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  • Disadvantaged students get bursary help for aerospace engineering

    Disadvantaged students get bursary help for aerospace engineering

    A new bursary fund has been established in the memory of renowned engineer Jon Dennison, helping disadvantaged young people to learn more about careers in engineering. Read more...

  • Manchester Robot Orchestra ready to make stage debut

    Manchester Robot Orchestra ready to make stage debut

    Final preparations are underway for the debut performance of the Manchester Robot Orchestra later this week. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Thanks for all those who attended yesterday's AGM & SRF TV Studio Visit

    Thanks for all those who attended yesterday's AGM & SRF TV Studio Visit

    Visit Report – AGM & SRF TV Studio Tour – 23 July 2016 This year’s AGM and subsequent visit to the Swiss SRF Studios was a great success.   Following a delightful Aperitif, and hearing that IET Switzerland would support his “not for profit” organization, Fabrizio Rincon delivered an enlightening keynote presentation, detailing the aims and goals of the Zurich FabLab.  We learned all about how the Zurich FabLab started and how they support the local community to fulfil their own Digital Fabrication Projects and ideas.  Fabrizio and another Board member in attendance were glad to receive our small donation, which should help to cover the cost of 5 Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kits.   For those of you who don’t know, the Zurich FabLab is located in the City of Zurich (Hardplatz) and can be easily reached…

    Jeff Hunter
  • IET Volunteer Tools

    IET Volunteer Tools

    Over eight years of volunteering for the IET and I'm still getting to grips with the tools on offer to volunteers. I also see lots of newer volunteers tripping up because they didn't know what was available. I've prepared a few brief notes on the tools I'm aware of, feel free to comment or correct. Engineering Communities IET social media communities for geographical or technical groups. Marketing Toolkit Allows volunteers to design marketing materials, posters, certificates, flyers and newsletters, as well as ordering promotional items. There are a variety of templates to aid the creation of consistent publications. Rhythmyx CMS Allows the entry of events onto the IET events database, which feeds into the events listings on the appropriate IET Engineering Communities pages. Plus! for Events…

    Alex Barrett
  • Presentations By Local Networks In Americas Region

    Presentations By Local Networks In Americas Region

    IET local networks in the Americas made the following presentations during the global volunteer conference held on 17-18 June 2016 held at the Savoy Place office in London, U.K.

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    Former Community Member
  • Type Of Local Event To Be Organized

    Type Of Local Event To Be Organized

    What format of IET event are you interested in attending? *Site visit? *Technical Seminar? (in what field / topic) * Discussion forum? * Workshop? * Social Network event? * Others (please specify)? We want to organize events that meet your needs. Have your say below!

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Toronto LN Presentation - 2016 Global Volunteer Conference

    Toronto LN Presentation - 2016 Global Volunteer Conference

    We talked about the challenges and suceess of the Toronto LN. What do you think of it? You would you like to be included in the next presentation? What changes would you like to see in the next couple of years? Please have your comment posted below.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • The IET EMEA PATW Regional Final - 23rd July 2016

    The IET EMEA PATW Regional Final - 23rd July 2016

    Congratulations to Marcel Schoemaker representing the Switzerland Local Network on being crowned the winner of the EMEA final of the 2016 PATW competition, with a fantastic presentation  on A technology that creates abundance: An ocean of opportunities  The runner up position was awarded to Hammam Mohamed  from the Bahrain Network with a presentation  called Indirect Evaporative Cooling Technology THE PRESENTERS (1) Breaking Through Darkness with Mobility - Nourah Al-Saad, Kuwait Local Network (2) A Platform To Optimize The Design Of Magnetic Components For Solar Power Applications -  Núria Egidos, Barcelona Local Network (3) SmartWindow – Your gateway to the digital world - Muhammad Ali Babar Abbasi, Cyprus Local Network (4) Antireflection layers of coloured solar cells - Radek Nevyhosteny…

    Christos Christou
  • Present Around The World (PATW):  The IET CC-EMEA Regional Final

    Present Around The World (PATW): The IET CC-EMEA Regional Final

    IET Present Around The World (PATW) is the IET's global competition for Young Professionals and Students within Engineering and Technology to develop and showcase their Presentation Skills.  The overview of the competition is attached herewith.   There are five regions of the IET i.e. IET CC-America, IET CC-Asia Pacific, IET CC-EMEA, IET CC-South Asia and IET CC-UK.  Every Region is commencing their PATW regional finals.  Then the winners will participate in the "Global Finals" at London UK. Now the schedule or agenda of the regional level competition is issued by the IET CC-EMEA (Please note that IET Local Network Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi are under CC-EMEA).  To download the Agenda or Schedule Click Here . To know, who have won the CC-EMEA Regional Finals and qualified for the IET Global…

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • Telecommunications in the Aftermath of WW1: programme now available

    Telecommunications in the Aftermath of WW1: programme now available

    Book now to secure your place on the conference Telecommunications in the Aftermath of World War 1: Civilian and Military Perspectives , to be held at Savoy Place on 10 August 2016.    Registration is now open online We have an excellent set of speakers comprising both engineers and professional historians .Their diverse perspectives examine the extent to which the interwar period was a formative one in the history of telecommunications. The conference fee is £20 and includes lunch. For further information contact K.Subramanian@leeds.ac.uk   Conference Programme   9.30- Registration 10.00- Opening Remarks (Graeme Gooday)   10.20- Maria Rikitanskaia (University of Lugano).  The ITU and Radio Amateurs. 10.40- Jeffrey Hughes (University of Manchester).  Scroungers and Soldiers: the Cambridge University…

    Anne Locker
  • Summer 2016 newsletter now available

    Summer 2016 newsletter now available

    Read our latest  newsletter  to find out about the work of the History Netowrk and our coming events, including a one-day seminar on post-WW1 telecommunications, to be held at Savoy Place on 10 August 2016.

    Anne Locker
  • The Arsonists Strike Again At Railway Quiz Night!

    The Arsonists Strike Again At Railway Quiz Night!

    Railway professionals came together recently in London at the Railway Network Young Professionals Group Quiz Night.  The event was held at Doggetts Coat and Badge pub in Southwark, London, where else would it be with views like that over the Thames?  Several teams took part in the quiz with Peter Sheppard once more acting as Quiz Master, this year in a smart uniform kindly supplied by Great Western Railway. After a competitive few rounds there was a break for a buffet which was sponsored by Ricardo Rail before the teams knuckled down to the final rounds of the quiz. The eventual winners with the unforgettable name were ‘ The Arsonists ’ who have committed to return next year to defend the title. The YP Group  would like to thank Ricardo Rail and Great Western Railway for their support. A big…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • LN Supports the Presentation College Career Day

    LN Supports the Presentation College Career Day

    An update into our continued activites supportnig the various educational facilities and institutions in the region. On the 23rd May 2016, representatives from our executive were present at the Presentation College Chaguanas Career day.  The following is a note from our Chair. The IET TT LN Vice Chair, Eng Drakes and Chair Eng. Chadee addressing students on the IET.  Principals, teachers and students gained some knowledge into the different branches of engineering and the possibilities.

    Jason Robert Rameshwar
  • NWED 2016 looks at status of female engineers

    NWED 2016 looks at status of female engineers

    23 JUNE in the UK each year marks National Women in Engineering (NWED). The celebrations this year were overshadowed somewhat by the UK’s referendum on whether to leave the EU, but nevertheless, there were 200 NWED events across the country, and over 350 school events, with tens of thousands of women thought to have attended. Read more.. .

    Former Community Member
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  • School Gate SET Engineer

    School Gate SET Engineer

    The School Gate SET is a new online community of parents volunteering to help with Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in their children’s primary schools. Set up by Kate Bellingham, (UH Engineering Alumna, former Tomorrow's World presenter and eponym of the UH Bellingham Court), it will provide activity ideas, training and mentoring, through face to face training, a blog and other social media platforms.   Do you know a part-time or career break parent with a STEM background and a child in primary school who might like to get involved?   The target group are career-break parents who may have lost confidence in their STEM skills and are therefore unlikely to 'return' to STEM work and they are more likely to self-identify as 'parents' than with 'STEM'. However, we are also keen…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Top 10 University for graduate employment

    Top 10 University for graduate employment

    Graduates from the University of Strathclyde have among the best job prospects in the UK, according to new figures. The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey has placed the University in the UK’s top 10 of larger providers for graduate employment -  96.2% of respondents having either secured a job or gone into further study six months after graduation . The University achieved the biggest year-on-year improvement among larger universities, with Strathclyde graduates’ starting salaries remaining above the UK average. Read more...

  • Young physicists go to 'infinity and beyond' with European Extremely Large Telescope

    Young physicists go to 'infinity and beyond' with European Extremely Large Telescope

    Physicists at the Durham University Centre for Advanced Instrumentation (CfAI) are working alongside leading global scientific institutions on revolutionary new instruments for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). We spoke to Dr Andrew Reeves and Ollie Farley about their experience working on what will be the world’s largest eye in the sky. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Meeting Between Secretary For IET Islamabad Network Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan And Honourary Sectretary For IET Islamabad Network Mr.Irfan Rafi

    Meeting Between Secretary For IET Islamabad Network Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan And Honourary Sectretary For IET Islamabad Network Mr.Irfan Rafi

    19th July 2016, Tuesday at Islamabad   Today, i as Secretary for IET Islamabad Network met with Mr.Irfan Rafi Honourary Secretary for IET Islamabad Network at his office, Islamabad. (From Left to Right:  Mr.Irfan Rafi and Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan) We discussed about various matters of IET Islamabad Network especially about coming IET Islamabad Network's first event at Islamabad, about IET CC-EMEA meeting on 22nd July in context of IET Islamabad Network and establishment of new IET On Campus Networks under jurisdiction of the IET LN Islamabad. We also discussed other matters of mutual interests.  Our meeting took approximately 2 hours and ended with thanks and good wishes. After this meeting, we both visited the Preston University Kohat - Islamabad Campus  and had a joint meeting with Alumni Relationship…

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • 100 female engineers, mathematicians and scientists gather at Houses of Parliament

    100 female engineers, mathematicians and scientists gather at Houses of Parliament

    Over 100 female engineers, mathematicians and scientists from across the UK recently gathered for an event at the Houses of Parliament. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • On A Hot Summers Evening...

    On A Hot Summers Evening...

    One of the reasons I moved from my old home was the increase in the level of general background noise. I’d lived there for around 20 years, 15 of them very happily but as always, the needs of modern life always take over and you just have to accept it…or not…   I was always used to the feint rumble of traffic from the motorway that skirts around the east side of the town and the 'clickity-clak' of the trains as they head off through the fields towards the North East.   But, a few years ago, a new noise generator appeared in the form of an ‘A’ road bypass which follows a path through the fields at the back of my old home and effectively squeezed me into the middle of a triangle of noise pollution between the railway, the motorway and the new bypass. The noise level of cars roaring past at 5am…

    Lisa Miles
  • What would be your Engineering or Technology Dream Talk - and who would give it?

    What would be your Engineering or Technology Dream Talk - and who would give it?

    Submit your idea for an incredible talk in engineering and technology Read more...

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  • Control PhD Award 2016

    Control PhD Award 2016

    So, once again, it's time to seek nominations for our Control & Automation PhD Award.   Do you know any students who deserve recognition for their achievement?   In its 7th year now, and developed by the IET’s Control & Automation Network, this free to enter award aims to recognise research excellence in the Control & Automation field at PhD level.   The award is open to all relevant PhD students who were awarded their PhD in the general area of Control and Automation, at a UK university between 1st October 2014 up to 30 September 2016. Winning the award will,  no doubt,  offer an invaluable credential to the winner’s CV who will also receive a £500 cash prize.  We plan to present the award at our first high profile event of the session which will take place in Brunel University on Tuesday…

    Joanne Longton
  • Inspiring Engineering Open House Day returns in July

    Inspiring Engineering Open House Day returns in July

    After the success of last year's inaugural event, the IET Engineering Open House Day returns this summer. Taking place at venues across the UK on Friday 29 July, the aim of Engineering Open House Day is to help young people and their parents understand what it’s like to work as an engineer by giving special, behind-the-scenes access to a wide variety of organisations to demonstrate how creative and innovative a career in engineering could be.

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  • Control 2016 - 11th International Conference on Control 31st August - 2nd September 2016

    Control 2016 - 11th International Conference on Control 31st August - 2nd September 2016

    The IET Contol & Automation network is organising the IET Mini Symposium: Applications of Biomedical Modelling and Control at the Control Conference at the end of August at Queen's University Belfast.   Chaired by Dr C. James Taylor, Lancaster University, the talks will cover diverse areas such as Application of Modelling in Medicine and The Cerebellar Algorithm and its Application to Robotic Control, to name but two.   Further details of all the talks can be found here  Although the symposium is mainly aimed at those attending the conference, it takes place on “industry day” with a particular focus on academic/industry links, and attendees can pay a reduced day rate to only attend that one day. You can register online and pay the day rate    The programme for the entire conference is now available

    Joanne Longton