencies applicable to EMC and then proceeded to explain what EMC is and how it was legally regulated.  This provided a good platform to outline how equipment should be designed to be EMC compliant - essentially…

    David Swanson
  • Yorkshire And The Humber Newsletter - Winter-Spring 2020

    Yorkshire And The Humber Newsletter - Winter-Spring 2020

    Yorkshire and the Humber Newsletter   ('flipbook’ version)

    Chun Yang
  • Innovation Management Technical Network

    Innovation Management Technical Network

    Helloo! I’m pleased to share an update with you re The IET’s Innovation Management Technical Network that was formed in 2019! I will be using this space to update and give you a chance to share your comments which i will share with the committee.  The Technical Network was created following an invite only scoping event we held with the network’s stakeholders.The scoping event provided the valuable feedback to enable us to shape the aims and topics.Thank you to all those who expressed interest in joining the first committee, we have been fortunate to receive a lot interest to join which made the decision challenging. Our stakeholders are important to us, and i will use this blog to update you with key updates. This blog is a starting point for us and would like to see the online network grow…

  • Successful Tech Talk On The Topic Of Metamaterials And Metasurfaces Hosted By Ottawa LN

    Successful Tech Talk On The Topic Of Metamaterials And Metasurfaces Hosted By Ottawa LN

    The Ottawa Local Network was pleased to host a Tech Talk by Dr Shulabh Gupta, Associate Professor at Carleton University. Dr Gupta currently focuses his research in high gain antennas, electromagnetic metamaterials and their applied physics applications ranging from mm-wave to optics. Following a welcome by David Mann, Dr Gupta gave an interesting talk explaining the difference between metamaterials and metasurfaces, and talked around their potential applications in network optimization and in-building targeting as well as future potential applications in defence where EM camouflaging is a key research area.  Dr Gupta was able to explain these applications clearly, and there was a lively discussion around potential applications as well as ‘future developments’ where active metasurfaces could…

    Graeme Allan
  • Award Ceremony For IET West Yorkshire Local Network Prizes For Student Excellence 9th December, Wakefield College

    Award Ceremony For IET West Yorkshire Local Network Prizes For Student Excellence 9th December, Wakefield College

    Jeffrey Utley MBE has presented a 2019 IET Local Network Prize for Student Excellence to Charlie Exley who is studying at Wakefield College. Congratualtions to Charlie on this fantastic achievement! Universities or colleges without an accredited programme can nominate a student for the Local Network Prize for having achieved excellence on their course. The prize winner receives £250.

    Oliver Clarke
  • PATW Competition Châlons-en-Champagne

    PATW Competition Châlons-en-Champagne

    A short report on the IET French Network participation in the PATW competition.On 7th January 2020, four IET French Network volunteers went to the Arts & Métiers in Châlons-en-Champagne to assist the On Campus group with the PATW competition and IET Day. 2 volunteers, Phil Dunbar and Paul Poncelet acted as judges for the PATW competition, along with Eleanor Asprey from ThincLab, a business incubator. There were four entrants, giving presentations on Balancing off-shore wind turbines, Electricity generation for low-tech communities, Artificial heart solutions and Computer vision. The presentations were all made to a high standard, and were very interesting, provoking questions to probe the entrants' knowledge of their chosen subject, which they all handled well. All the judges results were very…

    Phil Dunbar