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  • KYC, Cyber Crime And Identity Fraud

    KYC, Cyber Crime And Identity Fraud

    Most people are able to use the features of smart devices - so they know how to enable protection features to set passwords or enable lock time on devices. Smart phones now offer app management functions that also introduce a layer of defence so regulars are now on the best part of security able to be assured they are using the device safely - however - their activities can still get compromised. Some retail apps are predictive so can suggest items to users based on other app activities or even exist part of a wider ecosystem making one-click transaction automated. The city of London reported that during xmas 2014 over 16.5 million pounds of fraud was reported and The Office for national Statistics found that 2.5 cybercrimes and over 5m cases of online fraud was committed within England and…

  • Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Conference in Bangalore

    Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Conference in Bangalore

    The IET Aerospace Network recently participated in an Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Conference in Bangalore which was held as part of the UK-India Manufacturing Week. The events showcased the UK and India’s research and innovation strengths, and manufacturing opportunities in the automotive, aerospace and defence sectors. The conference encouraged companies and researchers to explore collaboration and trade opportunities between the two countries. The Bangalore event held as a precursor to the IETs Lord Austin Lecture discussed new trends, latest advancements and implications of technologies in the aerospace sector. David Lindley, Chairman of the IET's Aerospace Technical Professional Network, who presented at the conference, said aerospace engineering is a critical aspect of the "Make…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • IET Tribology Tour 2015-16: Bringing Tribology to Life

    IET Tribology Tour 2015-16: Bringing Tribology to Life

    I see that there is a joint event happening between the Northern Ireland LN and the Tribology TPN. If you want a short intro to Tribology before you attend the event in Northern Ireland - view this short video on iet.tv and then register to attend to find out lots more.

  • IET Tribology Tour In Northern Ireland

    IET Tribology Tour In Northern Ireland

    IET Tribology Tour 2015-16: Bringing Tribology to Life Want a short intro to Tribology before you attend the event in Northern Ireland - view this short video on iet.tv and then register to attend to find out lots more.

  • Orla Murphy 2016 YWE Winner Features in E&T Magazine

    Orla Murphy 2016 YWE Winner Features in E&T Magazine

    Read the article Find out about Orla Murphy, the 2015 IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year (YWE) award winner, and what she hopes to achieve as an engineering spokeswomen. Read the article

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Did You Know That IET Scotland Have Free Podcasts

    Did You Know That IET Scotland Have Free Podcasts

    IET Scotland is pleased to provide a number of free podcasts for you to download.     Thermoelectrics - Prof Douglas Paul (10027 k)   Prof Douglas Paul discusses up-to-date generation of electricity from waste heat.   Mobile device security (9419 k)   Andrew Turner from NHS discusses security vulnerability of mobile devices such as the iPhone.   Flipside (12587 k)   A new IET magazine is aimed at young aspiring engineers.  Here the Editor and the IET's Head of Education for 5 to 19 year olds explain the aims of Flipside and its appeal.   DNS (9492 k)   All our email and web access require conversion from human-readable domain to binary. Alex Dalitz explains how this works, and how can it be made more secure in order to protect our data.   Energy storage (9554 k)   Duncan Gregory discusses the…

  • YWE Winner - Orla Murphy - Video Clip

    YWE Winner - Orla Murphy - Video Clip

    Here is the moment that Orla was announced as winner of the IET YWE Awards!

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • What did space travel ever do for us? IET London Christmas Lecture 2015 - Technologies From Space

    What did space travel ever do for us? IET London Christmas Lecture 2015 - Technologies From Space

    What did space travel ever do for us? Even if we're not as fortunate as Tim Peake (who's about to go up to the ISS), the answer was made transparently clear in so many ways in our Christmas Lecture by Dr. Ravi N. Margasahayam of NASA. We saw a constellation of concepts that have gone from science fiction to reality; NASA imagines the impossible and sets out to achieve it, breaking boundaries as it extends its reach through and out of the solar system. Interestingly, and of some surprise, was that NASA doesn't develop these technologies itself: other do that to NASA's requirements. It provides an incentive to explore and innovate. So, incredible inventions and advances spin off out of space and into our world. Amongst those have been: GPS; storm detection; microwave ovens; robotic arms in surgery;…

  • PATW 2015

    PATW 2015

    Once again, the IET Barcelona network was proud to organise the PATW event held on the 30th of October at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. The venue was provided by the U.A.B. and the event took place in the graduation room, where typically the University students present their projects for their assessment to the academic staff. There were a few brave young engineers who took the plunge and presented at the PATW event, doing an excellent job with the audio and visual facilities but, above all, with the structure of their presentations, easy to follow, and their fluent speech to complete the explanation of the project. The panel selected as a winner Núria Egidos, a student from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, who presented her project: A HARMONIC GENERATION PLATFORM FOR INDUCTOR…

    Joanne Longton
  • How Can Canada  ...... Take Back Manufacturing

    How Can Canada ...... Take Back Manufacturing

    2015-12-04 event presentation

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  • Orla Murphy - IET 2015 YWE Winner

    Orla Murphy - IET 2015 YWE Winner

    The IET YWE Winner for 2015 is Orla Murphy! The Mary Gorge Memorial Prize went to Emma Goulding and the WES prize to Helen Cavill. Please join me in congratulating our winner and finalists! www.theiet.org/ywe

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    Former Community Member
  • The IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards

    The IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards

    Who will the next Young Woman Engineer of the Year Award 2015? Join us at the 2015 YWE Awards Ceremony as space journalist and science reporter, Sarah Cruddas, announces this year's winners. This event is now sold out. We regret that we will be unable to take new registrations on the day so we ask that you do not arrive without a prior registration, to avoid disappointment. www.theiet.org/ywe

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    Former Community Member
  • LN: Distinguish Guest Series-Mediation for Engg and Construction

    LN: Distinguish Guest Series-Mediation for Engg and Construction

    IET Singapore Network would like to invite you to the following presentation: Speaker: Dr Robert Gaitskell QC SYNOPSIS Every engineer will encounter disputes as part of their job. Most engineers find such disputes a distraction from the excitement of engineering, but they cannot be avoided. Disputes arise when projects are delayed or the product design is faulty, or the customer won’t pay. So, what do you do? Often, you, as the engineer, can sort the problem out without involving an (expensive) lawyer, but to do this you need to know what you are doing. This presentation, by a senior engineer (Chartered Engineer, FIET, former Vice President of the IEE (now IET), and also a senior lawyer (Queen’s Counsel)) will give you an overview of the engineering dispute resolution world, looking at the…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • YPS: PSB Engineering & Technology Club Launch Evening

    YPS: PSB Engineering & Technology Club Launch Evening

    Date: 24 November 2015, Tuesday Time: 7.15pm to 9.00pm (registration starts 6.15pm) Venue: Student Hub, PSB Academy@Delta Admission: Free Engineering & Technology Club Launch Evening: The Engineering & Technology Club is a platform for engineering & technology students to interact with practicing professionals from the industry through partnership with the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and an opportunity for students to participate in engineering activities applying their knowledge and skills. We are pleased to invite you to join us. Date: 24 Nov 2015* (Tuesday) Time: 6.15pm to 9.00pm Venue: Student Hub Admission: Free Dinner will be provided for registered students at 6.15pm. Pre-registration for the event is required to reserve a seat and bento dinner.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET Singapore Local Network And STE System Joint Seminar

    IET Singapore Local Network And STE System Joint Seminar

    IET Singapore Local Network and STE Systems joint seminar: 2 Presentations Speaker: Thomas Gsell and Marius Jansen Date: 30 October 2015 Venue: Singapore Polytechnic Graduate Guilds’ 1010 Dover Road, Gate 4, Carnation Room 1st Presentation –Harmonics in 3 -Phase Network: Solutions & Case Studies -What is Reactive Power? -What is Non -Linear Loads? -Harmonics Theory -Fourier Transformation -Harmonics in 3 phase networks -What Active and Reactive Power? -Harmonics Consequences -Passive harmonics compensation (tuned parallel resonance circuit) -Active harmonics compensation with Active Harmonic Filters -Active Filters: Pro and Contra-Case studies Speaker: Thomas Gsell, Technical Manager for Low Voltage Compensation at ALSTOM Grid, graduated as Power Electronics Engineer in 1992. He founded the…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • YPS: Food Science - Engineering The Perfect Ice Cream

    YPS: Food Science - Engineering The Perfect Ice Cream

    Young Professional Section Presents: Food Science - Engineering the Perfect Ice Cream Organisers: Ms Huang Lingxi & Mr Edward Ho Date: 10th Oct 2015 Timing: 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Venue: Udders, 155 Thomson Road, Singapore 307608 Synopsis: “It is a sad reflection that we know more about the temperature inside the stars than inside asoufflé.” N. Kurti To many people, preparation of food is more of an art than a science. This talk aims to introduce attendees to food engineering, it is s a multidisciplinary field which combines science, microbiology, and chemical engineering education for food and related industries. The attendees will be able to learn about the principles behind commercial ice-cream production, and how new flavors are being developed and tested. This will be followed by a hands…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Technical Event On 3 Dec 2015 At McMaster University

    Technical Event On 3 Dec 2015 At McMaster University

    Title : The Integration of Wind and Solar Generation into Ontario’s Power System Younger member section event. See file attached for details.

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  • PICO Project

    PICO Project

    Last Chance to Book for this talk on 10 December. You're told you must use a different un-guessable password for every account, but can't write them down. If you don't comply, and get hacked, the blame is on you. Dr Frank Stajano created the Pico project to liberate humanity from passwords. Frank is a Reader in Security and Privacy. He is Head of the Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research at the University of Cambridge. He has a mixed academic and industrial background and has given over 60 invited talks on 4 continents. Visit http://mypico.org for more information and www.theiet.org/cambridge to make a booking for the event.

    David Blake
  • Integration of Lighting into the Total Building Solution

    Integration of Lighting into the Total Building Solution

    Joint institution event with CIBSE on 26 November 2015.

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  • Human Capital Model

    Human Capital Model

    A few years ago, I put forward some academic theories based on conceptual frameworks that are employed to help explain the changing dynamics of security qualifications. Change is typically fuelled by the need to satisfy desire outside the normative environment or hygiene theories associated with the Human Capital model. It was researched that training is initially paid for by the employer where initial wages are less for the employee who can expect higher earnings at a later stage one they demonstrate within their role how the knowledge acquired can help increase efficiencies and even profitability for the department this demonstrates the managers return on investment. In this model, during the training period the actual training costs are deducted this giving more economic 'value' to the trainee…

  • IET Tustin Lecture: Reducing Lap Times And Fuel Consumption In F1

    IET Tustin Lecture: Reducing Lap Times And Fuel Consumption In F1

    On the 24th November, an audience of over 100 people gathered together to watch the 2015 IET Tustin Lecture.    The lecture, entitled, Reducing lap times and fuel consumption in F1 was given by Professor David Limebeer, Professor of Control Engineering and Professorial Fellow at New College Oxford. This highly complex and technical talk focused on the control of the hybrid thermal-electric power train, and looked at, amongst other things, fuel efficient engines in cars and other vehicles. It is a general trend in the automotive industry that engines be downsized and emissions reduced and it is no different in Formula 1. It was fascinating to hear that new F1 engines have two types of energy recovery system or “ERS”: the first (ERS-K) recovers kinetic energy from the braking system much like…

    Joanne Longton
  • Nunthorpe Academy, Engineering Careers Evening

    Nunthorpe Academy, Engineering Careers Evening

    A fabulous evening at the ‘Nunthorpe Academy, Engineering Careers Event’ on the 10th of November attended by Bob North and Hugh Pilot. Great to speak to the up and coming engineers of the future, the future’s looking bright!

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  • Functional Safety Made Easy

    Functional Safety Made Easy

    As you may be aware from an earlier blog, we recently had a lecture from Ron Pierce, a Safety consultant, whose lecture is titled "Functional Safety Made Easy". One of our attemdees at the event, John Lovegrove, produced a very good summary of the event which can be found here . Many thanks to John for all his efforts on our behalf.

    David Crawford
  • Security on the Internet of Things

    Security on the Internet of Things

    Very interesting talk by Mark Comeadow of Cisco on the Security on the Internet of Things. Mark gave a relaxed but very knowledgeable presentation to an enthusiastic audience. Lots of illuminating questions from the attendees which added to the exchange of information.

    Andrew Dodd