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  • 200 Years of Electromagnetism event now online

    200 Years of Electromagnetism event now online

    The Institute of Physics event  on 16 September 2020 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Hans-Christian Oersted's seminal paper on electromagnetism will now be held as a webinar. In July 1820, Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) of the University of Copenhagen published a four-page text “Experiments on the effect of the electric conflict on the magnetic needle”.  He had discovered that a wire carrying an electric current generated by a Voltaic pile affected the orientation of a nearby compass needle and in particular that the effect circulated outside the wire in the plane perpendicular to it.  Within months, André-Marie Ampère (1775-1836) had extended Oersted’s work by experiment and mathematics.  Ampère published his magnum opus on electrodynamics in 1826/1827, establishing himself, according…

    Anne Locker
  • Virtually Everything

    Virtually Everything

    When everything is virtual, what remains in reality? When the world moves into crisis mode facing conflicts be they wars, revolutions, coups or invasions, facing environmental concerns like climate change and over-population, facing wide-scale problems impacting health, like pollution, or a pandemic, then things can change very rapidly – even those immutable, entrenched parts of our lives where the usual official response has always been: “There’s no way that could ever happen!’. With the Covid-19 timeline playing out on a schedule of months or years, rather than the weeks Governments around the world would prefer, it seems increasingly likely that more and more conferences, exhibitions and tradeshows will be forced to move ‘on-line’ in order to survive.  Some interactions are easy to translate…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Review assessment of students to ensure SEND students are not disadvantaged

    Review assessment of students to ensure SEND students are not disadvantaged

    Protection from disabilities need to started early age We all know the effects deadly virus about at the moment. Those in the Nero diverse spectrum are quite well aware of the disadvantages of life,  the early gets addressed the better, more strategies are in place. STEM science technology engineering mathematics seems to attract people with these abilities This only applies the UK but please could you complete    https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/316677

    Brian Reynolds
  • International Women In Engineering Day: 23rd June 2020 University Of Bradford Event

    International Women In Engineering Day: 23rd June 2020 University Of Bradford Event

    To celebrate International Women in Engineering Day, University of Bradford's Faculty of Engineering and Informatics in association with the University Gender Staff Forum and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team are hosting a virtual event, which is taking place on  Tuesday 23 rd  June from 2pm-3.30pm .  There will be a number of female speakers to share stories about working in the engineering industry.  Dr Elaine Brown is opening the event, Professor Udy Archibong will be chairing the session and there will be a Q&A session at the end.  The panel members are: Dr Mai Elshehaly ( Lecturer in Computer Science, at the University of Bradford ) Sarah Haslam ( Chief Program Engineer at Ford and University Alumni ) Sohila Jalilian ( Senior Official Control Auditor at Food Standard Agency and…

    Oliver Clarke
  • SEGi College Subang Jaya IET OnCampus (SCSJIET)

    SEGi College Subang Jaya IET OnCampus (SCSJIET)

    OnCampus Address: SEGi College Subang Jaya, Persiaran Kewajipan, USJ 1, 47600 UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor   1. Background SEGi College Subang Jaya IET OnCampus was established on 11 th March 2020 . It was formed by a group of students from SEGi College Subang Jaya Engineering Club (SCSJEC) who joined the IET. SEGi College Subang Jaya is a college with various courses being offered such as psychology, early childhood education, IT, engineering and many more. SEGi College Subang Jaya does collaboration with other universities to provide degree programmes. Courses in SEGi College Subang Jaya has 3 semesters a year and the semester breaks depends on the course that is being done. Subang Jaya is a town situated between Petaling Jaya and Shah Alam. It consists of residential areas, shopping malls,…

    Chin Hong Wong
  • E&T 2020 Innovation Awards

    E&T 2020 Innovation Awards

    Applications for the 2020 E&T Innovation Awards are now open at https://www.ietinnovationawards.org/    If you or your company would like to enter for an award, please do so by 3 July.  There is no charge for entering the Innovation Awards.

    David Blake
  • Award Ceremony: IET West Yorkshire Local Network Prizes For Student Excellence 4th March 2020, Keighley College

    Award Ceremony: IET West Yorkshire Local Network Prizes For Student Excellence 4th March 2020, Keighley College

    Back in March before the Coronavirus pandemic Jeffrey Utley MBE presented a 2019 IET Local Network Prize for Student Excellence to Darren Brame who is studying at Keighley College. The prize was presented to Darren in the tool room of Teconnex in Keighley in the presence of his colleagues and senior management. Teconnex also presented Darren with a new tool chest in recognition of his achievement. Congratualtions to Darren on this fantastic achievement! Universities or colleges without an accredited programme can nominate a student for the Local Network Prize for having achieved excellence on their course. The prize winner receives £250.

    Oliver Clarke
  • Ottawa LN Tech Talk – Tidal Energy : Ready For The Next Step

    Ottawa LN Tech Talk – Tidal Energy : Ready For The Next Step

    The Ottawa Local Network were pleased to present an online Tech Talk from Mr Pieter Goubert of Nova Innovation Ltd, a UK based company who are one of the leaders in tidal energy. Mr Goubert gave a lively and interesting talk on the history and key challenges of tidal energy solutions, as well as an overview of Nova Innovations experience from installing several tidal energy solutions mainly around the Shetland Isles in Scotland.  These installations include a system integrated with energy storage to provide ‘firm power’ to the grid.  Tidal energy is particularly suited to pairing with energy storage due to the predictability of the tides.  Nova Innovation have worked hard to develop innovative solutions to improve performance, efficiency and Operations & Maintenance costs which Mr Goubert outlined…

    Graeme Allan
  • Simple Cyber Security (IET Hereford And Worcester Webinar)

    Simple Cyber Security (IET Hereford And Worcester Webinar)

    'Cyber Security is not as complex as it sounds' explained Dr Emma Philpott MBE, CEO of The IASME Consortium Ltd during the IET Webinar 'Simple Cyber Security', organised by the IET Hereford and Worcester Committee. In less than an hour, Emma was able to talk through some grounding insights on how to stay safe online. It boils down to the 5 areas below;   Firewall Controls, Secure Configuration, Malware Protection, Patching (Software/OS) and Access Controls. Working with industry leaders, their provided observations have been that by keeping the 5 areas above in check, a staggering 70% of attacks are fully stopped and 30% are further partially stopped. She spoke about how your 'everyday' personal data is an attractive bounty for the digital bad actors out there, your website credentials can…

  • Why HS2 Will Fail, Fail And Succeed

    Why HS2 Will Fail, Fail And Succeed

    I recently attended a webinar on turning around mega projects hosted by the Association of Project Management (APM), which made me think about why HS2 will have some serious issues.This obviously made me think of the upcoming challenges of HS2 and also the delays encountered by Crossrail. The webinar is now on YouTube and can be viewed here:   ; What do I mean by, Fail, Fail & Succeed. Well any project is in a balance defined by that well known concept of the project triangle: the Cost, the Timescale & the Scope. what I mean is that the project is bound to be over budget, (it has already been revised up, and will be again and again), it will also be late to planned timescales, which will slip multiple times during it's life-cycle. however, ultimately the scope will be delivered. there may be…

    Dave Perton
  • Taylor’s University On Campus

    Taylor’s University On Campus

    OnCampus Address: 1, Jalan Taylors, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Visit Us at Facebook   1. Background Taylor’s University IET OnCampus was established on 1 August 2014. It was formed by a group of students from Taylor’s University who joined the IET. Taylor’s University is a private university in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. Taylor’s journey began in 1969 where it started as a college institute. In 2006, the status of university college was awarded. Finally, Taylor’s University claimed the official title in the year 2010. Few most popular major educations at the university include Biomedical Sciences, Engineering, Journalism, Business, Marketing and other related programs. There are two semesters in a year. Semester breaks typically between January to April & August to September. Industry placement…

    Chin Hong Wong
  • Ottawa Local Network Tech Talk – Energy Storage And Renewables

    Ottawa Local Network Tech Talk – Energy Storage And Renewables

    A recent online Tech Talk covered the growth of energy storage within the North American electricity utilities, and the opportunity this affords to increase renewable energy content.  Mr Bart Geleynse of Renewable Energy Systems Americas Inc provided an interesting and thought provoking presentation which was well attended. The Ottawa Local Network were pleased to present an online Tech Talk by Mr Bart Geleynse, Renewable Energy Systems Americas Inc.  This talk explored the opportunity that the growth of energy storage affords, allowing an increase in the amount of renewable energy in the electricity generation mix.  Mr Geleynse used his experience in utility scale renewable energy and energy storage to demonstrate the benefit storage provides but also the challenges of increasing complexity…

    Graeme Allan
  • ACostE Forthcoming Diary 2020-26

    ACostE Forthcoming Diary 2020-26

    Below is a list of the forthcoming events that are scheduled up until 2026.    This is just the headline information and further details will be disseminated when appropriate: 2021 NOVEMBER 2021 Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PAQS) - Virtual PAQS Annual Congress ‘Creating Smart Cities to Help Build the Future’ Thursday 11 th to Monday 15th SMX Convention Center Aura, Taguig City, Philippines Project Controls Expo - UK Monday 15 th and Tuesday 16 th Wembley Stadium, London Project Controls Expo Monday 29 th and Tuesday 30 th Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia 2022 MARCH 2022 Project Controls Expo Tuesday 15 th and Wednesday 16 th KL Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia MAY 2022 International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Sunday 15 th to Friday 20th FIG Congress 2022…

    Joanne Longton
  • IAF Student Space Competition 2020

    IAF Student Space Competition 2020

    Despite the distractions of the current situation, the IAF Student Paper Competition again had a very good level of entries this year; our thanks are due to all the students and their supervisors who helped make this a very high-standard competition. The BIS would also like to extend its thanks to the IET for co-sponsorship and adjudication, and to UKSEDS and the Space Universities Network (SUN) for assisting with the judging.  On 2 May, three undergraduates and three postgraduates faced this intimidating panel of judges in the UK final.   It will be immediately apparent that, this year, the final had to be an online event. Fortunately, the finalists coped admirably with the challenge of presenting, and answering questions, via Zoom. In the undergraduate category, Harry Llamas described the…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • UniMAP IET On Campus

    UniMAP IET On Campus

    OnCampus Address: UniMAP, Pauh Putra, 02600 Arau, Perlis Facebook page link: Visit UCSI IET OnCampus Facebook! 1. Background UniMAP IET OnCampus was officially established in year 2018. It was formed by a group of students from School of Electrical Engineering who joined the IET with invitation from Ir. Mohd Shihabuddin Ismail to establish On Campus group. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) is a Malaysian public institution of higher learning located in state of Perlis. It was previously known as Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia. It was established as the 17th Public Institution of Higher Learning in Malaysia on 25 July 2001. UniMAP offer mainly offer engineering and engineering technology program in diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate level. UniMAP have 2 semesters per year…

    Chin Hong Wong
  • University Of Nottingham IET On Campus (UNMIET)

    University Of Nottingham IET On Campus (UNMIET)

    On Campus Address: Jalan Broga, Semenyih, Selangor, 43500. Visit our Facebook page University Of Nottingham IET On Campus (UNMIET) Committees Photo 2020/21 AI and Machine Learning Workshop The Amazing Arm Competition 2020 1. Background IET UNM Student Chapter was established in 2017. The University of Nottingham is the very first British university to open a branch in Malaysia. The first branch opened in 2000 at the center of Kuala Lumpur. In 2005, the university opened the purpose-built campus which is now the main campus in Semenyih. As of the year 2020, the campus celebrates its 20 th anniversary. The academic year consists of 2 semesters, and each runs for 3 months. The intakes are usually in September for undergraduate courses while foundation courses are in April as well September. The…

    Dr John Tan
  • UTM IET On Campus

    UTM IET On Campus

    OnCampus Address: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Jalan Universiti, 80990 Johor Bahru, Johor Visit our Facebook page 1. Background UTM IET OnCampus was established on 8 th November 2019. It was formed by a group of students from University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) who joined IET. UTM is a leading-driven entrepreneurial research university in engineering, science and technology located both in Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, Malaysia. However, UTM IET OnCampus based is in Johor Bahru. UTM offered numerous programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Undergraduate students will have to undergo 8 semesters in order to obtain their bachelor’s degree while for postgraduate students, there are 3 semesters for Master programmes and 6 semesters for Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) programmes…

    Dr John Tan
  • Annual General Meeting 2020 Postponement

    Annual General Meeting 2020 Postponement

    Dear IET Queensland Members, Due to CoVID19 restrictions, your committee wishes to advise that the AGM, previously planned for 29th May 2020 is postponed until further notice.  The committee would prefer the AGM to be an in-person event and thus it is not possible to set a new date at this time. We will endeavour to provide at least a month’s notice prior to the rescheduled meeting.  We are considering the option of reverting to the previous format for this year and we welcome feedback from members regarding possible formats for the AGM when it is held. Thank you for your kind attention. Kind regards, The IET Queensland Network

    Alison Siu
  • Future Manufacturing And Supply Chain Strategies

    Future Manufacturing And Supply Chain Strategies

    The IET Manufacturing Technical Network is planning an event early in 2021 to discuss future strategies for Manufacturing and Supply Chains arising from the current Covid-19 crisis. To assist in the planning of this event we would like your input on several questions as detailed in this blog.    Introduction The current Covid-19 Pandemic has had a significant impact on Manufacturing and Supply Chains throughout the world, with significant disruption to both supply and demand. Such disruption has not been seen since the Second World War. The impact has demonstrated weaknesses and a lack of resilience in many supply chains that have been developed with “lean” just-in-time principles. Many supply chains are low-cost and efficient but not resilient. Despite this, however, there are examples of…

  • UCSI IET On Campus

    UCSI IET On Campus

    OnCampus Address: 1, Jalan Puncak Menara Gading, UCSI Heights, 56000 Cheras, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Facebook page link: Visit UCSI IET OnCampus Facebook! 1. Background UCSI IET OnCampus was established on the year 2007 by Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Rodney Tan. It was formed by a group of students from UCSI University who joined the IET. UCSI University is a vibrant community of learning and scholarship. At present, more than 12,000 students study at the University. Over the years, students from 110 different countries have studied at UCSI University, making the campus a melting pot of culture and diversity. Situated on a 20-acres piece of land, the UCSI University KL Campus is located in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur with convenient access to numerous facilities including banks, restaurants…

    Chin Hong Wong
  • EC3 committee 2020

    EC3 committee 2020

    Chair - Andrew Findlay Acting Secretary - Richard Mitchell Peter Greatorex Bill Pechey Doreen Pechey Tom Flintham Nick Butler Kim Cave-Ayland

  • MMUIET Melaka On Campus

    MMUIET Melaka On Campus

    OnCampus Address: Multimedia University Melaka, Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Bukit Beruang, Melaka Facebook page link: Visit MMU IET Facebook 1. Background Multimedia University IET Melaka On Campus was established in the year of 2010. It was formed by a group of students from Multimedia University who joined the IET. Multimedia University (MMU) is the first private university that was established in Malaysia in the year 1996. MMU operates on a trimester system for its academic system, whereby the first trimester starts on July, the second on November and the third on April. The industry placement period begins around the middle of March until the end of June (trimester break of second trimester until trimester break of third trimester). One of the campuses of MMU is located in Melaka, which…

    Chin Hong Wong
  • Linton IET On Campus (LIET)

    Linton IET On Campus (LIET)

    Linton IET On Campus (LIET) Linton IET On Campus was established on 14 February 2020 . It was formed by a group of students from Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET), LUC who joined the IET. ​Address: Administrative Building, Persiaran UTL, Bandar Universiti Teknologi Legenda (BUTL), Batu 12, 71700 Mantin, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Visit LIET Facebook Visit   LIET Website LIET Committees & Advisor Group Photo Advisor, Dr. Sadiq giving a welcoming speech during AGM LIET Committee Group Photo During Recruitment Drive 1. Background  Linton University College (LUC) opened its doors to students back in 1987 in Ipoh, Perak and moved to the Mantin campus in 2005. It is also home to three of its affiliated colleges-Portamar Institute of Technology (ITP), Jati College and Mantin International…

    Dr John Tan
  • AI And Engineering For Healthcare Crises: Rapid Response Strategies For Covid-19 (IET Webinar).

    AI And Engineering For Healthcare Crises: Rapid Response Strategies For Covid-19 (IET Webinar).

    "A.I has progressed to give real-world innovations to vertical use cases like automated chat bots, stock-trading, or smart-home devices, but now it can do much more" explained Ronjon Nag PHD,Founder of R42 Group at the IET Webinar 'AI and Engineering for Healthcare Crises: Rapid Response Strategies for Covid-19' hosted by Peter Bannister, IET Healthcare Sector Executive Chair, who mentioned that over 880 delegates representing 85 countries joined this webinar to hear Ronjon's Keynote alongside  Dr Archana Dubey, MD FAAFP, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and Global Medical Director at HP for a fireside-chat in discussing A.I in healthcare. Ronjon spoke about how good old fashioned artificial intelligence is a key starting point to define rules for symbolic processing for…

    Rimesh Patel