Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Action on Packaging: How the Co-op made all its own brand packaging recyclable.  Video recording and slides/powerpoint.

    Action on Packaging: How the Co-op made all its own brand packaging recyclable. Video recording and slides/powerpoint.

    The video recording of the talk given by Robert Thompson to IET Cambridge on 24 February, is now available here www.youtube.com/watch You can also watch directly on the IET Cambridge YouTube site at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6pibnXwRW8 The powerpoint as presented at the talk is now available on the IET Cambridge Google Drive site at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I0Aei8G7H8SM-ZiAIOD6ptoLSNfpCfKl/view?usp=sharing The next IET Cambridge event will be on 17 March at 1830 hours. Full details of the talk " Soft Robotics and AI are driving a Revolution in Agriculture" are available on Meetup at https://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-IET-Engineering-and-Technology-Meetup/events/283479291 or you can find a booking link on the EngX Cambridge site. Thanks David

  • IET Particle Accelerator Engineering Network - Technician Training

    IET Particle Accelerator Engineering Network - Technician Training

    The Particle Accelerator Engineering Community has several technician members who make up a key part of our community. The construction of cutting-edge accelerators requires a lot of highly skilled staff with specific knowledge that isn’t found in any technician course at University or College. An early goal of the network was to provide a training programme for these staff that explained why some of the requirements placed on technical builds were important. This includes some basic accelerator physics, RF engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Some of the items covered are alignment, stability, surface roughness, cleanliness and electrical arcs and their impact on accelerator operations. The technician training course is aimed at technicians at any stage of career…

  • Call to Action from the Automotive & Road Transport Systems (ARTS) Technical Network

    Call to Action from the Automotive & Road Transport Systems (ARTS) Technical Network

    The ARTS Network brings together automotive and road transport systems professionals to network and hear about new developments in all aspects of ARTS both commercial and academic. We are seeking six new Ordinary Members of Committee for the volunteer Executive team, who should be engineers or technologists actively engaged in the ARTS sector. Applications from diverse backgrounds are encouraged and students and young professionals are particularly welcome to apply. The Executive committee meets 3-4 times per year (at least 1-2 of which will normally be in person*) and are involved in organising technical activities such as in-person seminars/online webinars and seminars, contributing to IET Standards and IET Transport Policy & Insight panel activities. Travel expenses can be reclaimed…

  • LGBT+ History Month

    LGBT+ History Month

    Celebrating remarkable people We commemorate LGBT+ History Month every February to appreciate the contribution that past role models of our sector have made, as well as provide education and insight into the issues that the LGBTQ+ community still face. Minority groups are often exposed to some of the toughest laws and behaviours across the globe, especially those who identify with multiple protected characteristics. It is essential we continue to strive for an equal and diverse workforce, with our IET behaviours and allyship being central to our commitments. We have pulled together a list of remarkable people to explore further the contributions that LGBTQ+ people have made to our sector and beyond. Agnes E. Wells was the Dean of Women at Indiana University and a professor of mathematics…

  • Hawley Award - A £5000 prize for Engineering Innovation that helps to achieve Net Zero Carbon

    Hawley Award - A £5000 prize for Engineering Innovation that helps to achieve Net Zero Carbon

    Applications are invited for The Hawley Award, which was established in 2006, and is awarded annually for the most outstanding Engineering Innovation that delivers demonstrable benefit to the environment, specifically, helping to achieve Net Zero Carbon by at least 2050. The deadline for applications for the 2022 Award is Sunday 10 April 2022. The award is by Worshipful Company of Engineers, a London Livery Company ( www.engineerscompany.org.uk ), via the Engineers Trust ( www.engineerstrust.org.uk ). To be eligible for the award, the application must be made by: A candidate who is resident in the UK and a graduate or more senior member of a recognised Professional Engineering Institution. Is an early career stage engineer or scientist, in academia or industry, typically within 10…

  • British Science Week 2022

    British Science Week 2022

    What is British Science Week? British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). You can take part at home or school, and there are some exciting opportunities to discover science. Don’t forget to get involved in the British Science Association’s poster competition . When is British Science Week 2022? British Science Week runs from Friday, 11 to Sunday, 20 March 2022. Who runs British Science Week? British Science Week is run by the British Science Association, who encourage all young people to take part. British Science Week 2022 ideas and activities We have some complementary science resources to support British Science Week. The ideas are split by key stage one (5-7 year olds), key stage two (7-11 ), key stage three (11-14) and…

  • Are you a construction product manufacturer, component or material supplier, or a merchant or distributor? We want to hear from you!

    Are you a construction product manufacturer, component or material supplier, or a merchant or distributor? We want to hear from you!

    A wide range of initiatives have emerged since Grenfell claiming to solve problems of integrity, information management, digitisation and building safety. This survey has been devised to obtain information about the views and experiences of construction product manufacturers and their supply and distribution chain about a group of these initiatives. If you are a construction product manufacturer, component or material supplier, or a merchant or distributor please share your thoughts with us by completing the survey . The information provided for this survey will be used by the IET Built Environment Panel to deliver a session at Futurebuild 2022 at Excel London. The session is called Kissing the Right Frog which takes place on 1 st March at 11.15 am on Keynote Stage 2. The results will also…

  • Safe at Sea with 5G

    Safe at Sea with 5G

    The recording of last week's webinar hosted by the Surrey Network -'Safe at Sea with 5G' - is now available on YouTube - https://youtu.be/4g3niaii03o In it, the presenter James Thomas from JET Engineering Systems Solutions, describes the concept and challenges of building a network of 5G buoys to provide coastal and off-shore communications.

  • IET Mauritius-AGM 2021-Document Pack

    IET Mauritius-AGM 2021-Document Pack

    To: ALL IET MAURITIUS NETWORK MEMBERS Dear Member, You are kindly invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the IET Mauritius Network, to be held on Friday 11 th March 2022 , as from 18 00 at the Lecture Room, Pro-Five Consulting Ltd, The Axis, Bank Street, Ebene, Mauritius . See enclosed letters and forms: Invitation to AGM 2021 Call for candidature 2021-2022 Candidature Form for 2021-2022 Notice of Vacancies for 2021-2022 Proxy Form for 2021-2022 Yours sincerely, Goulshan Sreekeessoon Secretary

    Goulshan Sreekeessoon
  • 6th IET Smart Cities Symposium

    6th IET Smart Cities Symposium

    6th IET Smart Cities Symposium Towards Digital Twin Cities 6-9 December 2022 Zain - e-Learning Center - University of Bahrain, Bahrain To create awareness about the prospects of Smart Cities, and as a platform to exchange ideas and thoughts in international prospects. Emphasizing the role of universities in the region in promoting Smart Cities, Consultancies, Projects, Smarter Ideas, Consultancies and Continuity in the form of publications and creating innovative solutions.

  • IET Hong Kong January / February 2022 Newsletter

    IET Hong Kong January / February 2022 Newsletter

    The IET Hong Kong January / February 2022 Newsletter has been published. It contains a number of upcoming activities, covering a wide range of subjects, and some reports of interesting past events. Please click Here for the IET Hong Kong January / February 2022 Newsletter. We would love to see you at one of our events!

  • Would Planes Be Better If They Were More Like Birds?

    Would Planes Be Better If They Were More Like Birds?

    The Hammersmith section of the London Network is mounting its first face to face event in over two years at our usual venue - Novotel London West. This is a talk by Professor Richard Bomphrey of the Royal Veterinary College entitled "Would planes be better If they were more like birds?" Novotel London West on Tuesday 15th March at 7pm. You will not be admitted unless you register before the event here: https://events.theiet.org/events/solutions-to-engineering-challenges-from-bioscience-research/ Richard’s research blends biology and engineering. He uses biomechanics as a tool to investigate evolutionary biology and how the physical environment determines the morphology and control systems of flying animals. He has worked on the sensory mechanisms of insects and birds, including flow…

    David Tandy
  • How do we get to Building Safety? Making the case for Transparency and Integrity

    How do we get to Building Safety? Making the case for Transparency and Integrity

    This June will mark five years since the Grenfell tragedy, which shocked everyone and challenged us to think again about how our industry works. But how far have we come, and what is stopping us? This article argues that there can be no building safety without transparency and integrity, and we need to take a different approach. Call Reschedule: Due to technical issues we had to postpone our call to discuss this article. The call will now take place on Teams on Friday 4th March at 2.30pm GMT. Please register here to join us. The Context The Grenfell Inquiry, now in module 6 of phase 2, is looking at the role of regulators and government in the failures which led to the tragedy. Week after week the Inquiry reveals more about what led to the catastrophic results of failure. It is…

  • Want to shape government and industry views on key topics within design and manufacturing?

    Want to shape government and industry views on key topics within design and manufacturing?

    Our panels bring together IET members with fellow engineering practitioners from industry, academia, and professionals from disciplines beyond engineering. On the Design and Manufacturing Panel at the IET, current topics include: Manufacturing digital net zero – united action on digital and sustainability. Creating a Vision for Manufacturing 2040. Horizontal Innovation. Design is everything. The future manufacturing engineer. Do you have an interest or expertise in any of these manufacturing topics? Would you be interested in joining a working group to help the IET champion one of these topics? If you have experience, energy and want to join others to help shape the future of the profession, this is the perfect opportunity for you. We are keen to hear from diverse backgrounds…

  • Prince of Wales - Britain's most powerful steam locomotive

    Prince of Wales - Britain's most powerful steam locomotive

    Thanks to all who attended Rob Morland's great talk on the project to construct a new Gresley P2 locomotive from scratch. Prince of Wales is being built by the P2 Steam Locomotive Company and will be the seventh member of a class of six originally built by the LNER to the designs of Sir Nigel Gresley, none of which survived into the preservation era. The presentation was mounted jointly by the Hammersmith Section of the IET London Network and the I.Mech.E. and took place on 4th April 2022 in the I.Mech.E. Manufacturing Room in Birdcage Walk.

  • Interested in making the Internet a better place? Join us during Women at Imperial week to find out more

    Interested in making the Internet a better place? Join us during Women at Imperial week to find out more

    Want to find out how to change the Internet so everyone can discover women in science, engineering and technology? Imperial College is organising an online workshop on 9 March 2022 , to show you how to edit and create content on Wikipedia and help tell the hidden stories of women in STEM. Everyone is welcome: you don’t need any previous experience, and you don’t need to be an expert. We’ll demonstrate how to add forgotten women to the database and improve Wikipedia content by adding more information and links. And we’ll show you how to create new pages when you’re ready to do so. To find out more and register, please visit the Eventbrite page. The theme for Women at Imperial Week 2022 is #BreakTheBias, which looks forward to “a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination". There…

  • Any events happening in Association for Project Management I hear you ask?

    Any events happening in Association for Project Management I hear you ask?

    Well as it happens, there's a lot coming up, organised by colleagues in the APM, and I'm happy to share below. The Association for Project Management is delighted to welcome back face to face project management events. These events will provide key knowledge and networking opportunities with your fellow community members and project professionals. You'll find further details by following the URL links below. Overcoming imposter syndrome through the power of team work 08 March 2022 - London https://www.apm.org.uk/event/overcoming-imposter-syndrome-through-the-power-of-team-work/ From Audit to Assurance – a journey to establish a new PMO 16 March 2022 - Bristol https://www.apm.org.uk/event/from-audit-to-assurance-a-journey-to-establish-a-new-pmo/ Project Professionals & Career Switchers…

  • South Yorkshire Skills Accelerator Workshop -  2nd March 2022.

    South Yorkshire Skills Accelerator Workshop - 2nd March 2022.

    Skills Accelerator Interactive Workshop. 2nd March 2022 - 9:00am to 12:00pm Skills - you know what you need – come and tell us! On Wednesday 2nd March, South Yorkshire Chambers are hosting the second interactive workshop for employers to tell us what support you need to develop in your workforce for your company’s future growth and development. We will be sharing the feedback we have received so far, and our suggested actions to go into our report to the DfE. We want to know if you agree, or if you have other experiences or ideas to include that could make all the difference to your business. Your feedback will help us deliver: A report to Government with clear and robust recommendations on how they can help South Yorkshire build the UK’s most agile skills system. A strong, evidence…

    Alan Chater
  • Skills Accelerator South Yorkshire Interactive Workshop - 2nd March 2022

    Skills Accelerator South Yorkshire Interactive Workshop - 2nd March 2022

    As a member of the South Yorkshire 'Skills Accelerator Board' (SAB), I'm representing the Joint PEI committee based in South Yorkshire and wish to alert members and their companies to the following interactive workshop promotion. Skills - you know what you need – come and tell us! On Wednesday 2nd March, South Yorkshire Chambers are hosting the second interactive workshop for employers to tell us what support you need to develop in your workforce for your company’s future growth and development. We will be sharing the feedback we have received so far, and our suggested actions to go into our report to the DfE. We want to know if you agree, or if you have other experiences or ideas to include that could make all the difference to your business. Your feedback will help us deliver: A report…

  • All about Election of IET Hong Kong

    All about Election of IET Hong Kong

    Please take a look on the IET Hong Kong Election Procedures .

    Dodi Mak
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) in adult social care: case studies in the UK

    Artificial intelligence (AI) in adult social care: case studies in the UK

    The NHSX AI Lab has spoken to technology businesses and care providers throughout the country and found that social care is lagging health in developing and adopting AI. The provider landscape is generally more fragmented, and many organisations still collect data manually. It may also be due to a lack of technical professionals. Many of the issues raised by these case studies are being addressed by NHSX, such as funding and promoting more simplified data sharing between health and care organisations. Below you will find three case study examples in the UK which demonstrate AI and data-driven healthcare. You can find more information about further case studies and funding on NHSX AI Lab. Case study 1: Birdie , intelligent monitoring for preventative care Solving the challenge A care…

  • STEM resources about communication

    STEM resources about communication

    These free education resources are to inspire children aged 5-11 as they explore the different communication methods of the past and present. There are so many ways to communicate and we explore a few methods in these downloadable, fun and easy learning activities for parents or teachers to do in class or at home. Communication and language barriers become a thing of the past as we go on a journey using symbols, drawings, paintings and letters to send messages. From cave paintings and medieval manuscripts to morse code and semaphore (visual signals) - you can teach a whole range of communication techniques with commonly found items at home. Download worksheets and step-by-step activity plans here: Books and illuminated letters Cave paintings Clay tokens and tablets Morse code…

  • 5 amazing ways quantum tech could improve your world

    5 amazing ways quantum tech could improve your world

    Quantum technologies harness quantum physics to gain a functionality or performance which is otherwise unattainable - the functions of quantum technologies are derived from science that cannot be explained by classical physics, such as Newton’s Laws of motion, thermodynamics, or Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism. Quantum City recently created a series of posters for schools on Quantum Technologies and the 5 amazing ways that quantum tech could improve our world. All posters are available to download from the York Quantum Hub and Quantum City website

  • Addressing the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population with artificial intelligence

    Addressing the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population with artificial intelligence

    Increasing lifespan, along with decreased fertility, is causing the population of older adults to expand at a greater rate than any other age group, and it is expected to reach more than 1.5 million by 2050. Given the expected expansion in the older population, which will occur in practically every country in the world, governments, health systems, and the private sector should plan ahead of time to meet the demands of the ageing population, according to the World Health Organization. Is ageing a looming disaster or a booming opportunity? In the next few decades, the global elderly population will rise from 7% to 20%. In terms of social, economic, and political change in our day, this growth will be one of the most significant. Systems and families will be affected, and new solutions…