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This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • IET South Australia Student Event at University of Adelaide

    IET South Australia Student Event at University of Adelaide

    University of Adelaide Students at IET BBQ event The IET always makes an effort early in the calendar year to introduce itself to students in all faculties at the University of Adelaide, where we have a particularly active group of Young Professionals. The IET Young Professionals in SA, capably managed by James Mitchell and well supported by GPA Engineering's Ben Macey , ran a free BBQ for around 300 students and staff on the Maths lawns on Monday 20th March 2017 from 12 midday to 2pm. Thanks go to our young Chefs, Bailey Sadedin (1st Year Flexible Entry Engineering), Conor Noonan (1st Year Mechatronics and Double Degree Computer Science), Aaron Lim (1st Year Mechanical Engineering) and Jordan McDonald (1st Year Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering). The IET would love to hold similar functions…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Name That Tune....Railway Tune

    Name That Tune....Railway Tune

    For our April newsletter, rather than a Top Ten (we are running out of ideas now, so if you have any, please forward them on) we have put our thinking caps on and have a little quiz instead. Name that Tune....Railway Tune We want song title and artist (album as well if you know it) 1.  She sent me a railroad ticket to take me to her lovin arms 2.  Pick up my bag, run to the station, railman says you got the wrong location 3.  Then it comes to be that soothing light at the end of the tunnel is just a freight train coming your way 4.  You know I'm loaded, railroaded, I'm explosive, I'm a locomotive 5.  Whistle blow, blue train roll   What Are Your Favorite Train Songs?   With so many to pick from, this is just a very short list.  What are some of your favorites? Let us know below with your answers…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • IET Exhibiting At Railtex 2017 - Come Along And Visit Us On Stand T05

    IET Exhibiting At Railtex 2017 - Come Along And Visit Us On Stand T05

    The IET and the Railway Technical and Professional Network (TPN) will be on stand T05 during Railtex 2017 where we are one of the supporting organisations . During the 3 days, we will have information on Professional Registration , IET Membership , information on ICRE18 and lots of information about the Railway TPN , so keep an eye out for updates on what will be available on each day.   We will also be signing people up to the Railway Community page so that you can be kept up to date with what the Railway TPN Exec Team are doing, taking ideas for what you would like to see the TPN host in 2017/18 and beyond.  There will also be the opportunity to give us a short interview to post on the community page, so why not drop by and give us your thoughts on a topical rail issue. We look forward to…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • IET South Australia Network's Women Engineering Night

    IET South Australia Network's Women Engineering Night

    The IET South Australia Network Young Professionals Section recently organized a very successful event:  “Women In Engineering” Networking night with 3 guest speakers:  Niki Robinson, Chair of SA/NT Engineers Australia, Catherine Sinclair, Senior Software Engineer and Lowen Patridge Brand Strategist and Marketer to discuss about their experience, the importanace of networking and personal brand.  There were students/faculty from University of South Australia, Adelaide University and Flinders University as well as several engineers and other professionals from industry.  As IET SA Network Chairman Rob  said:  "“ The event underlined the value women bring to engineering community and our continued commitment to supporting a diverse and inclusive workspace. We aim to hold more of these events…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    Join us at The 3rd Annual Future of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027 Professor Richard Baldock, University of Edinburgh will be joining us to speak on day.   See Professor Baldock’s biography below:   My background is in theoretical physics and my research in the Human Genetics Unit is directed to understanding the genetic control of development. In collaboration with Dr Duncan Davidson I have developed the atlas-based concept for spatio-temporal databases in biomedicine and in particular the Edinburgh Mouse Atlas and associated databases. In this context my research interests span image processing for 3D model reconstruction, spatio-temporal data-mapping, in situ gene-expression pattern analysis, bioinformatics, atlas-based biomedical databases, high throughput data capture and analysis…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    We are delighted to announce that our second speaker of the day at the very popular event The 3rd Annual Future of Medicine – The Role of Doctors in 2027 will be Professor Tony Young PhD FRCS(Urol). National Clinical Lead for Innovation NHS England Consultant Urological Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Innovation  Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Innovation lead Essex Success Regime/STP President Institute of Decontamination Sciences Director of Medical Innovation, Anglia Ruskin University. Tony is a practicing frontline NHS surgeon, Director of Medical Innovation at Anglia Ruskin University, and has founded 4 Med-Tech start-ups. He has also co-founded the £500m Anglia Ruskin MedTech Campus which is set to become one of the world’s largest health innovation spaces.   In 2014 he…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • The Elephant in the Room - Population Growth

    The Elephant in the Room - Population Growth

    Recently, Roger Batten , one of our exec team members was in print - his letter appeared in the New Civil Engineer magazine, which is the official magazine of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). For over 50 years, NCE has been the leading resource for civil engineering news and analysis, industry comment, technical features, product innovations and job opportunities. Roger and I got to talking about this after one of our committee meetings, and we thought that it would be of interest to members of  our online community.   Roger agreed to slightly expand on his letter and I would upload as a blog posting on our community area - fascinating topic and I hope  may start some interesting discussion.   Please do feel free to post your thoughts in the comment box below - look forward to reading…

    Joanne Longton
  • 11 Times Modern Life Has Been Disrupted By Multimedia

    11 Times Modern Life Has Been Disrupted By Multimedia

    Let’s go invent tomorrow rather than worrying about what happened yesterday. —Steve Jobs, D5 Conference: All Things Digital, May 30, 2007 I can’t remember the last time I bought a music CD. Or a DVD. Definitely not a cassette tape. Can you?   Instead I stream whatever music I fancy whilst on the move, or spend a lazy weekend searching Netflix for a film. Long gone are the impromptu Saturday night trips to Blockbuster in the rain to see if they had Gladiator or Love Actually on DVD for hire (then panicking a week later that they’re overdue). Missed Tuesday’s Eastenders? No worries, it’ll be available on BBC IPlayer for a month. In fact, why not download it for your morning commute?   The world of media communications is fast-paced, and consumer uptake equally ravenous. The term used for one…

    Phoebe Houssein
  • IET Surrey March 2017 Event - How To Hack A Bank

    IET Surrey March 2017 Event - How To Hack A Bank

    On Wednesday 22nd March IET Surrey members and non-members learned how to hack a bank! Not literally but rather the methods and technology cyber criminals use to attack largely financial institutions. In front of a packed lecture theatre at the University of Surrey in Guildford, presenters David Cash and Julian Storr - senior consultants with the NCC Group - explained how with often comparative ease cyber criminals can launch controlled attacks on an organisation. This may be from the first phishing email to the complete compromise of an IT infrastructure. Julian's and David's talk highlighted the ever increasing need for technical security controls and awareness and the need to continually review monitoring solutions. Feedback from the audience has been positive, and indication of the interest…

    Mike Prewett
  • Young Professionals Programme (YPP) - From Hong Kong LN Younger Members Section

    Young Professionals Programme (YPP) - From Hong Kong LN Younger Members Section

    Young Professionals Programme (YPP) OBJECTIVES To nurture young professionals in the industry (and potential YMSC members) To promote the IET and its professional registration system To promote the IET Hong Kong and its 6 local TPNs To increase participation of YMS in STEM education Young Professionals Programme (YPP) would be an engineering elite programme open for graduate engineers of the year (or the year before also) annually.  Interested individuals will be required to submit their CV as well as a completed application form consisting of introductory texts and their answers to some engineering topics.  With reference to their CVs and application forms, a total of 10 candidates would be selected to join YPP.  YPP would be offering the candidates chances to meet respected engineers in town…

    Yiu Chi Wai
  • Youth Mentoring Programme - From Hong Kong LN Students Section

    Youth Mentoring Programme - From Hong Kong LN Students Section

    Youth Mentoring Programme - Great Start to an Engineer’s Journey   It is not unusual to hear fellow engineering students sigh, that they are not certain where they would end up after graduating from their university; or even freshmen are not sure which engineering disciplines would be the best for them. Often times they would wish for someone to be there as their mentors to guide them through the maze of engineering.   Embarking on a mission to help engineering students connect with the industry, the Students Section (Hong Kong) of Younger Members Section launched the Youth Mentoring Programme (YMP) in 2011, in an effort to clear some of the doubts young students have in their mind. Through the combination of technical visits, seminars, and most importantly, face-to-face networking sessions…

    Yiu Chi Wai
  • CM Blog - Singapore Network Visit

    CM Blog - Singapore Network Visit

    Meeting with Chairman Bicky and Main committee members   I visited the Singapore Network 15 – 18 March.  Busy few days, meetings with Main committee, YPS and YPS sub-divisions listening to their sharings about views and vision for the IET. Together with YPS Chairman Tan Eng Hwa and YPS member Morgan, we shared about the IET with the NTU and PSB Academy On Campus group.     Always good to see the old friends and many new faces at both main committee and YPS.   Many exciting events at the Singapore Network in 2016 including their 40th Anniversary celebration event, site visits to Rolls Royce, Microsoft, Cisco, Faraday Challenge, and a new and vibrant On Campus group set up at PSB Academy. NTU PATW Competition Final 2017   Thanks to the NTU OC special projects team led by YIqi and OC in charge…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Young Professionals Committee 2017

    Young Professionals Committee 2017

    In a not so engineering fashion, this year our new marketing officer, Ms Irene Veliana has decided to interview all our newly elected committee by asking them 2-3 quick random facts about themselves. The result is nothing but astounding. Ms Veliana has created the beautiful committee charts which perfectly captured all the key people within the Young Professionals committee. The quick random facts about our committee will let everyone to get to know all our committee even better. We look forward to yet another productive and fruitful year here at IET WA Young Professionals Leon Marketing & Membership Team Lead IET WA Young Professionals

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    Former Community Member
  • Railway TPN Young Professional Visit To The Traffic Management Facility At Romford

    Railway TPN Young Professional Visit To The Traffic Management Facility At Romford

    The Young Professionals latest technical visit was to Network Rail’s new Traffic Management facility at the Romford Rail Operating Centre to see the UK’s first deployment of Traffic Management.  Through the Digital Railway programme Network Rail, alongside industry partners, are creating a digital future for Britain’s railway. Their aim is to benefit passengers and support economic growth. As part of this programme of works a Traffic Management System is being developed and deployed. This system will help to reduce passenger delay at times when the service is in perturbation. Network Rail’s Traffic Management system interfaces with the signalling system, business systems and telephony systems to automatically schedule and route trains. We met on the platform at Romford and were guided to the…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Introducing the New Railway TPN YP Chair, David Lawes

    Introducing the New Railway TPN YP Chair, David Lawes

    At the January 2017 meeting of the Railway TPN YP Group, the position of Chair was handed to David Lawes.  David would like to pass on his Chair message. Message from David Lawes, Railway TPN YP Chair. I am truly excited to be the next Chair of the IET Young Professionals Rail Network, having been part of various rail committees for the past 4 years.   Firstly, I’d like to say a huge thank you to my predecessor Matthew Bagshawe, who has looked after the committee for the past three years. Matthew grew the committee and its success and I aspire to build on what he’s achieved.   For me what is most important about chairing this network is actively contributing to the promotion of the rail industry to young professionals. It’s key to our industry to inspire, employ and retain talent; providing…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    We are delighted that Denis Gilhooly, will be opening The 3rd Annual Future of Medicine – The Role of Doctors in 2027 event, jointly organised by the IET Healthcare Technologies Network and the royal Society of Medicine. The event is taking place on the 18 May 2017 at BMA House, London. Denis will be talking on "Panaceas and Pandora's Box: Digital Health and the Digital Doctor 2027" The mantra of  Silicon Valley guru and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla that 80% of what doctors do today will be done by digital technology tomorrow is most likely inevitable.  However, it is important to recognize that just three decades into the new digital age, we still have only a partial understanding of the nascent and complex nature of digital or network dynamics .  The perennial complexity of health and…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • UTC Reading Computing Students Get Creative At The IET Arduino Club

    UTC Reading Computing Students Get Creative At The IET Arduino Club

    Following the partnership between IET and UTC Reading, UTC Reading have been running a weekly “IET Arduino Club” for computing students. For one hour per week, 20 students are able to build something of their choice using Arduino kits. The club is aimed at delivering an immersive and creative experience for students and offering them the opportunity to use technology in innovative ways. Students have made fantastic use of the arduino kits funded by the IET and demonstrated how the technology can be applied practically. Read all about it here!

    Dooshiant Dyall
  • How IET PSB Academy On Campus Group Become A Strong Group - Tips From Dr Liau, PSB Academy

    How IET PSB Academy On Campus Group Become A Strong Group - Tips From Dr Liau, PSB Academy

    Dr Liau, Head, School of Engineering and Technology, PSB Academy shared some tips about how to help PSB On Campus (OC) group become a strong and vibrant team.  Number of committee members almost doubled 6 members to 10 members currently) in just four months after it's being set up. Mentoring – Maintain good relationship with students and mentor them Inspire students – Invited Engineers to share about their Engineering journey  Good events with Networking opportunities – Rolls Royce visit, Cisco visits that provide networking opportunities with industries Social media – Use social media to engage students and promote about OC groups  Volunteering – Invite them to be part of committee or to volunteer at the activities, they will see the benefits of joining the IET/OC group Support from Singapore…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Cyber Trends Seminar - Augmentation Of The CISO

    Cyber Trends Seminar - Augmentation Of The CISO

    Attending a breakfast seminar on cyber trends it was reviewed that CISO roles may change from champion roles into coach based roles. No longer are the CISO's of a company expected to be the internal security champion, but instead they will be empowering other security team members with tools to achieve company objectives. The discussion was made that CISO’s perhaps might have less of an executive focus than originally thought and with that, it was reviewed how Cyber & Security are now maturing into 2 separate ontologies. To say, Cyber focuses on assurance elements, whilst Security focuses on build-by design elements.  This might have merit for Security Analysts to focus on malware , mitigation or detection whilst architects focus on security by design. IoT was touched on to mention that if…

    Rimesh Patel
  • Important information - Changes to the 11th April North West Electrification Programme

    Important information - Changes to the 11th April North West Electrification Programme

    This event is currenlty fully booked, but for anyone who has registered to attend, please see the email that was sent out to you on Tuesday 21st March regarding the changes. North West Electrification Programme 11 April 2017 in Crewe There have been some changes that I need to bring to your attention: Due to unforeseen circumstances the lecture is unable to take place at the Bombardier site and will now be held at Manchester Metropolitan University Cheshire Campus, Campus map attached. For further information please see online. We are unable to provide transport following the Bombardier site visit to the University and for those without their own vehicle,  it will be a 45 minute walk. Parking will be available at the university. If you still wish to attend the tour you will need to:  %uF0A7…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Call For Speakers For The 12th System Safety And Cyber Security Event (30 October – 1 November, 2017) Now Open

    Call For Speakers For The 12th System Safety And Cyber Security Event (30 October – 1 November, 2017) Now Open

    SSCS is the largest conference for system safety specialists held in the UK; and the only conference where both safety and security engineers from around the world can meet and share ideas, new research and network. The 12th edition of the IET System Safety and Cyber Security conference, addressing key cyber challenges for the critical safety systems will take place on in October 2017 at the IET London: Savoy Place. Sessions at this year’s conference will focus on integrating safety and cyber security, implementing and adopting security approaches, system / software safety  and  will cover four over-arching  themes: -  Integrating safety and cyber security -  Vulnerabilities, threats and solutions to cyber security in safety-critical systems -  The human factors of cyber security and safety…

  • Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    “ Free at the Point of use – Medtech Meets Moore’s Law ” join us at our popular The 3rd Annual Future of Medicine – The Role of Doctors in 2027 to hear Dr Chris Elliott , speak.   We are used to carrying with us at all times a 20MP zoom camera, a satnav, a calendar and a compass. Oh, and it makes ‘phone calls as well. We didn’t go out to buy those things; they were bundled with the latest Smartphone. The next generation Smartphones will come equipped with medical-grade hardware and software to measure our vital signs and other diagnostics. These won’t be toys that measure (inaccurately) the inputs, like how many steps we’ve taken, or easy targets like pulse rate. They will be regulated medical devices that measure blood pressure, temperature, heart valve functions and blood constituents to…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Ever Wondered About Our Volunteers?

    Ever Wondered About Our Volunteers?

    Have you ever wondered about the volunteers who work behind the scenes putting our programme of activities together?    The current exec team comprises 11 members from diverse backgrounds, both industry and academia, and together with staff they work extremely hard coming up with ideas for our activity programme and answering myriad queries. So, I thought it would be interesting to showcase our volunteers directly  and first up is Simon Hart our Chairman: Dr Simon Hart , Chair of the Control & Automation TPN, is passionate about creating networks where engineers can discuss, learn and drive technology forward.  He is a former IET Trustee and is also currently the Chair and a Trustee of IET Connect, the IET benevolent fund.  Based in  mid-Wales, Oxfordshire and London he enjoys organising events…

  • Cambridge Science Festival

    Cambridge Science Festival

    The IET Cambridge Network manned a stand at the Science Festival in the Guildhall over the weekend of 18 and 19 March.  With a model train system powered by a hand cranked generator, torches to build and displays to examine, children of all ages were able to get hands-on immersed in aspects of engineering.  Judging by the number attending the stand, it was a great success and hopefully sparked some to take up Engineering in the future.  Many thanks to the Cambridge Diamond Scholars and Network Members that attended and fielded the many questions.

    David Blake