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This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • SSIET GOTYA Celebration & Appreciation Dinner

    SSIET GOTYA Celebration & Appreciation Dinner

    Swinburne Sarawak IET (SSIET) On Campus hosted a dinner in September 2019 to celebrate its achievement in winning the IET On Campus Group of the Year Award (GOTYA). The dinner also served to appreciate the effort by each committee member throughout the term, as well as to network with the advisors and newly elected committee team. The dinner was held at Rock Road Seafood Restaurant, Kuching, Malaysia. A total of 33 members attended the event: 2 advisors, 12 old committee members, 17 new committee members, and 2 alumni. The advisors who attended were Dr. Chua Hong Siang and Mr. Lawrence Ting Sii Ying. SSIET has been running since 2010 and has been particularly active in the IET Present Around The World competition, in addition to organizing events such as workshops, site visits, technical talks…

    Chin Hong Wong
  • On the Grid and Revving to go with Electrification in Motorsports

    On the Grid and Revving to go with Electrification in Motorsports

    It was good to be back at Coventry Transport Museum for the third time with the ever-popular IET Electrification in Motorsport event back in March. Surrounded by one of the world’s largest collections of historical British vehicles, it’s hard to imagine a better venue to showcase the future of racing.There was a good number of delegates at the event and it was heartening to see so many young professionals from both industry and academia.  The seminar saw a range of speakers from leaders in the world of electric racing, as well as technical specialists and academics covering all aspects of advanced electric powertrain systems.    The result was a day of presentations which covered Formula 1 and Formula E through to the upcoming Extreme E championship as well as the design of motors, electronics…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Learning In Lockdown?

    Learning In Lockdown?

    Like a great many of you, the IET staff are currently learning new skills and ways of working during these unprecedented times.Over the last few years we started to diversify the portfolio of courses available to include webinars, e-classes and e-learning that is suitable for everyone and in the last few weeks we have started to plan more of these to meet the demand for learning and CPD and also to ensure that we can provide the same great service to our members whilst we are not in the office and our venues are temporarily closed. CPD is an important part of your professional life, and the IET are here for you with a number of learning options during the current COV-ID 19 Lockdown as well as providing support for your wider career and professional development. Upcoming Courses from Professional…

    Kathryn Bain
  • IET Brunei Contribution To Brunei’s Healthcare Frontliners

    IET Brunei Contribution To Brunei’s Healthcare Frontliners

    20 April 2020 – Amid the Covid-19 situation in Brunei, The Institution of Engineering Technology Brunei (IET) Brunei Network support our healthcare frontliners by utilizing their engineering skills.Members designed and build 4 Stainless Steel Mobile Boot Rack which can accommodate 80 pairs of boots for Ministry of Health, Brunei. The ceremony was held at Minstry of Health and was presented by Vice Chairman, Ir. Dr. Siong Tang. Also present was Major Farhan and Haji Amrinal (IET Brunei committee management members). The donations are part of the IET commitment to actively support and assist the Ministry of Health in managing the COVID-19 outbreak in the country and for the care of its healthcare frontliners.

    Siong Tang
  • IET Brunei Contribution To Brunei’s Healthcare Frontliners

    IET Brunei Contribution To Brunei’s Healthcare Frontliners

    20 April 2020 – Amid the Covid-19 situation in Brunei, The Institution of Engineering Technology Brunei (IET) Brunei Network support our healthcare frontliners by utilizing their engineering skills. Members designed and build 4  Stainless Steel Mobile Boot Rack which can accommodate 80 pairs of boots for the Ministry of Health, Brunei. The ceremony was held at Minstry of Health and was presented by Vice Chairman, Ir. Dr. Siong Tang. Also present was Major Farhan and Haji Amrinal (IET Brunei committee management members). The donations are part of the IET commitment to actively support and assist the Ministry of Health in managing the COVID-19 outbreak in the country and for the care of its healthcare frontliners.

    Siong Tang
  • IET YPS Malaysia Meeting Up With IET Young Women Engineer 2019 Award Winner - Ying Wan Loh

    IET YPS Malaysia Meeting Up With IET Young Women Engineer 2019 Award Winner - Ying Wan Loh

    On 27 January, 2020 - The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Young Professionals Section (YPS) of Malaysia had organized a netwroking session with IET Young Women Engineer 2019 Award Winner - Ying Wan Loh in Penang. A great honour to meet up with The IET Young Women Engineer 2019 Award Winner - Ying Wan Loh in Penang, Malaysia. Ying Wan shared with us her experience working as civil aerospace manufacturing engineer at Rolls Royce UK and STEM involvements in schools. Great inspiration and motivation! The IET YPS Malaysia is planning to invite Ying Wan to deliver technical sharing talk with our Young Professionals community in Malaysia to promote Women in Engineering and STEM in the near future.  IET Young Professionals Section (YPS) Malaysia was represented by Dr. John Tan (who…

    Dr John Tan
  • IET YPS Malaysia Committee List 2020/21

    IET YPS Malaysia Committee List 2020/21

    The 15th AGM of IET YPS Malaysia was successfully held at Aloft Hotel KL on the 29th February 2020 (Saturday). Congratulations to the newly elected committee for term 2020/21 under the leadership of Halimatus Azhar. YPS Malaysia would also like to take this opportunity to thank the previous committee of term 2018/2019 for their hard work, dedication & support ! IET YPS Malaysia Committee 2020/21 Group Photo IET YPS Malaysia Committee List 2020/21:  Halimatus Saadiah (Haley) BEng in Electrical and Electronics(UNITEN) Chairperson, IET YPS Malaysia Network 2020/21 Sales Engineer, Greenbay CES Sdn Bhd Hello there! I'm Halimatus, but people call me Haley for short. Currently, I'm working as a Sales Engineer in the data centre industry, where I propose solutions to critical facilities like banks…

    Dr John Tan
  • Contact-Tracing Apps Vs Traffic Management Apps

    Contact-Tracing Apps Vs Traffic Management Apps

    Contact-Tracing-Apps are now being used by many and manufactures are also making available their standards of encryption that are to be used (with Opt-In Consent options) for better integration. Are contact-tracing apps 'similar' to traffic based apps? They do not really concern themselves with who is driving, rather that, there is 'build up of vehicles' in certain areas and 'since it is a place that your vehicle historically visited' it must be notified (as per your consent) any travel to that place 'likely' to experience 'traffic'. These heat-mapping exercises help manage medical hot-spot activity, though, it's vital to understand the trade-offs between Digital Encryption Vs Tech-Enablement by reviewing the actual 'mechanics of encryption' that ultimately enable these medical insights. The…

  • How easy is it for UK manufacturers to start making ventilators?

    How easy is it for UK manufacturers to start making ventilators?

    Manufacturing TN Chair Ian Williamson contributes to this IET TV piece about the challenges for UK manufacturers to start making ventilators.   Manufacturing TN Chair Ian Williamson contributes to this IET TV piece about the challenges for UK manufacturers to start making ventilators. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4oIh0Xhkvk&fbclid=IwAR15L1gCrIqAixfJ51d9LYsBQby0jAtIH3Zw9YubWnA1OUXQe0ZMLPscqM0&app=desktop

    Susan Jones
  • Reacting And Moving Forward

    Reacting And Moving Forward

    Since I last wrote about what the IET Media Technical Network would be doing during 2020, a lot of things have changed.The Corona VIrus / Covid-19 has swept the world and engineers the world over have been scrambling to help the medical profession fight back and help people recover. We can all help in this and I implore you to visit the IET web-page for Covid-19 at  https://www.theiet.org/impact-society/covid-19/  and see if you can get involved in any way that you can. Obviously this has changed what the Executive had been planning for 2020 and we are examining how we can continue to achieve our bit when it comes to Media education and knowledge transfer, including the running of our flagship event, the John Logie Baird Lecture which was planned to take place in May 2020 at Savoy Place. Savoy…

    Ian Nock
  • The Future Of Industrial Cyber Security - Operational Technology Vs Cyber Physical.

    The Future Of Industrial Cyber Security - Operational Technology Vs Cyber Physical.

    Functional responsibility is just one common ground approach when considering convergence of Operational Technology and Cyber Physical systems discussed Peter Hazell BEng, Cyber-Physical Security Manager at Yorkshire Water, during the webinar organised by the IET's Control & Automation Technical Network.     It’s not only perimeter technology that is changing but it is also the use of traditional principles, for example, whilst the use of cyber security's 'CIA' is typically applicable to IT environments, utility infrastructures however are likely to lean on the principals of PEAR as it’s most focused on physical attributes, a simple nail through the cabling by a rouge contractor will cause much more damage than a ddos attack from the outside, so the risk of on-site human manipulation makes…

    Rimesh Patel
  • Our Planning Continues

    Our Planning Continues

    The Sussex Network committee continue to plan our programme of technical talks for the 2020/21 season, using a slightly different approach.As members of the Sussex Network will be aware, the remaining technical talks of our 2019/20 season have been postponed, along with scheduled STEM events. At what transpired to be our last talk we had 90 people in the audience, so at least we went out on a high. For those who couldn’t take in all the information at the time, a pdf version of the slides used in the talk on ‘Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Architectures’ can be found in the files section of this Sussex Network site. Unfortunately all the video clips of tests and some confidential information could not be shared. I said that our technical talks have been postponed rather than cancelled…

    David James
  • SESAME March 2020 Newsletter

    SESAME March 2020 Newsletter

    Please find attached the March 2020 edition of the SESAME newsletter. The newsletter is also in the Files section but by posting as a blog it should be available without having to log in to the community website. Let me know if you have any problems. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 situation, this is likely to be the last SESAME newsletter for some time. However, if things change, we'll post a blog message here  to advise you. Regards Jim Gaw SESAME committee

    Samuel Gaw (Jim)
  • SESAME March 2020 Newsletter

    SESAME March 2020 Newsletter

    Please find attached the March 2020 edition of the SESAME newsletter. The newsletter is also in the Files section but by posting as a blog it should be available without having to log in to the community website. Let me know if you have any problems. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 situation, this is likely to be the last SESAME newsletter for some time. However, if things change, we'll post a blog message here  to advise you. Regards Jim Gaw SESAME committee

    Samuel Gaw (Jim)
  • Deferment of Annual General Meeting 2020

    Deferment of Annual General Meeting 2020

    Dear Singapore Members, Please note the attached letter regarding the IET Singapore Network AGM 2020. Thank you and stay safe. Kind regards, Mike Henry

    Mike Henry
  • Looking For CPD?

    Looking For CPD?

    During these unprecedented times you may be looking for resources to further your knowledge and gain some remote CPD   Therefore, I’ve pulled together some of the content that the RF and Microwave TN have produced over the years The network’s 5G conference has been going strong for many years. You can catch up with some of the talks given at those conferences over the years 2020 2019 2018 2017 2015 2014 Need just the highlights – check out some of the short videos produced 2018 , 2017 2015 , 2014 Another one of the network’s flagship events is the Active and Passive RF Devices Seminar. We are currently planning another seminar for later this year, but in the meantime, you can see the developments over the years: 2019 2016 2014 We have also been developing a hub of technical webinars from across…

    Former Staff Member
  • UKSEDS - Birmingham - 7-8 March 2020

    UKSEDS - Birmingham - 7-8 March 2020

    Together with Sarah Pickett one of the IET Satellite Technical Network volunteers and Lydia Vaton, IET Student Co-ordinator, I attended the UKSEDS 2020 conference at Birmingham University on 8 March.  The previous day, Chris Brunskill and Paul Wells, two of the other volunteers had done the honours and looked after the IET's stand.Despite the early onset of the escalation in the Covid-19 virus, the conference was well attended and there were some excellent talks by leading space science and industry speakers.  The IET stand formed part of the networking exhibition and we had the opportunity to speak to lots of enthusiastic space, aerospace and satellite scientists and engineers about the IET, the Technical Network and also the products available for Students and Young Professionals. Our colleagues…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • AI And Metadata: No Magic Involved

    AI And Metadata: No Magic Involved

    By Janet Greco | 9 March 2020 Accurate and granular TV metadata has long been a necessary ingredient for better content management, navigation and search in the TV industry. The use of automated techniques for extracting new forms of enhanced metadata is increasingly being explored to help TV busineses maintain their competitive edge. Streamlining operations through better and more coherent data sets can lead to improved work flows and efficiency. TV archives can be better monetized through better algorithms that can drive better personalisation and help companies exploit the “long tail” of their content. It’s become common to hear the term “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) in connection with media industry topics. It’s a buzzword that’s often heard on TV trade show floors and in many company…

    David Short
  • Working From Home? Why Not Check Out Some Free Resources

    Working From Home? Why Not Check Out Some Free Resources

    For those who are unable to travel in to their usual places of work, check out the content that is available online. Updated June 2020 with further resources.If you are an IET member, you already have access to free e-books and journals via the IET's Virtual Library (remember you need to be logged in to access). Check out our full range of textbooks, technical journals and general management resources, including Harvard Business Review. Or why not sign up to one of the IET's free technical webinars ?  Our Education team have made a wealth of material available for parents of primary and secondary aged children. New open access resources (will be updated as news comes in) Textbooks, book chapters and journal content from  Cambridge University Press Latest medical research reports from Springer…

    Anne Locker
  • Updates


    G'day all First and foremost our thoughts and prayers are with you through these uncertain times.  We are thankful for all volunteers and we want to make sure that our volunteers stay safe. In response to the rapidly evolving events surrounding COVID-19, some of you would have received update email for communities volunteers. In a nut shell, "activity should be postponed until at least the end June, and possibly longer if the virus remains prevalent". Stay healthy and slow the spread of COVID-19.  Thank you for your kind support. If you have any questions, please contact, CC-AP@ietvolunteer.org

    Siong Tang
  • Knowledge Centre and Archives Centre closures

    Knowledge Centre and Archives Centre closures

    Due to the coronavirus situation, the Knowledge Centre at Savoy Place and the Archives Centre will be closed until further notice.We will be closing both Library and Archives reading rooms from 2pm on Tuesday 17 March 2020. This means access to the physical collections will be restricted. Loan periods will be renewed for those who are unable to return their books. The Library and Archives team will be working remotely to support you during this period. If you have any questions, or are looking for any resources, please email us at libdesk@theiet.org  or archives@theiet.org . You can also use our forums to ask questions of the team.

    Anne Locker
  • Working From Home - Staying Safe

    Working From Home - Staying Safe

    If you are turning to digital platforms to counter COVID-19's imposed curfews - then well done, maybe your use of technology might give you inspiration to think of that game changing moment of a new innovation!! However, staying safe online is important. We all are consuming 'breaking news' about the virus, and whilst you might not have had any chances to digest the implication of how the new COVID-19 instructions apply, you would have already clicked that phishing email headed ' Government Announces..' these types of emails are being broadcasted in the chance you will click a link and get infected. What precautions can you take ? Be sure to use your company VPN before connecting to your corporate network, make a point to read your Use Your Own Device policy which will highlight things like…

    Rimesh Patel
  • 2019/20 Academic Year

    2019/20 Academic Year

    Due to the uncertainty associated with the coronavirus outbreak, all Cambridge IET events have been cancelled for the remainder of the 2019/20 academic year.  Most of the scheduled talks will be transferred to later in the calendar year when hopefully the virus has subsided. I look forward to the future and hope you are able to attend later in the year. Regards David

    David Blake
  • Corona Virus - IET Policy

    Corona Virus - IET Policy

    So sorry but all events until the end of June are cancelled in accordance with IET Policy on Corona Virus. With apologies. Derrick

    Derrick Willer