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  • YPS Section: Present Around The World (PATW) Singapore 2016

    YPS Section: Present Around The World (PATW) Singapore 2016

    IET Present Around the World Singapore round was successfully organised. Thanks for every participants' effort and every volunteers that had involve in it. This year, we had different participants from different country, such as America, Russia, China, Malaysia, India and Singapore . We also appreciated the helps given by staffs of  National University Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Conventry University, Ngee Ann Polytechnics (NYP), Singapore Polytechnics (SP), Republic Polytechnics(RP) and PSB Academy. Thanks for supporting IET Singapore. Group Photo with PATW Singapore 2016 Participants, Supporters and Judges Appreciation token to PATW Judges   IET Singapore 2016 Winner, Owen Ter:

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET SYLN YP - PATW Event 26th April 2016

    IET SYLN YP - PATW Event 26th April 2016

    On the 26th April 2016 the IET SYLN YP committee organised their local network PATW event. This was held in the University of Sheffield's Mappin Hall and hosted presentations from students based at both the UoS and Sheffield Hallam University (SHU). Nine presentations were delivered all of which were very interesting and professionally presented. Three judges were appointed to look at the presentation skills and following the guidelines for these events, score appropriately and agree a winner and a runner up. This was another pleasing milestone with the development of the YP committee which is now gathering further momentum and confidence under the chairmanship of Dr Darren Williams. The winner of this event was Alice Bullas from SHU, who offered a presentation on "Exploring complex anthropometrics…

    Alan Chater
  • After New Zealand - A Climate Change Update

    After New Zealand - A Climate Change Update

    I'm Paul Smith, a Fellow of the IET and a, one time, promoter of the real science behind Climate Change. I last did my last talk of a series over five years ago in New Zealand and much has happened since then so I thought that now, after the shindig of world leaders in Paris, might be a good time to do a video update. When I last did my talks on Climate Change the IPCC had produced only two reports and a third was imminent.  I cheekily summarised the three voluminous reports chronologically as “it might be happening” followed by “it probably is happening and man is likely to blame” and “it is happening and it is too late to do anything about it”. I would say now, in the same vane that “we've realised that it is happening and we're scrambling to do something about it but we are going to have…

    Paul Smith, RPS
  • IET Member And Structural Engineer, Roma Agrawal On The One Show - 27.04.16!!

    IET Member And Structural Engineer, Roma Agrawal On The One Show - 27.04.16!!

    Watch BBC's The One Show on 27.04.16 at 19:00 where Roma Agrawal will be talking about Skyscrapers and engineering in a mini documentary! Roma features on all of the Women's Network posters which can be downloaded on this platform. She is a fantastic role model for women in STEM and does vast amounts of work to encourage the next generation. Well done Roma, I shall definitely be tuning in! :)

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Creative higher apprenticeships in the pipeline

    Creative higher apprenticeships in the pipeline

    Working alongside industry partners, the NextGen Skills Academy is developing higher apprenticeships in computer games, VFX and animation to address specific skill sets lacking within these fields - E&T Magazine It's a good thing that the IET Women's Network has set up monthly coding classes then!  Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Vist To Tata Speciality Steels - Stocksbridge Works 20th April 2016

    Vist To Tata Speciality Steels - Stocksbridge Works 20th April 2016

    IET SYLN were invited to the annual visit to Tata Specialty Steels at their Stocksbridge Works nr Sheffield. The topic this year was about the installation of a 4.7MW cyclocoverter by GE during December 2015. This replaced the old system installed back in 1989. Paul Buckley who was the Project Manager for Tata, gave us an historical overview on rolling mill evolution and this was followed by a techical presentation from the supplier GE about the new unit. Tata laid on a site tour of the Billet Mill where this equipment has been installed to see the mill in operation, rolling steel from the soakers down the 40" and 42" mills, scarfer and saws onto walking beam cooling beds at the end on the mill. We also had the opportunity to see the main control room where all the mill drive systems are controlled…

    Alan Chater
  • Meet The 'Rocket Girls,' The Women Who Charted The Course To Space

    Meet The 'Rocket Girls,' The Women Who Charted The Course To Space

    In the 1940s, an elite team of mathematicians and scientists started working on a project that would carry the U.S. into space, then on to the moon and Mars. They would eventually become NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (or JPL), but here's what made them so unusual: Many of the people who charted the course to space exploration were women. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member in Space
  • Big Bang Event

    Big Bang Event

    The EESW (Engineering Education Scheme Wales) had the annual "Big Bang" event in Venue Cmyru in Llandudno on the 13th April. This is a schools event and there were around twenty five teams, all produced original engineering work and innovative designs. Engineering is clearly alive and well! A number of schools won substantial awards for their work. The IET had an exhibition  stand, with Lego robots which generated great interest. Attached is a picture of Richard from the IET and Mrs C., the Local Network Chairman's wife, who both did sterling work during the day.

    David Crawford
  • MFI And IET Joint National Meeting - Augsburg / June 2016

    MFI And IET Joint National Meeting - Augsburg / June 2016

    Meeting Cancelled! Please find below full details of the MFI / IET joint national meeting in Augsburg. I am very grateful to Chris Coppelstone, Sandip Banerjee and Alistair Gill for providing the flyer which I have reproduced in full below. Please contact Sandip for registration or to reserve hotel rooms:   Contact Sandip Banerjee on Sandip.Banerjee at t-online.de Howard Gray Joint National Meeting   Michael Faraday Institution e.V. 25 Years Jubilee Summer National Meeting 18th. - 19th. June 2016 at the Hotel Augusta, Ludwigstrasse 2, 86152 Augsburg     The city of Augsburg (photo: Wikipedia) was founded in 15 BC on the orders of Emperor Augustus. It is thus one of the oldest towns in Germany. Because of its excellent military, economic and geographic position at the convergence of the Alpine…

    Howard Gray
  • IET Switzerland PATW - April 2016, ETH Zurich

    IET Switzerland PATW - April 2016, ETH Zurich

    Thanks to all for making this year's PATW such a great success ! Congratulations to Marcel, our winner, as well as the others who came a "close second".  As we are coming to expect, all presentations were "top notch" - great quality, enthusiasm and total dedication in their chosen specialism. Finally, special thanks to Laura who organised the event. Please see the attached for a short overview of the presentations we received...

    Jeff Hunter
  • Wind Wave and Tidal Power Generation

    Wind Wave and Tidal Power Generation

    It was a very interesting and well attended talk yesterday by Professor Peter Tavner. He bombarded us with facts and statistics from the growing renewable energy generation industry, and gave us a unique insight into the wave and tidal power generation projects currently under way. If you were there, and would like a copy of his presentation slides, please let me know at john.frankham@theiet.org, and I will send you a copy. Thanks again to Prof. Tavner for an informative evening.

    John Frankham
  • Your opportunity to steer the V&I Network

    Your opportunity to steer the V&I Network

    Are you crying out for a conference on developments in animal imaging, or can’t find an opportunity to network with researchers working on smartphone-based computer vision applications? Perhaps you’ve spotted a gap within the community to share information or network, or have an event idea but don’t know what to do next? If so, the Vision & Imaging Network Executive Committee wants to hear from you! The Executive Committee is currently working on the activity and content programme for the 2016/17 season and welcomes your input.  If you already have an idea then we’re particularly keen to support you in delivering an activity, with dedicated staff time working on the event logistics and full or partial funding – leaving you free to focus delivering an event that supports the community and raises…

    Phoebe Houssein
  • Radar 2017 - Call For Papers.  Submit draft by 16 December 2016

    Radar 2017 - Call For Papers. Submit draft by 16 December 2016

    Call For Papers -  Get your latest research, results and industrial applications presented and published, including submission to IEEE Xplore. Submit your draft paper by 16 December 2016. Radar 2017 is a prime opportunity for radar specialists at all career stages to update and enhance your knowledge on the latest developments in advanced radar systems. You will hear presentations covering the latest developments in the sphere, tutorials on key elements of radar technology and keynote addresses from leading experts. Radar 2017 is a part of an internationally successful series of conferences hosted by the USA, China, United Kingdom, Australia and France on a five year cycle. The last UK based conference took place in 2012 in a vibrant city of Glasgow. The event was attended by more than 400…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Early Career Engineering Survey

    Early Career Engineering Survey

    The Survey Please could we ask you to take a few minutes to fill out the IET Early Career Survey? The response will provide beneficial insight into what this students and early career engineers want and needs for their early career, and what is most important to them. The results will be available later in the summer. T he Survey

  • UK and US to simulate cyber-attacks

    UK and US to simulate cyber-attacks

    Interesting article from the Guardian on how the UK and US are exploring the resilience of nuclear infrastructure to a terrorist attack. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/mar/31/uk-us-simulate-cyber-attack-nuclear-plants-test-resilience

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • What does CC-AP do anyway?

    What does CC-AP do anyway?

    For those of you interested in what CC-AP actually does at our meetings, I thought I'd write up a brief summary of our last meeting. If you've got any ideas or input you'd like to make, please comment on this post :) Perhaps unsurprisingly, finance was the first topic for discussion. CC-AP is responsible for giving out funding to the Local Networks (LNs) in our region - we get given a sum of money by the Communities Resourcing Committee, and then have to decide on the best way to divide this up amongst the various groups. It's never easy! But the first stage is sending out some guidance to the treasurers and chairpeople in the region, and that was the topic of our finance discussion this time.  We we then did some brainstorming on a CC-AP strategy. This will help give some more direction to…

    Karla Smith
  • Electric And Hybrid-Electric Propulsion For Light Aircraft

    Electric And Hybrid-Electric Propulsion For Light Aircraft

    Dr Paul Robertson of Cambridge University Engineering Departrment will present on the technical merits and drawbacks of propulsion systems for light aircraft.  Come along to CUED on Thursday 19 May at 1830 hrs.

    David Blake
  • From Engineer To Entrepreneur - Evening Lecture By Brian Hurley (CEO Purple Forge)

    From Engineer To Entrepreneur - Evening Lecture By Brian Hurley (CEO Purple Forge)

    This event was created by our IET Ottawa Network in conjunction with Algonquin College From Engineer to Entrepreneur, My Journey  Brian Hurley, CEO PurpleForge  https://purpleforge.com/ In spite of horrendous weather conditions we were able to experience an excellent three hour presentation given by our guest speaker Mr. Brian Hurley of PurpleForge.    David Mann, the local Chair Introduced the speaker and thanked Leanna Verrucci and Sahar Fariqi of Algonquin College for being our hosts for the evening. Leanna gave a brtief overview of the facilities available at the College for entrepreneurial education and thanked the IET for bringing this talk to the College. The speaker then provided an engaging presentation about his journey into building entrepreneurial ventures. He covered:   His insights…

    David Mann
  • Successful Entrepreneurship Events in March and April

    Successful Entrepreneurship Events in March and April

    Entrepreneurship Lecture 22nd March 2016 Joint IET and Carleton University (TIM Program) event   Ms. Andrea Baptiste of Benbria ( http://www.benbria.com/ ) delivered a dynamic and insightful lecture on her entrepreneurial journey which she titled:   #StartupLife #BePersistent #FightAnotherDay #Andrea'sAdventures   Edwin Morton, the Ottawa LN Co-chair introduced the speaker and gave some background about the event, including the fact that we were offering this event to support the National Engineering Month in Canada. Over 125 people attended this event at Carleton University. The pace of the talk was infectious as the speaker set out her (AHAA!) moments as she worked through her entrepreneurial journey, showing how her engineering background had been key to her ability to adapt, make and manage…

    David Mann
  • Optimising Value From Innovation In The Rail Industry

    Optimising Value From Innovation In The Rail Industry

    IET Central London Evening Lecture , Savoy Place,  13-Apr-2016    A large and enthusiastic audience were well informed and entertained by Graham Hopkins (Technical & Engineering Director, Group Safety) of Network Rail.   Most of Graham's experience comes from his many years with Rolls Royce aeroengines; Manufacturing is a key to him: to create wealth, you can dig it up, grow it or combine the two in Manufacturing.   A key learning is that innovation touches everything, not just technology, although that was the focus this evening.   Some of the most striking points that I picked up on were: Progress in the rail industry is glacially slow (common to have a 50 year vision)  - this should be faster (hence the need for innovation).  Think of whole systems and integrate things; for example, don…

    David Tabor
  • Lecture - Cybersecurity And Wireless Instrument Systems

    Lecture - Cybersecurity And Wireless Instrument Systems

    The Institute of Measurement & Control, Central North-West Group have a lecture on Cybersecurity and Wireless Instrument Systems on Tuesday 17th May 2016, 18:00 for 18:30. The lecture will be given by Mr  Jeff Melrose, Principal Technology Strategist for Cybersecurity at Yokogawa USA . Prior to his assignment with Yokogawa, Mr. Melrose was Principal Security Engineer at Lockheed-Martin and at Raytheon designing secure systems for the US military. In those roles, he led Security Designers creating secure wireless technologies, developing secure networks and cryptographic infrastructures for the most paranoid of customers. Mr. Melrose has over 20 years of experience in OT security. He has an MS in Mathematics from the University of Oklahoma and holds both the Certified Information Systems Security…

  • Why It Always Pays To Pay Attention

    Why It Always Pays To Pay Attention

    Picture the scene… It’s March 2014 and I’m at TV Connect with a colleague. We want to gather some video content for one of our online communities so we’re attending with the intention of interviewing, on camera, some of the exhibitors at the show. All is going well and we have a couple of interviews under our belt, however, my colleague is suddenly taken ill and has to return home… So… I’m left alone and with a video camera…. As my colleague was taking care of the AV side of our partnership (with me as the interviewer) it makes things a bit tricky as I now have to work the AV technology AND conduct the interviews too! I ask her to take the camera tripod back to the office with her as I’ll ‘hand-hold’ the camera instead. I simply don’t have enough hands to carry around the camera, audio…

  • Healthcare Technologies Network Update April 2016

    Healthcare Technologies Network Update April 2016

    Dear Healthcare Technology Network members and other readers   April’s update highlights two successful recent events that spanned the full spectrum of both academia and industry: the Medtech start up  seminar (organised by Anil Vaidya) and the inaugural pizza with industry event at the University of Manchester (the brainchild of Dr Alex Casson).   The Building a Medtech Start Up? Evening Seminar for Entrepreneurs event was a small intimate networking event in the format of an evening seminar this event took place at the Academy of Medical Sciences in London on the 16 March 2016.   We received great feedback.  The evening event attracted 27 delegates and had 4 excellent talks from the speakers, speaking on how to build up a Medtech company. Will Richardson from TTP, spoke about, designing a…

    Peter Bannister
  • Technical Visit - Innovations in Steel Coating Technology for the Construction Industry

    Technical Visit - Innovations in Steel Coating Technology for the Construction Industry

    Technical Visit - Innovations in Steel Coating Technology or the Construction Industry Date: 20th April 2016 Time: 6:30 p.m. Buffet from 5:30p.m. Venue: Tata Steel Colours, Shotton Works, Weighbridge Road, Shotton, CH52NH Speakers:  Nick Bennett and Steve Smith, TATA Steels About this event This lecture and guided tour is of some of the process line technology at Tata Colors, Shotton Works. From its humble beginnings Shotton Works has evolved over 100 years serving the construction and domestic market in quality coated steel products. The event will focus on the engineering challenges in machinery technology for delivering the next generation of steel strip sustainable corrosion protection. Click Register Now for more information and on-line registration.

    Rob McDonald