One operating system to rule them all… From nervous beginnings to world domination with one system
On this day in (engineering) history… by Stephen Phillips It is the evening of November 10, 1983, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. A young man of 28, although he speaks and dresses considerably older, is addressing a product launch event that, eventually, will profoundly change the way people work and interact with computers. The Plaza was playing host to the unveiling of Microsoft’s Windows 1.0. Like so many stories, this one doesn’t have its roots in that wintery New York night. It goes back to the comfortable warmth of Nevada in November, when Gates visited COMDEX, a major trade show held in Las Vegas. Whilst there, he saw Visi On , a software produced by VisiCorp. What caught Gates’ eye was the something we don’t even think about now; a ‘windowed’ user interface. It was a…