Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • CPD Elements: Introducing the Six Categories of CPD

    CPD Elements: Introducing the Six Categories of CPD

    CPD refers to the maintenance and development of knowledge and skills relevant to ensuring you remain competent as a professional engineer or technician. Undertaking CPD is detailed in the IET’s rules of conduct and IET members have a professional obligation to undertake CPD. Those who are professionally registered with the Engineering Council as CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTech must also follow the Engineering Council’s CPD Code . The Engineering Council have an expectation that all Professional Engineering Institutions (PEIs) will introduce monitoring of members’ CPD records and the IET are aiming to have this in place by the Engineering Council’s aspirational date of January 2017. In order to achieve this we are encouraging all members to start recording their CPD, whether they are professionally…

    Kathryn Bain
  • CPD Elements: Introducing the Six Categories of CPD

    CPD Elements: Introducing the Six Categories of CPD

    CPD refers to the maintenance and development of knowledge and skills relevant to ensuring you remain competent as a professional engineer or technician. Undertaking CPD is detailed in the IET’s rules of conduct and IET members have a professional obligation to undertake CPD. Those who are professionally registered with the Engineering Council as CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTech must also follow the Engineering Council’s CPD Code . The Engineering Council have an expectation that all Professional Engineering Institutions (PEIs) will introduce monitoring of members’ CPD records and the IET are aiming to have this in place by the Engineering Council’s aspirational date of January 2017. In order to achieve this we are encouraging all members to start recording their CPD, whether they are professionally…

    Kathryn Bain
  • CPD Elements: Self Study

    CPD Elements: Self Study

    The CPD Elements blog series aims to look in a bit more detail at the types of activities that can count as CPD. We know that our members work in a range of roles and across a number of sectors, so we recognise a wide range of CPD activities. We also don’t limit this recognition to only IET products and accept CPD from any source relevant to each member as we know you are best placed to decide what CPD is appropriate for you. Self Study Whether you are reading a book, a journal article, undertaking research through the internet or other digital means or participating in online technical communities and discussion forums, self-study is a valuable way of gaining CPD. Self-study is easy to fit in around work based activities, and most self-study activities are easily accessible at little cost…

    Kathryn Bain
  • CPD Elements: Events And Seminars

    CPD Elements: Events And Seminars

    The CPD Elements blog series aims to look in a bit more detail at the types of activities that can count as CPD. We know that our members work in a range of roles and across a number of sectors, so we recognise a wide range of CPD activities. We also don’t limit this recognition to only IET products and accept CPD from any source relevant to each member as we know you are best placed to decide what CPD is appropriate for you. Events Whether acting as a speaker, presenting a paper, networking for business or going along to pursue a personal interest, events and seminars present a number of learning opportunities that can help you gain valuable CPD. The IET offers a range of over 1200 seminars, conferences, technical visits, courses, lectures and local network events each year. You can use the…

    Kathryn Bain
  • CPD Elements: Volunteering

    CPD Elements: Volunteering

    T he CPD Elements blog series aims to look in a bit more detail at the types of activities that can count as CPD. We know that our members work in a range of roles and across a number of sectors, so we recognise a wide range of CPD activities. We also don’t limit this recognition to only IET products and accept CPD from any source relevant to each member as we know you are best placed to decide what CPD is appropriate for you. Volunteering Volunteering can help you to develop your skills whilst giving you a degree of personal satisfaction as well as providing benefit to others. There are a number of skills you can gain from volunteering such as influencing, negotiating, chairing meetings, communication, project or budgetary management as well as guiding others. Many volunteer roles are available…

    Kathryn Bain
  • CPD Elements: Academic Study

    CPD Elements: Academic Study

    The CPD Elements blog series aims to look in a bit more detail at the types of activities that can count as CPD. We know that our members work in a range of roles and across a number of sectors, so we recognise a wide range of CPD activities. We also don’t limit this recognition to only IET products and accept CPD from any source relevant to each member as we know you are best placed to decide what CPD is appropriate for you. Academic Study For many engineers in their early career academic study will be part of their development as they develop through their initial professional development, but it is not just for those seeking accredited degree programmes (link) as part of this development. Whether you are studying full-time, part time or via distance learning, the IET recognises that formal…

    Kathryn Bain
  • CPD Elements: Academic Study

    CPD Elements: Academic Study

    The CPD Elements blog series aims to look in a bit more detail at the types of activities that can count as CPD. We know that our members work in a range of roles and across a number of sectors, so we recognise a wide range of CPD activities. We also don’t limit this recognition to only IET products and accept CPD from any source relevant to each member as we know you are best placed to decide what CPD is appropriate for you. Academic Study For many engineers in their early career academic study will be part of their development as they develop through their initial professional development, but it is not just for those seeking accredited degree programmes (link) as part of this development. Whether you are studying full-time, part time or via distance learning, the IET recognises that formal…

    Kathryn Bain
  • CPD Elements: Work Experience

    CPD Elements: Work Experience

    The CPD Elements blog series aims to look in a bit more detail at the types of activities that can count as CPD. We know that our members work in a range of roles and across a number of sectors, so we recognise a wide range of CPD activities. We also don’t limit this recognition to only IET products and accept CPD from any source relevant to each member as we know you are best placed to decide what CPD is appropriate for you. Work Experience For most engineers or technicians, the majority of learning will be done on the job as they are learning about new processes or undertaking research into how to approach a project; in fact the 70:20:10 model for learning and development suggests that work experience accounts for 70% of successful development. Whether you are undertaking a secondment in…

    Kathryn Bain
  • Meet Yew-Kee Lim: An Inspirational Volunteer Case Study

    Meet Yew-Kee Lim: An Inspirational Volunteer Case Study

    Yew-Kee Lim is a committee member for the IET Manufacturing Network and is based in Malaysia. Being aware of the exceptional volunteer work that he has been doing, we decided to write a case study highlighting his involvement. The attached document covers Yew-Kee's volunteering journey, from how he first became involved with the IET, to his recent activities, and everything in between. We also wanted to raise awareness of the contribution that he has been making towards membership recruitment in Malaysia. We hope you find it an inspirational read and that you will join us in congratulating Yew-Kee on all that he has achieved!

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Project Controls In Practice: The Heathrow And Gatwick Experiences

    Project Controls In Practice: The Heathrow And Gatwick Experiences

    Busiest, largest, global, security, runways – these are the words that pop into my head when I think about Heathrow and Gatwick airports. For most, airports mark the first point of call when we’re on our travels and we hope and pray that everything is to schedule… Yet behind the scenes, project controllers are hard at work helping everything to run smoothly. At the Project Controls Network Prestige Lecture: Project Controls in practive - the Heathrow and Gatwick experiences on Wednesday 12th November we are lucky to have two high-profile speakers to talk about their experiences of project control processes behind the scenes at the UK’s two largest airports. Peter Fray and Doug Waters will talk on about their roles as project controllers at their respective airports, giving a fascinating insight…

    Phoebe Houssein
  • CPD Elements: Training

    CPD Elements: Training

    The CPD Elements blog series aims to look in a bit more detail at the types of activities that can count as CPD. We know that our members work in a range of roles and across a number of sectors, so we recognise a wide range of CPD activities. We also don’t limit this recognition to only IET products and accept CPD from any source relevant to each member as we know you are best placed to decide what CPD is appropriate for you. Training Training is perhaps the most recognised of the different types of CPD that our members undertake, but not all members have access to training courses as part of their development, and it is not always the most beneficial way for members to learn; in fact the 70:20:10 model for learning and development suggests that as little as 10% of lessons learned come from…

    Kathryn Bain
  • Code Of Practice For Cyber Security In The Built Environment

    Code Of Practice For Cyber Security In The Built Environment

    This code of practice explains why and how cyber security should be considered throughout a building’s lifecycle and explains good practice. It aims to help multidisciplinary teams understand how the management of key aspects of cyber security relate to their specific jobs and responsibilities in maintaining the security of a building and how the process can be integrated into company management systems. For the E&T article 'Cyber-security guidelines for safer buildings' see here . For more information on the Code of Practice for Cyber Security in the Built Environment see here . How does this relate to Building Information Modelling? The IET have just published a report that highlights the transformation BIM promises in a building or infrastructure lifecycle, including new cyber security risks…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • The Sir Isaac Newton Lecture 2014

    The Sir Isaac Newton Lecture 2014

    This year we were pleased to welcome Phillippa Davies from Reaction Engines to present the annual Sir Isaac Newton Lecture, entitled “Jet into Space” on Wednesday 15th October 2014. This event is aimed at promoting STEM subjects to 14 to 16 year old students of Lincolnshire, hopefully to inspire them into onward studies and ultimately careers in the fascinating and varied world of Science, Technology and Engineering. Following an introduction from Grp Captain Mark Hunt, President of The IMechE, Phillippa described her involvement in the exciting and innovative propulsion engine being developed by Reaction Engines. Called the SABRE this engine combines elements of classic Rocket propulsion with the ability to harvest the oxygen supply required for use in the atmosphere. This dramatically reduces…

    Joanne Longton
  • Report Back From October Main Network Events

    Report Back From October Main Network Events

    Two evening events were held by IET Kent in October 2014 On the 22nd October, IET Kent held the inaugural Jennison Lecture at the University of Kent, to an audience in excess of 100. This event also opened the University’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations. The Lecture is named after Roger Jennison, the first Professor of Physical Electronics at the University in 1965 and founder of the Electronics Laboratory; which has now grown into the School of Engineering and Digital Arts. The speaker for the evening was Rhys Phillips (Research Engineer, Lightning & Electrostatics, from Airbus Group Innovations UK). His talk was titled "Thunderbolts and Lightning - are they really frightening?" and he delivered an informative and entertaining presentation. Rhys looked at the phenomenon of lightning and explained…

    Brian Dury
  • IET At The Science Museum Lates Session - Wednesday, 26 November

    IET At The Science Museum Lates Session - Wednesday, 26 November

    IET Robotics & Mechatronics Exec team members were recently involved in the Science Museum November Lates Session - the theme of which was The Information Age . The Musuem Lates Sessions is an initiative aimed at attracting an adult audience to the museum to hear about the latest innovations in the scientific world. They are very popular, often attracting more than 3000 visitors, and this is the second time the TPN has been involved. A robotics lecturer from Harper Adams University, Sam Wane , spoke about technology advancements in agriculture. In particular, Sam discussed the changing size of the tractor, and how the research taking place at Harper Adams hopes to develop lightweight agricultural robots to seed, weed, scout and harvest. He also spoke about new technologies such as unmanned…

    Joanne Longton
  • Mersey & Western Cheshire Network Committee Members 2016-17 Session

    Mersey & Western Cheshire Network Committee Members 2016-17 Session

    The IET Mersey & Western Cheshire Network organise an annual programme of engineering activities.  All of these events and activities are made possible by the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers. If you would like to know more about our committee, or would like to be a volunteer for us, please get in touch with the Chairman or our Community Manager listed below. Andrew Kaldos   Chairman John McDonald   Immediate Past Chairman Robert McDonald  Vice Chairman and Onlilne Community Administrator Jiafeng Zhou  Secretary James Harris  Treasurer John Bullock   Asst Treasurer Bob Green  Chairman, Power Group  Brian Clark   Chairman, Electronics & E-systems Group  Erik Clark Secretary/Advertising Manager,  Young Professionals Section Gordon Nicholas   Deputy   Chairman, EC&C Group  Haydn Evans…

    Rob McDonald
  • Why Become A Fellow Of The IET?

    Why Become A Fellow Of The IET?

    Fellowship of the IET represents the highest grade of IET membership you can apply for. IET Fellows contribute both to the IET through their voluntary activities and also to their commitment to achievements and service in the engineering and technology sectors. IET Fellowship is awarded to individuals who have sustained high levels of achievement, for example through leadership, influence, senior responsibility, innovation, and professional service, at the forefront of engineering, technology or cognate disciplines for a period of five years or more. If you are interested in finding out more about fellowship with the IET you can view Matt's story: You can also meet some of the other IET Fellows , or if you're interested in finding out more, visit: www.theiet.org/fellows

    Kathryn Bain
  • *** We need more suggestions for women engineers to feature on the new IET staircase at Savoy place ***

    *** We need more suggestions for women engineers to feature on the new IET staircase at Savoy place ***

    Celebrating engineers’ comprises two semi-translucent sculptures, suspended the full height of the building’s stairwells. The sculptures use a series of graphic and reflective panels to tell the past, present and future story of the IET through the people linked to the institution from its foundation. Who do you think should be included? We’ve begun with a list of those already honoured by the IET through awards such as the Faraday Medal, Mountbatten Medal and Honorary Fellowship. It starts with Michael Faraday and our first President in 1871 and extends to the latest recipients of Honorary Fellowship and the Faraday Medal. To give us your ideas of who to celebrate, please complete our online survey. For more information and to put your suggestions forward...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Sixteen ‘Year In Industry’ Students Join Scottish Power

    Sixteen ‘Year In Industry’ Students Join Scottish Power

    Sixteen ‘Year in Industry’ Students join ScottishPower With the shortage of engineers within the Scottish manufacturing and energy sector remaining high profile within media reports, it is refreshing to see a forward thinking company, like ScottishPower take the initiative in securing and attracting the best of engineers of the future. The 16 Sixteen school leavers have just started a year long innovative but challenging placement with the leading energy company through The Year in Industry programme run by nationwide charity the Engineering Development Trust (EDT), as part of ScottishPower’s drive to secure a sustainable skilled workforce. Students will work across many sites in Central Scotland; each will have a dedicated mentor and a robust work schedule. EDT have run the programme successfully…

  • Twitter Account

    Twitter Account

    The IET Cambridge has opened a Twitter account to push out news of talks and and changes to the programme. The same information will appear on this website. Twitter email is cambsec@theiet.org, username is cambsec. Thanks David Blake

    David Blake
  • Crossrail Talk 20 November

    Crossrail Talk 20 November

    The Crossrail talk on 20 November has also been advertised by the I Mech E and ICE. If you want tea and sandwiches, please get there at 1800 hrs. The talk will start at 1830 hrs. Thanks David Blake

    David Blake
  • Tornado Lecture - Nov 2014

    Tornado Lecture - Nov 2014

    Hi Everyone, Just a little reminder that it is only 1 week until the free Tornado Lecture at Teesside University. For registration please contact craig_smithson@icloud.com

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Tornado Lecture - Nov 2014

    Tornado Lecture - Nov 2014

    Hi Everyone, Just a little reminder that it is only 1 week until the free Tornado Lecture at Teesside University. For registration please contact craig_smithson@icloud.com

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Introducing the new PEMD TPN

    Introducing the new PEMD TPN

    The Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Network is a new IET technical and professional network (TPN) established by a group of engineers working across a broad range of industrial sectors with a common technology bond. Envisaged as a home and reference point for the power electronics, machines and drives community, the newly formed network aims to keep members fully informed about all events relevant to members interests and to develop a number of topical, sector-focused seminars, providing a strong link to established headline conferences. Key figures from across the sector have pledged their support, with a core PEMD TPN management team made up of senior industrial and academic engineers with a passion for power electronics, machines and drives. “The PEMD TPN came out of a group of us…

    Gemma Hadley