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  • Yorkshire & Humber Local Networks

    Yorkshire & Humber Local Networks

    Networks in the Yorkshire & Humber Region: There are four Local Networks in the Yorkshire & Humber and you can access their webpages by clicking on the links below: Humber North Yorkshire South Yorkshire West Yorkshire

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • South Island Committee 2015 -2016

    South Island Committee 2015 -2016

    Chairman Nick Gordge Vice Chair & Secretary Vacant Treasurer Paul Isaacs YP Co-ordinator Manish Makwana General Members Karla Smith Hamish Cumming Bob Cooke Dennis Keen

  • Auckland Committee 2014-2015

    Auckland Committee 2014-2015

    Salah Al-Chanati Chair Yan Fong Treasurer Alex Cashen Secretary Alice Zhuang Frank Lewis Sachini Yapa Yan Liu Alice Chan Edmund Lai Mike Lancaster Allan Williamson

  • IET Brunei Darussalam Network 2014-2015 Committee

    IET Brunei Darussalam Network 2014-2015 Committee

    Simon Leong Chairman Major Schufin Bin Haji Ibrahim Vice Chairman Mr Jailani Buntar Secretary Dr Shi Siong Tan Treasurer Cpt Farhan Wan Assistant Secretary

  • IET Malaysia Network Committee 2014-2016

    IET Malaysia Network Committee 2014-2016

    Chairman Ir. Dr. Matthew Y.W. Teow Vice Chairman Ir. Chang Yew Cheong Honorary Secretary Assoc. Prof. Eur. Ing. Dr. Lai Weng Kin Honorary Treasurer Dr. Chan Chee Seng Honorary Assistant Secretary Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Rodney H.G. Tan Immediate Past Chairman Mr. Lawrence Lai Kun Hoong Past Chairman Prof. Ir. Dr. Vigna K Ramachandaramurthy Committee Ir. Amir Farid Abdul Majid Ir. Chan Cheong Loong Ir. Chris Chew Shee Fuee Mr. Goh Hock Chai Dr. Kok Swee Leong Ir. Kok Yen Kwan Ir. Lam Seng Yew Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leong Wai Yie Engr. Assist. Prof. Dr. Liau Vui Kien Committee (YPS Chairman) Mr. Michael Yong Boon Heng Honorary Auditors Ir. Kok Yin Hin Lt. Kol. (K) Dr. Sam Quah Sin Chye

  • AGM 2014

    AGM 2014

    NOTICE OF EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE IET MALAYSIA LOCAL NETWORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Eighth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The IET Malaysia Local Network, for the year 2014 will be held at THE ARMADA HOTEL, PETALING JAYA on the 6 th of December 2014 at 2.00 pm. The Agenda for the AGM is as follows:- 1) Welcome remarks by Chairman, Mr. Lawrence Lai 2) To receive and adopt the Minutes of the Seventh AGM (2013), 3) To receive and adopt the Report by Honorary Secretary for the 2013/2014 session, 4) To receive and adopt the Report by Honorary Treasurer for the 2013/2014 session, 5) To elect the Committee for 2014/2016 session, 6) To elect the Internal Auditors for 2014/2016, 7) Others matters. PROGRAMME 09:30 am : Registration / Networking (Coffee& Tea Served) 10:15 am : PRE…



    PRE-AGM 2014: HALF DAY TECHNICAL SEMINAR Date : 6 th December 2014 (Saturday) Time : 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Venue : Hotel Armada Petaling Jaya Lot 6, Lorong Utara C, Section 52, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. PROGRAM: 9:30 - 10:00a.m. Registration & Morning Coffee 10:00-11:00a.m. Topic 1: Energy Management System & Energy Analysis – Bridging the Gap by: Ir. Jack Chan Weng Loon 11:00 –11.30a.m. Tea Break 11.30a.m. - 12.30p.m. Topic 2: Energy Saving Opportunities using Intelligent Building Automation System (BAS) by: Mr. Au Ying Hao TOPIC 1 : ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM & ENERGY ANALYSIS – BRIDGING THE GAP Methodologies to improve energy efficiency can only be realized if there is a proper monitoring and verification system in place. Normally, a Building Automation System (BAS) or an…

  • New South Wales YP committee

    New South Wales YP committee

    Chair Rebecca Wong Treasurer / Vice Chair Risto Kotevski Secretary Sam Pushparatnam Academy Relationship Coordinator Ryan Jenkins Online Community Administrator Samantha Connelly PATW Coordinator Andrew Truong Community Publicity and Promotion Officer Ghazi Bafakieh Faraday Challenge Coordinator Eric Cheung General Members Paul Huynh Daniul Chowdhury

  • Product Advancement with Research and Development Technology

    Product Advancement with Research and Development Technology

    on 30th October the IET Manufacturing Technical and Professional Network organised an event on Product Advancement with Research and Development Technology at TAR University, Penang Campus - this was the 1st public event in Asia Pacific. The theme of the event was current technologies and knowhow in the field of manufacturing research and product development solution. This public event was attended by 257 participants (24 IET members and 233 non-IET members) and the feedback surveys from the participants specifically requested future similar IET events. This event created awareness on the diversification of engineering advancement in manufacturing research and development to the general public, academia, engineering students and practicing professionals. This event exposed the audience to a…

    Joanne Longton
  • Maintaining A Mentoring Relationship

    Maintaining A Mentoring Relationship

    When you sign up to the IET Mentoring Service as a mentee and are paired with a mentor, or you are allocated a suitable mentor in-company, you are expected, as the mentee, to drive the relationship and take charge of your own development. This blog will advise you on ways to benefit from having a mentor and what you can do to ensure you make the most of your opportunities. Contracting the Mentoring relationship Once you are paired with your mentor it will be your responsibility as the mentee to drive the mentoring relationship and for you to make initial contact with your mentor. From the outset, the roles of mentee and mentor need to be established so there is a clear understanding from the beginning. Boundaries will also need to be set to avoid any miscommunications. You will need to prepare…

    Kathryn Bain
  • Joint Institutions Networking and Social Evening 18th December

    Joint Institutions Networking and Social Evening 18th December

    Dear IET Member living in France For those who will be in the Paris area on Thursday 18th December , this is a reminder that the ICE, IET, IMechE and IStrucE institutions are holding their monthly networking/social meeting at: Carr's bar and restaurant, 1 rue Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris (Métro Line 1 Tuileries) . from 19:00. There will be an optional group dinner from about 20:30 Spouses, partners and friends are also welcome.

    Phil Dunbar
  • Merseyside and Western Cheshire Newsletter

    Merseyside and Western Cheshire Newsletter

    The Local Network are working on a version of the twice yearly newsletter that is optimised to be viewed on computers, tablet devices and smart phones. This will be in addition to the printed version of the newsletter.

    Rob McDonald
  • Product Selection And Management Styles.

    Product Selection And Management Styles.

    Organisations choose products that promote its companies goals, or at least help achieve it. The generation x product might be suitable for some whilst the generation yx product is better suited to others. Sometimes this means accepting the licensing cost to keep business operations stable. So, even after the cost of creating maintenance contracts, hiring qualified staff and even perhaps department creation, managers still choose to toil in their activities. In these cases, for a certain breed of mangers, the easiest is to disqualify resources regardless of business unrest. Perhaps they are not able enough, or just lacking and as such need to engage in such a way, perhaps they are trying to settle into a new life using someone elses hygeine factors. Though not all managers exhibit those qualities…

    Rimesh Patel
  • What the Railway TPN got up to in 2014

    What the Railway TPN got up to in 2014

    2014 has been a good year for the TPN during which they have held the following events: Visit to Railway Technology Centre in Derby which provided an excellent opportunity to view some of the projects they were undertaking Thameslink – achieving Metro Headways on the Mainline – Paul Bates from Network Rail was the guest speaker for this presentation and gave an excellent insight into the project The University of Birmingham hosted a visit to their Research Laboratories back in May. Quiz Night – this event once again proved to be popular and was oversubscribed although the additional team members were squeezed in. The date for the 2015 event has already been finalised – 11 June 2015, once again at Doggetts Coat and Badge. BIM and the Crossrail Smart Railway – Ross Dentten from Crossrail gave…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • What The Aerospace TPN Got Up To In 2014

    What The Aerospace TPN Got Up To In 2014

    During 2014, the Aerospace TPN has held a number of excellent events including: Hybrid Electrically Powered Aircraft Seminar up in Derby which saw three speakers give an overview and more detailed technical presentations on this emerging hot topic. Visit to Heathrow Airport MH370 Flight Path and the future of space based aircraft tracking – this was an excellent event in which the TPN trialled a new ‘breakfast’ style format which proved to be popular. Mark Dickinson and David Colley from Inmarsat were the two guest speakers. W inning at Concurrent Engineering in Aerospace – this was the second of the two events held up at Rolls Royce Derby this year and also proved to be popular. The next event a ‘ Threats to our Supply Chain ’ afternoon seminar will be on 4 February 2015 in London. Details…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Ten Challenges Relating To Intelligent Mobility

    Ten Challenges Relating To Intelligent Mobility

    At the recent Railway Best Papers Competition, Paul Zanelli, Chief Technology Officer, Transport Systems Catapult, highlighted the following ten key challenges in relation to Intelligent Mobility: 1. Improve the traveller experience at transport modal interchanges 2. Minimise the impact of disruption through the use of adjacent transport networks 3. Incentivise the provision of a seamless journey through modal interchanges 4. Provide personalised, contextualised, trusted, information, which improves the traveller experience 5. Develop insight from transport system information to improve the performance of the network 6. Offer end-to-end mobility as a service 7. Integrate quality-of-life and city-economy benefits into transport decisions 8. Enable whole journey accessibility of transport systems…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • IET Satcom Security and Efficiency Seminar

    IET Satcom Security and Efficiency Seminar

    The IET Satellite Systems & Applications TPN recently joined forces with the Events team to deliver a seminar covering the very latest research and development trends in security and efficiency for satellite communications. The event provided the following content: Showcased new industrial, academic and government research, with a strong emphasis on scientific and technical presentations, and brought the satellite industry together for debate and discussion Examined future challenges of providing secure and efficient satellite communications Promoted active research and development in industry and academia. The conference presentations were filmed for IET.tv and can be viewed below. Secure waveform design for satellite communications Dr Terence E. Dodgson From: IET Satcom Security and Efficiency…

  • Resources From earlier TPN Events

    Resources From earlier TPN Events

    The Satellite Systems & Applications TPN have organised a number of excellent events in the past couple of years and here is a reminder of some resources that you can view. HYLAS 1 - From dream to reality HYLAS 1 was the first broadband satellite from Avanti Communications and uses Ka-band technology to deliver high speed, two-way data services across Europe. It has a unique flexible payload which enables Avanti to change the bandwidth of its eight Ka-band beams whilst in orbit, to maximise satellite efficiency. HYLAS 1 is complemented by a Ku-band broadcast capability and can provide up 2mb satellite broadband to users across Europe. A summary of the presentation slides can be found here . Skylon Alan Bond's presentation covered the need for better space transportation and the SKYLON solution…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Joint Institutions Annual Dinner 2015

    Joint Institutions Annual Dinner 2015

    The Joint Annual Dinner is being organised this year by our friends the ICE France. The dinner will be held on Friday 23rd January 2015 at ‘Restaurant d’application’ for the Vatel Hotel Management School 122 rue Nollet, 75017 Paris There will be a aperitif from 19h30 and dinner at 20h30 . Please see the attached file for the menu, cost and booking details. There is also a map.

    Phil Dunbar
  • Early Career Professionals' Best Paper Competition 2014

    Early Career Professionals' Best Paper Competition 2014

    Earlier this year, the Railway TPN decided on a theme of ‘Intelligent Mobility’ for the 2014 competition, which was held in London on 27 November 2014. Following the presentations by the four finalists who were selected from the many abstracts received, there was a keynote presentation by Dr Paul Zanelli, Chief Technical Officer, Transport Systems Catapult. Keynote presentation by Dr Paul Zanelli Dr Paul Zanelli From: Early Career Professionals' Best Paper Competition 2014, 27 November 2014, London 2014-11-27 00:00:00.0 Transport Channel >> go to webcast >> recommend to friend The 2014 competition was won by Martin Halligan, London Underground Martin Halligan - 'Intelligent Mobility Systems Active Railway Management' Martin Halligan From: Early Career Professionals' Best Paper Competition 2014…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Another photo from Americas CVC 2014

    Another photo from Americas CVC 2014

    Here is the NorCal committee with IET president elect Naomi Climer . It was a real pleasure meeting Naomi and hearing about her thoughts on the future of the IET.

    Allan Casey
  • IET Caribbean Communities Membership Meeting

    IET Caribbean Communities Membership Meeting

    The IET Caribbean Communities membership meeting attracted both existing members and interested parties, who were keen to understand what the institution had to offer them. The Chairman Anthony Chadee opened the meeting and introduced the me as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. After formally announcing the members of the exective of the Local Network, namely the Chairman, Vice Chairman - David Drakes, Treasurer - Sean Ocho, who was unfortunately unable to attend due to a severe illness, IPRA - Gerald Mendes, PATW Co-ordinator - Ahmad Mohammed and the YP Co-ordinator - Colin Chase as well as the past Chairman - Deoraj Beephan, I provided the audience with a critical, but lengthy overview of the IET, our LN, accomplishments and plans for the future as highlighted in the presentation .…

    Jason Robert Rameshwar
  • FIRST®︎ LEGO®︎ League (FLL®︎) Launched in Nigeria

    FIRST®︎ LEGO®︎ League (FLL®︎) Launched in Nigeria

    What is the future of learning? FIRST® LEGO® League teams will find the answers. In the 2014 FLL WORLD CLASS%u2120 Challenge, over 265,000 children from 80 countries will redesign how we gather knowledge and skills in the 21st century. Teams will teach adults about the ways that kids need and want to learn. Get ready for a whole new class – FLL WORLD CLASS! - See more at: http://www.firstlegoleague.org/#sthash.khvAiPtg.dpuf The good news is that with the help of the Enterprise Software giant SAP and the Nigeria Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and CODERINA Technology and Educational Foundation (the Operational partner of the program in Nigeria) Nigerian kids would be part of this international program for the first time in its 15 years of existence. FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Driverless Cars Test Locations Named

    Driverless Cars Test Locations Named

    The four locations to host the first driverless car testing have been named. Greenwich will host the Gateway Scheme, Bristol the Venturer Consortium and and Milton Keynes and Coventry will co-host the UK Autodrive programme. Further information on these projects can be found here. What's your thoughts on these schemes, would you feel happy to travel in one of these cars once the schemes are fully launched?

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie