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  • Explore The New IET Savoy Place At UK

    Explore The New IET Savoy Place At UK

    IET Savoy Place at UK Explore the IET Savoy Place at UK and enjoy.

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • Call for Proposals - Circular Economy - Extending the useful life of products, enabling multiple product lifecycles

    Call for Proposals - Circular Economy - Extending the useful life of products, enabling multiple product lifecycles

    The Circular Economy is central to Scotland’s Industrial future, it is widely accepted that the linear nature of product development “take, make, use, dispose” is unsustainable, both economically and environmentally due to the finite nature of essential resources.  There is growing national and international recognition that the circular economy model, where products are reused, repaired, reconditioned and remanufactured rather than disposed of is the only way in which the growing demand for products can be met and as such, the opportunities for industry and academia involvement are significant. Remanufacturing is at the forefront of resource efficiency in Scotland as the move towards a Circular Economy gathers pace.  It is estimated that the current size of the European remanufacturing industry…

    Joanne Longton
  • PATW 2016 East Midlands Winner

    PATW 2016 East Midlands Winner

    The committee of the East Midlands Network are very pleased to announce that the winner of the PATW local competition for 2016 is Mustafa Kheraluwala.   Mustafa now goes on to the compete in the Midlands area final which takes place on 22 June 2016 at IET Austin Court, Birmingham. Below, Mustafa tells us more about his experience in entering the competition: I am Mustafa Kheraluwala, a Manufacturing Engineering graduate working for Rolls-Royce Plc. We receive many announcements coming in regularly and as part of that a circular about the Present Around The World competition was sent out. I was instantly intrigued as I inherently enjoy doing presentations to a wider audience. Plus to get the opportunity to do it on any engineering or technology related topic was a bonus!   My presentation was…

    Joanne Longton
  • Postponed Saturday June 4th Seminar

    Postponed Saturday June 4th Seminar

    Due to some scheduling issues, unfortunately we have had to postpone the Saturday June 4th seminar " The Use of Smart Communicating Devices To Garner LEED Points in Green Buildings ". As soon as we can reschedule it, the calendar will be updated.

    Allan Casey
  • Exciting Events In Summer 2016

    Exciting Events In Summer 2016

    The Young Professionals Netwo rk are organising many exciting events for the Summer 2016 season, and are proud to announce theses events are part of the European City of Science events ! We look forward to see you at our next events. Graphene - Unexpected Science in a Pencil Line In this lecture, Dr. Aravind Vijayaraghavan will introduce Graphene, the world's first 2-dimensional material and the subject  of the Nobel Prize winning research led by Prof. Geim and Prof. Novoselov at The University of  Manchester. Graphene was first isolated in Manchester in 2004 using the ‘Sellotape technique’,  but the history of graphene dates back over 50 years.  23rd June 2016, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK Register today Broadband - How do BT deliver the Network infrastructure for the…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Meeting Between Secretary For IET Islamabad Network Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan And Executive Member Of IET Islamabad Network Mr.Nadeem Shaheedi

    Meeting Between Secretary For IET Islamabad Network Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan And Executive Member Of IET Islamabad Network Mr.Nadeem Shaheedi

    31st May 2016, Tuesday at Lahore Today, on request of Mr.Nadeem Shaheedi IET Executive Member of IET Islamabad Network and on instructions of Eur Ing Tauqeer H Shah Chairman IET Islamabad Network, i as Secretary for IET Islamabad Network met with Mr.Nadeem Shaheedi at his office.   (From Left to Right:  Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan and Mr.Nadeem Shaheedi) I did mentoring towards his registration as Incorporated Engineer (IEng) on his request and we also discussed about various matters of IET Islamabad Network especially coming event i.e. IET Technical Lecture and meeting of IET Islamabad Network Team Members at Islamabad most probably on August 2016. We also discussed matters of mutual interests.  Our meeting took approximately 2 hours and ended with thanks and good wishes.

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • IET ICRE 2016 Hits The Tracks In Brussels

    IET ICRE 2016 Hits The Tracks In Brussels

    The IET 2016 International Conference on Railway Engineering (ICRE) was held recently in Brussels on 12-13 May.  The conference has previously been organised every three years by the Hong Kong Railway Transport Section and aims to provide a forum for sharing knowledge and experience, promoting collaboration among practitioners, and reporting applications of new technologies in railway engineering. The 2016 event was the first time the Railway Network have held ICRE in Europe and centred on the theme of “Enhancing Railway Operations”. The event demonstrated that innovation is happening within the global rail community, using currently available technology to achieve the previously unachievable. 10 key points from ICRE 2016 Attended by international industry professionals from academic/commercial…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • What happens to transport and engineering if we leave the EU?

    What happens to transport and engineering if we leave the EU?

    At our recent International Conference on Railway Engineering held in Brussels on 12 and 13 May 2016, we took the opportunity to seek the personal views of some of the delegates on what would happen to transport and engineering if the UK were to leave the EU.   We’ve combined these views into this short video Here is an opportunity for you to join in the debate and contribute your comments below.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Simplifai - Air Quality Innovation Lab

    Simplifai - Air Quality Innovation Lab

    The SimplifAI project is holding an innovation lab on air quality on 7th July 2016.  Manchester IET members are invited to participate in the innovation lab which aims to develop strategies to address air quality issues in Manchester. Details of the workshop can be found at the following location  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/simplifai-air-quality-innovation-lab-tickets-25694593220 A limited number of places have been reserved for Manchester IET members to attend this free innovation lab.  To register a place go the the registration page  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/simplifai-air-quality-innovation-lab-tickets-25694593220 You will need to enter your IET number to get one the enable you to register for the innovation lab, so make sure you know it in advance of registering. Registration…

    Keith McCabe
  • TravelSpirit Workshop Manchester 28th June 2016

    TravelSpirit Workshop Manchester 28th June 2016

    Manchester IET members have a unique opportunity to influence the future direction of travel services in Manchester and beyond.  On the 28th June 2016 the TravelSpririt project is having its launch workshop in Manchester. TravelSpririt describes itself as 'the engine oil behind mobility as a service (MaaS).  For more details of TravelSprit go to the project web page . Manchester IET members can attend the launch workshop on the 28th June 2016 for free, however the places are limited.  For details of the launch event go to  http://travelspirit.foundation/agenda/ Places at the workshop for IET members are limited, so if you are interested please contact Keith McCabe at the following email address keith.mccabe@kamfutures.co.uk by 17th June to secure your IET member place at the workshop. After…

    Keith McCabe
  • Mobility as a Service Roundtable at Intertraffic Smart Cities side event - April 2016

    Mobility as a Service Roundtable at Intertraffic Smart Cities side event - April 2016

    I recently chaired the mobility as a service roundtable discussion at the Smart Cities side event at the Intertraffic Conference in Amsterdam in April 2016. The discussion covered a range of topics which included: What is Maas What is the value proposition Whats it for What is the purpose of Maas How does it work What are the contraining factors The discussion was supported by the IET Automotive and Road Transport Network and a recording of the discussion can be found at  https://soundcloud.com/h3b-media/mobility-as-a-service-roundtable-moderated-by-keith-mccabe  and details of the other Smart Cities roundtable discussions can be found at  http://thinkinghighways.com/talking-cities-2/   Enjoy. Keith McCabe Chair Manchester IET Transport Technical Interest Group

    Keith McCabe
  • Apply for IET Fellowship

    Apply for IET Fellowship

    We want exceptional people to become Fellows to help us achieve even more in the years ahead.  Do you meet the criteria for Fellowship of the IET? Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET WA YPS Newsletter June 2016

    IET WA YPS Newsletter June 2016

    IET WA YPS Newsletter June 2016

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Security Designations

    Security Designations

    Fluid, flexible, accountable and committed - Security designations allow you to introduce the elements of responsibility, segregation of duties, role based accountability and even extends itself to cross training as a BAU activity. The designations are not job specifications and neither are they a task and activity list that project/programs might adhere to. They represent goals that an environment needs to achieve as business as usual activity where the achievement is spread across the designations. The security designations overlap with different goals so, for example, the work carried out by one individual is either passed onto another for completion or enters the next cycle for development. This model extends out to include consultants and contractors so their time is better mapped back…

  • Orford Ness visit

    Orford Ness visit

    To see a selection of photos from our recent Orford Ness visit, take a look at our Facebook page here .

    Alex Barrett
  • Robot Wars

    Robot Wars

    Are you part of a team who is currently building a robot for the upcoming Robot Wars series ? If so we'd love to hear from you.  We are looking for a team with whom we can work to film a short documentary of your journey:  of building the robot and testing it for the challenges its about to face.  So, what would this entail? Well, just an hour of film time every month or two to film how the robot build is coming a long and a quick chat with the engineers to find out the trials and tribulations. Are you up for it? If so please drop me an email

    Joanne Longton
  • Lego and the trouble with telling girls how to play

    Lego and the trouble with telling girls how to play

    This is quite an interesting read.  Let me know what you think by ;eaving a comment! ''There’s much academic research to back up the notion that girls and boys gravitate toward different toys. And babies as young as 18 months old show gender-related behaviors when playing with certain toys, differences that persist throughout childhood. Further research shows the perceived gender of a toy itself can have “significant impact on toy preferences and exploration,” wrote the authors of a  2003 paper , published in the journal  Educational Pscychology , about how children play with toys. Kids routinely favor the toy they believe is meant for them, based on their gender. But the decision matrix that ultimately influences widespread views on which toys are for which children includes inputs from parents…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Women in innovation: apply for infocus funding award

    Women in innovation: apply for infocus funding award

    Innovate UK has up to £200,000 and a package of tailored support to award to businesswomen who have exciting ideas and the potential to become leaders in innovation and deliver significant economic growth. This is the first women only Innovate UK competition and is part of a new ‘infocus’ initiative to encourage diversity in innovation. Each of the 12 finalists in the competition will receive a package of support tailored to their needs, and the four winners will each receive £50,000 to support their innovation project or activities. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Celebrate National Women in Engineering Day with our evening networking event, ‘Be Inspiring, Be Inspired’

    Celebrate National Women in Engineering Day with our evening networking event, ‘Be Inspiring, Be Inspired’

    WES / Equate Scotland - National Women in Engineering Day  Thursday 23 June 2016, 7-9pm Registration from 6.30pm IET Glasgow: Teacher Building, 14 St Enoch Square, Glasgow, G1 4DB To mark this year’s National Women in Engineering Day, Equate Scotland is once again joining forces with WES Scotland and hosting an evening networking event in Glasgow. ‘Be Inspiring, Be Inspired’ will give you the chance to hear from a fabulous panel of invited speakers, before networking with like-minded people over nibbles and a glass of wine. Growing the number of women studying and working in engineering is a complex challenge! To make meaningful and sustainable change, we all need to work together – engineers, educators, employers and policy makers. You’ll hear first-hand from a panel of top professionals,…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • IET On Campus GIKI Volunteer Committee (2016 To 2017)

    IET On Campus GIKI Volunteer Committee (2016 To 2017)

    Assistant Professor Dr.Husnul Maab On Campus Facilitator (Supporting University Faculty Member) Mr.Adeel Javaid President     0313 445 5758 Mr.Meesaq Ahmed Secretary     0303 091 1468 Mr.Muhammad Ahsan Ashraf Treasurer Ms.Rikki-Louise Davies IET OnCampus Student Coodinator (IET Staff at UK)

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • IET Islamabad Network (LN) Support To IET On Campus Groups

    IET Islamabad Network (LN) Support To IET On Campus Groups

    How can a Local Network support to IET On Campus groups? The IET Islamabad Local Network (LN) is a primary source of contact for the IET On Campus group (University Student Chapters) for additional support as they are made up of IET volunteers who are professionals within the Engineering and Technology field. They may be able to help the IET On Campus group with:   Industry contacts/links, Early career support and advice, Advice on how to run events/activities, Information about IET products/services, Promotion of your events and possibly even funding for your events if you work closely together. The relationship between the IET On Campus group and the LN is mutually beneficial so the IET On Campus group should communicate regularly, particularly when planning/organising events. The IET has…

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • Engineering the future of Scotland

    Engineering the future of Scotland

    A briefing from IET Engineering Policy Group Scotland. The document can be found attached or on our Policy pages.   The Engineering Policy Scotland Group has produced this briefing which calls on Scottish Parliamentarians to recognise the role of engineering in: providing jobs; creating opportunities and; shaping the future of Scotland. Engineering, whether in manufacturing industry, information technology, construction or energy, underpins vital sectors of the Scottish economy and provides the platform for innovation in which the Scottish economy can grow and create jobs to compete with the rest of the world. This report contains recommendations on investment in key areas such as education; research and innovation; as well as energy and communications infrastructure. The importance of harnessing…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • IET On Campus IST Volunteer Committee (2016 To 2017)

    IET On Campus IST Volunteer Committee (2016 To 2017)

    Assistant Professor Saima Siddiqui On Campus Facilitator  (Supporting University Faculty Member) Mr Syed Meesum Haider President     0308 505 6797 Mr Hafiz Umer Farooq Secretary     0313 560 4295 Mr Awais Ali Raza Treasurer Social Media and Online PR Manager Ms.Rikki-Louise Davies IET OnCampus Student Coodinator (IET Staff at UK)

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • Review of 'A New Era in Earth Observation' event

    Review of 'A New Era in Earth Observation' event

    As we develop an increasing on-orbit capability to collect gigabytes or more data from our remote sensing satellites, the challenge of getting it back to the ground becomes increasingly demanding. To provide insight into the solutions being developed to address this challenge, the Satellite Systems and Applications TPN arranged an evening seminar, held at the Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire, where representatives from Airbus Defence and Space described how their technologies are powering the European Data Relay Service, otherwise known as EDRS or the “Space Data Highway”, to help achieve this goal. The session included presentations on the upstream hardware, presented by Martin Agnew, and the downstream service strategy, presented by Jacquie Conway, both based at Airbus Defence and Space in the…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member in Space