Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Corona Virus - IET Policy

    Corona Virus - IET Policy

    So sorry but all events until the end of June are cancelled in accordance with IET Policy on Corona Virus. With apologies. Derrick

    Derrick Willer
  • Events cancelled until further notice, sorry, but you you know why.

    Events cancelled until further notice, sorry, but you you know why.

    Events cancelled until further notice, sorry, but you you know why. Events cancelled until further notice, sorry, but you you know why.

    Alex Barrett
  • Cambridge Science Festival

    Cambridge Science Festival

    The Cambridge Science Festival has been cancelledFor info, here's an update from the organisation team:    Cambridge Science Festival has decided with great reluctance to cancel all of its scheduled programme. We came to this extremely difficult decision after thinking long and hard about the welfare of our visitors and our staff. Their health and safety must come above all else and we do not want inadvertently to expose them to the risk of coronavirus.   We realise the cancellation will be a disappoint to our thousands of loyal supporters but we feel it is the right decision in the circumstances.   The Festival team will take all steps to cancel all events and make contact with ticket holders and venues. We will now begin to advertise all events on our website and social media as cancelled…

    David Blake


    At the invitation of UTT, Pt.Lisas, The  Head of Engineering, Dr. Solange Kelly, the IET TT LN IPRAs, Eng. Anthony Chadee and Eng. David Drakes were invited to give a seminar on the routes to professional registration and student membership. This is in direct accordance for the accreditation of the Engineering Utility programme at UTT, which was given 5 years by the IET Accreditation Board. The professors and students were treated to IET journals and magazines and the IEng and CEng competency guidelines were also discussed.  It is expected that at least 50% of the participants are expected to register with the IET as members plus 10% to register professionally with the UK Engineering Council. A short talk was also given on the PATW competition by Professor Tagore and Pradesh. The first heat…

    J. Maraj
  • SESAME Visit To Torness Power Station - CANCELLED

    SESAME Visit To Torness Power Station - CANCELLED


    Samuel Gaw (Jim)
  • Visit To Torness Power Station - CANCELLED

    Visit To Torness Power Station - CANCELLED

    PLEASE NOTE THIS VISIT HAS NOW BEEN CANCELLED BY THE VENUE IN LIGHT OF THE COVID 19 SITUATION. Regards Jim Gaw, SESAME committee Event link:  https://events.theiet.org/visit-to-torness-power-station/

    Samuel Gaw (Jim)
  • Great Lecture On Electro Explosive Devices

    Great Lecture On Electro Explosive Devices

    With 38 people in attendance, we were some what surprised to see how much interest this niche subject generated within the community.Edd Dunkin gave a great talk introducing the different types of EED, examples of their use both military (space craft) and civil applications (airbags), how we ensure they work in RF environments where they are in use and how to prevent failure which could lead to injury and/or death (USS Foresstal example). Different test methods were explained along with the different standards and the huge benefits of passive trials via instrumented devices.

    Anna Gilbert
  • New The IET@150 Global Engagement Fund Is Available For Volunteers To Get Your Anniversary Celebration Ideas Off The Ground!

    New The IET@150 Global Engagement Fund Is Available For Volunteers To Get Your Anniversary Celebration Ideas Off The Ground!

    To support our year-long 150th anniversary celebrations starting in October 2020, we’ve set up a special ‘The IET@150 Global Engagement Fund’ that’s available just for IET volunteers to apply for. The Fund’s been created to help bring special, celebratory events and activities to your region and give you some extra financial support with your plans.  You can bid for up to £2,500 (or local currency equivalent) by completing the attached proposal form and sending it to the IET@150 Steering Group. However, if you’ve got a great idea that ticks all the boxes but requires a little more funding, the 150th anniversary Steering Group will consider larger bids. To be eligible, your proposed event or activity must celebrate our 150th anniversary or be on the topic of sustainability, which is a key focus…

    Siong Tang


    We are pleased to advise that our IET TT LN Treasurer, Eng. Chadee has received  an Award  for 'Integrity" from the IET Volunteer Engagement Board . This is a first for Trinidad and Tobago as well as the Caribbean Region. Let us congratulate Eng. Anthony on his achievement and wish him success in carrying out the IET work in the future!!!

    J. Maraj
  • New Event - DAB Radio Now and In the Future

    New Event - DAB Radio Now and In the Future

    Come and find out the current status of DAB Radio and where it is heading in the future.Over the past couple of years there has been a lot of talk about DAB radio particularly with regard to switching off FM broadcast radio.   I am please to share advanced information about a new talk we have arranged on where DAB radio is now and where it is heading in the future.     We are fortunate that Simon Mason has agreed to come and tell us all about it and he should know as he is the Head of Technology at Arqiva.   Arqiva is the company that run the majority of TV and Radio Broadcast Transmission Networks in the UK on behalf of Broadcast service providers. The event will be at Bournemouth University (Talbot Campus) on Wednesday 6 May 2020 starting at 6.30pm for 7.00pm Watch out for full event details…

    John Savage
  • Reminder - Cybersecurity Talk Wednesday 4 March

    Reminder - Cybersecurity Talk Wednesday 4 March

    Hi Just a reminder that the March SESAME event is a talk on Cybersecurity in Safety Critical Systems and takes place tomorrow, Wednesday 4 March at 1400 at Napier University Craiglockhart Campus. Full details of the talk can be found by following the link below. I hope to see you there. https://events.theiet.org/cyber-security-in-safety-critical-systems/ Regards Jim Gaw SESAME committee

    Samuel Gaw (Jim)
  • Reminder - Cybersecurity talk Wednesday 4 March

    Reminder - Cybersecurity talk Wednesday 4 March

    Hi Just a reminder that the March SESAME event is a talk on Cybersecurity in Safety Critical Systems and takes place tomorrow, Wednesday 4 March at 1400 at Napier University Craiglockhart Campus. Full details of the talk can be found by following the link below. I hope to see you there. https://events.theiet.org/cyber-security-in-safety-critical-systems/ Regards Jim Gaw SESAME committee

    Samuel Gaw (Jim)
  • Dawn Of The Circular Carbon Economy

    Dawn Of The Circular Carbon Economy

    "Circular Carbon Economy" is starting to mature, explained Dr Stefanie Frank, lecturer in Synthetic Biology, Department of Biochemical Engineering at University College London (UCL), at the IET Central London Network lecture 'When Engineering Meets Biology' held at IET Savoy Place. DNA-as-a-service, storing data within DNA, making food from thin air, generating spider silk within a bio reactor and 3D bio printing - just some of the amazing technologies created from elements (synthesised) like solar, carbon and light. The lecture highlighted that whilst these theories are not new, modern sciences have brought these theories to life (literally).  Click here to read the full blog.

  • SESAME February 2020 Newsletter

    SESAME February 2020 Newsletter

    Please find attached the February 2020 edition of the SESAME newsletter. The newsletter is also in the Files section but by posting as a blog it should be available without having to log in to the community website. Let me know if you have any problems.

    Samuel Gaw (Jim)
  • Online Learning From The IET

    Online Learning From The IET

    With the wintry weather still upon us we've got your back with training that you don't even need to leave the house for, so why not let us brighten your day with our Online Learning? Over the last few years we have started to diversify the portfolio of courses available to include webinars, e-classes and e-learning that is suitable for everyone.  Whether you just want an introduction or a refresher to practical skills such as negotiation or management, or are looking for deeper technical content in a particular area then the IET have the course for you. Benefits of E-Learning E-Learning is available anywhere in the world, even if you are on the move with mobile apps for our Webinars and E-Classes via the Adobe Connect App and the IET Academy available on the MyLearning App.  You can also access…

    Kathryn Bain
  • BCC Information About Living In France Post-Brexit

    BCC Information About Living In France Post-Brexit

    The attached information has been sent to the IET French Network by the British Community Committee concerning post-Brexit information for British citizens living in France. The following information has been sent to the IET French Network concerning post-Brexit information for British citizens living in France. Firstly, you will find attached an important article prepared by our Vice-Chairman, Christopher Chantrey, about living in France post-Brexit.  Secondly, Philippa Tomlin, Regional Consular Policy Adviser from the British Embassy confirms two upcoming Embassy Outreach meetings, 27th February   Agen 6p.m. 9th March, La Rochelle 12.30 pm Details of both meetings can be found on the BCC Facebook page. You should register as a legal resident in your country of residence see  Living in Guides

    Phil Dunbar
  • Not Your Grandmother’s Marketing – A Tech Talk On How Technology Has Impacted Marketing Hosted By Ottawa Local Network.

    Not Your Grandmother’s Marketing – A Tech Talk On How Technology Has Impacted Marketing Hosted By Ottawa Local Network.

    The Ottawa Local Network enjoyed an interesting presentation from Dobrila Rancic Moogk, VP Marketing at Giatec Scientific, on the evening of 20th February titled ‘Not your Grandmother’s Marketing’.  The Ottawa Local Network enjoyed an interesting presentation from Dobrila Rancic Moogk, VP Marketing at Giatec Scientific, on the evening of 20th February.  This presentation titled ‘Not your Grandmother’s Marketing’ looked at how technology has allowed marketing techniques to evolve from old style ‘spray and pray’ marketing in magazines / trade press to modern programmatic advertising, using AI optimization techniques delivered through several SaaS solutions.   Dobrila drew an interesting comparison between the buyer’s journey and the marketing funnel, and which commercial tools are used to focus…

    Graeme Allan
  • When Engineering Meets Biology (IET Central London Network)

    When Engineering Meets Biology (IET Central London Network)

    "Synthetic biology borrows from engineering and biology disciplines making it possible to execute better design, build, and testing of DNA sequencing" explains Dr Stefanie Frank, lecturer in Synthetic Biology, Department of Biochemical Engineering at University College London (UCL), at the IET Central London Network event held at IET Savoy Place. She explained in very simple, coherent terms how 'Cutting and pasting' techniques are allowing sections of DNA, that provide the code for proteins such as enzymes (biocatalysts), nanoparticles, or even spider silk, to be cloned.  However this, is just the start. The synthetic biology industry is going through a revolution, where advances in micro-technologies are enabling the central dogma of biology – DNA -> mRNA -> Proteins – to be utilised by the…

    Rimesh Patel
  • call for nominations

    call for nominations

    G'Day all Are you interested in applying for appointment to Council, CRC, or CC-AP? If the answer is yes, please email to: governance@theiet.org. Please state your membership number in your email correspondence. You will be contacted and asked to complete a form giving details of your experience and skills. Please note that the closing date is 2 April 2020. More information can be found here: https://www.theiet.org/media/4983/call-for-nominations.pdf https://www.theiet.org/about/governance/elections/

    Siong Tang
  • Satellite Volunteers In LEO

    Satellite Volunteers In LEO

    We tried, but we could only make it as far as the lovely roof terrace at IET Savoy Place!  We had an excellent Executive team meeting on 12 February 2020 and were pleased to welcome Dave Orr our new volunteer from One Web and also David McQuiggan our volunteer based out in Southern California who was over here for other meetings.  In addition to the roof we also managed to get them together outside the Faraday Centre.  The Satellite TN activities only happen due to the sterling efforts of this group of volunteers, so please keep up to date with our Highlights page on Engineering Communities and also ensure you have updated your preferences to receive updates as we private message all community volunteers when promoting our events.   There's two great activities coming up i.e. the Call for Abstracts…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Back To The Future: IET Media Network In 2020

    Back To The Future: IET Media Network In 2020

    We are now well into 2020 and I wanted to tell you more about what the IET Media Network has in store in 2020.We are ramping up our activities and we have launched our IET Media Network YouTube channel at http://bit.ly/IETMediaVideos . Our channel is the new home of everything that we are producing of a video nature, and we have begun with a series of informative webinars that will continue throughout 2020. Right now you can catch up with our Online Streaming Primer and an introduction to Broadcast Content Protection, and more webinars are planned throughout 2020. In addition we have also launched our LinkedIn presence at http://bit.ly/ietmedia , so come along and join us there as well as on our Community site at http://bit.ly/IETMediaCommunity .    In February, we are very excited to be running…

    Ian Nock
  • Back to the Future: IET Media Network in 2020

    Back to the Future: IET Media Network in 2020

    We are now well into 2020 and I wanted to tell you more about what the IET Media Network has in store in 2020.  We are now well into 2020 and I wanted to tell you more about what the IET Media Network has in store in 2020.  We are ramping up our activities and we have launched our IET Media Network YouTube channel at http://bit.ly/IETMediaVideos , and you can easily subscribe via YouTube to feed your professional expertise. Our channel is the new home of everything that we are producing of a video nature, and we have begun with a series of informative webinars that will continue throughout 2020. Right now you can catch up with our Online Streaming Primer and an introduction to Broadcast Content Protection, and do look out for more webinars planned throughout 2020.   In addition we have also…

    Ian Nock
  • Event: IoP History Group Celebrates 200 Years Of Electromagnetism

    Event: IoP History Group Celebrates 200 Years Of Electromagnetism

    On 16 September 2020, The Institute of Physics History Group is organising a one-day seminar to celebrate the publication of Oersted's seminal paper on electromagnetism. In July 1820, Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) of the University of Copenhagen published a four-page text “Experiments on the effect of the electric conflict on the magnetic needle”.  He had discovered that a wire carrying an electric current generated by a Voltaic pile affected the orientation of a nearby compass needle and in particular that the effect circulated outside the wire in the plane perpendicular to it.  Within months, André-Marie Ampère (1775-1836) had extended Oersted’s work by experiment and mathematics.  Ampère published his  magnum opus  on electrodynamics in 1826/1827, establishing himself, according to…

    Anne Locker
  • Renaissance Meets Advancing Technology.

    Renaissance Meets Advancing Technology.

    In September 2020 the global radar community will gathering in Florence for a full week of knowledge and sharing of information. As part of the IET activities in Italy, I have had the privilege to meet up with the Honorary Chair and General co-Chairs of the IEEE Radar Conference to ask some anticipation on the upcoming event. 2020 IEEE Radar Conference RadarConf20 In conversation with:   Alfonso Farina FREng, LFIEEE, FIET   Consultant to Leonardo Land & Naval Defence Electronics, Italy   Honorary Chair, RadarConf20 | IEEE Radar Conference       Prof. Fulvio Gini FIEEE    Professor at University of Pisa   General co-Chair, RadarConf20 | IEEE Radar Conference     Prof. Maria Sabrina Greco FIEEE    Professor at University of Pisa   General co-Chair, RadarConf20 | IEEE Radar Conference   by   Dr…

    Dr Michele Fiorini