Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Community Manager's Viewpoint:  Welcome To The 2016-17 Session.

    Community Manager's Viewpoint: Welcome To The 2016-17 Session.

    So, as Septemember draws to a close, I am starting to look ahead to the new session.   The first thing to do is to introduce you all to our new Chairman who will take over the reins from Stewart Taylor officially on 1st October.   I would like to take the opportunity to thank Stewart for his sterling work in leading the TPN exec team over the last three years and wish him all the best for the future.   I must also mention our first event of the new session - Big Data Analytics for Smart Power Networks which we are organising in conjunction with Brunel University London .  This will be on 8th November, so do check back over the following weeks for further updates.  Welcome to our new Chairman: Simon Hart Simon works at Yasa Motors Ltd and has been involved in the IET for 23 years!  He is a former…

    Joanne Longton
  • 2016/17 Committee

    2016/17 Committee

    Here is the Bristol Network committee for the 2016/17 season:   Chair: Jeremy Boyd   Vice Chair: Junichi Sugiura CEng FIET 2nd Vice Chair: Dr Pritesh Narayan MIET Honorary Secretary: Junichi Sugiura Pelin Zahidler CEng FIET   Honorary Treasurer: Eur Ing Dr Russell Haines CEng FIET Young Professionals’ Chair: Chris Waters MIET Professional Registration Advisor: John Garrett CEng FIET Fellow (FIET) Representative: Eur Ing Dr Russell Haines CEng FIET IEng Representative: Prajjwal Baral IEng MIET Schools & Colleges Liaison: Michael Richardson CEng MIET Academic Liaison (UoB): Prof. Mark Beach CEng MIET Court Liaison (UoB) Eur Ing Dr Russell Haines CEng FIET Academic Liaison (UWE): Dr Pritesh Narayan MIET Industrial Liaison: Dr Qasim Al’Akayshee CEng MIET Retired Professional Engineers Club: Michael…

    James Inge
  • Wearable Technology, Hybrid Aircraft And The Human Brain Project

    Wearable Technology, Hybrid Aircraft And The Human Brain Project

    In this blogpost we focus on three areas that IET Local Networks have been discussing - Wearable technology, hybrid aircraft and brain modeling – and find out from the experts what impact these will have on our everyday lives now and in the future... Architecture of wearable technology IET Dorset and South Wiltshire Network   Wearable technology is the next step in communication and data sharing, providing us with the ability to take and analyse simple measurements that give us access to more detailed information about ourselves and our environment.   As everyone moves towards a greater digital presence, the traditional tools of keyboards and smartphones are no longer enough to communicate the complex data people want to share. From simple video and pictures to body monitoring and location…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • ICub Robot Is Learning To Walk, Talk, And Grow

    ICub Robot Is Learning To Walk, Talk, And Grow

    According to Dr. Katrin Solveig Lohan, a human-robot interaction (HRI) expert at Heriot Watt University in Scotland, the future of robots depends on their ability to learn from humans, acquiring skills in the way babies do.  More details in this article in PCMag Australia. Whilst I'm on the subject, we do have a lot of ICub resources in our files area so why not have a look.

    Joanne Longton
  • Naomi Climer Blog Post September 2016

    Naomi Climer Blog Post September 2016

    As this is my last blog before the end of my IET Presidency, I thought I’d reflect on my highlights for the year and on what makes me proud of the IET and the profession.    Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Facebook ordered to stop cashing in with personal data

    Facebook ordered to stop cashing in with personal data

    Regulators have banned Facebook from collecting data on WhatsApp users in Germany in a landmark ruling against the social media giant’s mass harvesting of personal information to drive advertising revenues. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Tech is transforming teaching and learning

    Tech is transforming teaching and learning

    At the turn of the 21st century, workplaces were being transformed by technology. On financial trading floors, for example, swarms of loud and animated traders in colourful jackets had been replaced by machines quietly processing trades. Intermittently, commentators speculated that education, too, would be revolutionised. - Raconteur.net Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Musk plans Mars trip for cost of a house

    Musk plans Mars trip for cost of a house

    Elon Musk has showcased his first detailed vision for sending humans to Mars, unveiling his design for a “Battlestar Galactica-style” fleet of spacecraft to carry interplanetary pioneers for less than $200,000 a ticket. - The Times Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Young Space Professionals Needed - Can You Help?

    Young Space Professionals Needed - Can You Help?

    One of the IET's Education Partners, Fun Kids Radio who do the Techno Mum children’s radio series for us are developing a new series with a grant from the European Space Agency about the Aurora robotic exploration of Mars.  They are looking for young enthusiastic young space professionals to help them develop this series.   A summary of the project is attached to this blog and if you are interested in helping please contact Gregory Watson at Fun Kids Radio.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Speaker Highlight - Intelligent Imaging (Final)

    Speaker Highlight - Intelligent Imaging (Final)

    With less than three weeks to go before the Intelligent Imaging event, we are thrilled to announce our final speaker of the day! Welcome to: Prejaas Tewarie , Postdoctoral fellow at Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School of Physics, University of Nottingham About Prejaas: Prejaas obtained his medical degree at VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam, followed by a PhD in clinical neuroscience. His work during his PhD research was focused on functional brain networks in multiple sclerosis, but also included methodological work on brain network organization in healthy subjects. The empirical brain networks were mainly studied using the neuroimaging techniques: magnetoencephalography (MEG) and (functional) MRI. During the same period, he received his BSc and MSc in applied physics from the…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET PATW WA Final - Congratulations to Robin Olsen (winner) and Kody Ponds (runner up)!!

    IET PATW WA Final - Congratulations to Robin Olsen (winner) and Kody Ponds (runner up)!!

    Congratulations to our Present Around The World Perth 2016 winner, Robin Olsen from Edith Cowan University. Rovik's topic is on "Omega, The Autonomous Robot" and we are inspired and fascinated by his research. We wish Rovik all the best in the Australia final happening in Brisbane 2017! Congratulations to the first runner up, Kody Ponds from Murdoch University. She delivered her topic on "Global Advantage Towards Energy Aggregation" and handled the public questions and answers fearlessly and confidently.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Airlander - a New Price/Speed Option

    Airlander - a New Price/Speed Option

    IET Central London Evening Lecture, Savoy Place, 21-Sep-2016 Joint event with The Royal Aeronautical Society Presented by: Andy Barton, Hybrid Air Vehicles   Can we now forget the aeroplane, and embrace the re-birth of the airship? From what we heard from Andy, the answer is "yes", at least for some applications. Whilst not cheaper than sea, rail or road freight (on a cost/load basis), it could well be the answer where such infrastructure does not exist or is impractical.   The modern solution is quite different from what we knew from the 20th century, widely used in WW2. Then, they were rigid and filled with hydrogen, suffering from well-documented drawbacks and disasters. The current generation has learnt from the past. Barnes Wallis, who designed the successful R100,  gave the founder of…

  • Coming soon, the clever cars that will call 999 in a crash...

    Coming soon, the clever cars that will call 999 in a crash...

    'but raise fears emergency services will be swamped when they become compulsory'   - The Daily Mail Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Ineos welcomes first delivery of US shale gas

    Ineos welcomes first delivery of US shale gas

    The first delivery of American shale gas to Britain is set to arrive this morning, as 27,500 cubic metres of ethane arrives at the Grangemouth petrochemical plant near Edinburgh. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Employers keep their eyes on ‘Stem’ subjects

    Employers keep their eyes on ‘Stem’ subjects

    Science, technology, engineering and maths graduates are in the frame for lucrative jobs Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Access world-class radar, sonar and navigation research, online and in print.

    Access world-class radar, sonar and navigation research, online and in print.

    Did you know the IET has a full suite of Radar, Sonar and Navigation resources? Access world-class radar, sonar and navigation research, online and in print.  Providing fresh perspectives and developments in a range of topics within the fields of radar, sonar and navigation   IET Books  – find out about current, new and forthcoming book IET Journals  - the IET Journals portfolio offers a wealth of research and information in a wide range engineering and technology fields. Electronic Letters  - Electronics Letters is an internationally renowned peer-reviewed rapid-communication journal, which publishes short original research papers every two weeks. The broad and interdisciplinary scope covers the latest developments in all electronic and electrical engineering related fields. Digital Library…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Making the difference: Manufacturing graduates that are ready for work

    Making the difference: Manufacturing graduates that are ready for work

    I'm very happy to turn over this blog posting to  Glenn Miles , lecturer at Coventry University who tells us more about the new Manufacturing Engineering Degree. It is late September as I write and next month sees the return of students to Coventry University.  This year, as new course director of the relatively new Manufacturing Engineering degree, I have inherited a unique set of final year students. They are unique in several respects.  Most appropriately for this blog they will be the first graduates of the new course and will be the living evidence of the hard work that has gone into the creation and delivery of the course as it prepares for accreditation with the IET. They will also be the first graduates that have been taught on the UK’s first “Faculty on the Shop Floor”, a Unipart-Coventry…

  • 2016-17 Session - Welcome Message From TPN Chairman

    2016-17 Session - Welcome Message From TPN Chairman

    October sees the IET TPN committees enter the new session for 2016/2017. We will be looking ahead to the next 12 months to implement our plan for workshops, events and online content to support and expose the inner workings of the space sector. So what can we learn from 2016 so far and what can we look forward to as we go into 2017? The TPN kicked off the 2015/2016 session following the well-received Space systems, Services and Applications for Cities of the Future event, held at the Satellite Applications Catapult in Harwell. This one-day workshop highlighted the bright future both government and industry saw in the space sector supporting the increasing need for continuous connectivity and real-time, wide-spread data acquisition and dissemination for audiences ranging from institutional decision…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Welcome To The Aerospace TPN

    Welcome To The Aerospace TPN

    The past few years has seen the Aerospace Community, TPN and TAP go through a series of positive changes in terms of refocus, refresh and expansion.  We have seen the formation of an Aerospace Young Professionals Group, the inaugural Aerospace Annual Symposium, the delivery and support to a number of successful aerospace technical events around the UK, Europe and Asia, as well as the provision of a significant amount of technical advice in response to requests internally from the IET as well as from a number of UK and global external bodies and media. The 2018 session promises to be another exciting year for the Aerospace TPN as we look to build on the successes of previous sessions, through continuing engagement with industry, academia and government and growing the network and the number…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Autumn 2016 Newsletter Now Placed On Communities Page

    Autumn 2016 Newsletter Now Placed On Communities Page

    The Autumn 2016 Newsletter has now been added to the Communities page.

    John Savage
  • South Island LN Treasurer's Report 2015/16

    South Island LN Treasurer's Report 2015/16

    The video below is the Treasurer's Report at the South Island AGM, for the 2015/16 year.  Paul Isaacs, the Honorary Treasurer is presenting.

    Karla Smith
  • IBC 2016: 4K, VR, IP, Object Based Sound And Content Protection

    IBC 2016: 4K, VR, IP, Object Based Sound And Content Protection

    It’s difficult to imagine seeing someone you know amongst 55,000 people but at IBC it’s the order of the day (and it started at the airport before you'd boarded the plane...) Arriving late on Thursday and getting ready for the start of the IBC exhibition on Friday surrounded by unpacked carpets and empty walk-ways there was an electric buzz in the air; will the stands be ready in time? No doubt for some Friday morning signalled the end of a hard night’s graft! But for me there was a friendly – and familiar face – already in the Partners’ Pavilion: SMPTE President Barbara Lange, who spoke passionately about SMPTE’s Centenary anniversary at this year’s JLB lecture .   With 15 halls packing in 1,700 exhibitors you know you’ll be leaving IBC with a few blisters but your mind bubbling with new innovation…

    Phoebe Houssein
  • IET Stevenage - September CoderDojo (Fear Element Included)

    IET Stevenage - September CoderDojo (Fear Element Included)

    We (IET volunteers and I) managed to pull off another successful CoderDojo on Saturday! This event took place at our Stevenage office, where 37 children and some parents attended.  We continued to work on Scratch for game development and HTML for website building, in addition to introducing the BBC Micro:Bit; an idea that was conceived by the BBC and made possible by 29 partners, including the IET and CoderDojo. Despite the sheer terror that was instilled in me, due to lack of Wi-Fi for the first 30 minutes and the frantic running around that ensued; we received excellent feedback from those that attended, with a commitnemt from those commuting from London to Stevenage, to attend the next session!  Honestly though, I now know how characters feel in movies when the dolly-zoom / vertigo shot…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • South Island AGM and Committee 2016/2017

    South Island AGM and Committee 2016/2017

    The South Island Local Network held its AGM on the 29th of September 2016.  At the AGM, reports from the Chair and the Treasurer were received, past and future events were discussed, and a new committee was elected.  Thank you to the members that attended. The new committee for Oct 2016 to Sept 2017 is: Chairperson: Joe Connolly Honorary Treasurer: Paul Isaacs University of Canterbury On Campus Co-Chair & SRRC Rep: Moana Smith University of Canterbury On Campus Co-Chair: Grace Lee Committee Member: Robert Cooke Committee Member: Karla Smith Please get in touch with any of us if you have any questions you'd like to ask, suggestions for future events, or would like to volunteer and help run things!  You can either private message us here on Engineering Communities, or create a discussion post…

    Karla Smith