Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Congratulations To Pradesh Boodoosingh

    Congratulations To Pradesh Boodoosingh

    UTT Student, Mr. Pradesh Boodoosingh recognised by IET UK for outstanding engineering talent! Mr. Pradesh Boodoosingh, imminent graduate of the Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in Utilities Engineering - Mechanical Option at The University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), has been recognised for his hard work by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) UK and has been awarded the IET Prize 2020.  This prize is awarded every year to outstanding students who are doing or have completed an IET accredited university course.  Prize winners are nominated by their universities based on having shown distinction in their course leading to the award of a first degree.  Mr. Boodoosingh joined the B.A.Sc. in Utilities Engineering - Mechanical Option programme as a full-time student in 2017…

    J. Maraj
  • Message from the IET’s President -

    Message from the IET’s President -

    Published: Mon 14 Sep 2020 IET President Dr Peter Bonfield OBE FREng BSc MSc PhD CEng FIET, reflects on his Presidential term as he hands over to Danielle George MBE FIET FCGI. It’s been an extraordinary year to be President of our great Institution. In spite of the many challenges posed by the pandemic, I’ve been inspired by our amazing members and partners who have adapted and have really come together as a community to help with national and international efforts to make the world a safer place. I’d like to thank our members and partners who have given their support and knowledge to help find solutions to the challenges we face. What we have all seen too, is just how critical the technology and engineering we collectively enable, is to support the world when challenged as it has been. I…

    J. Maraj
  • Standards And Construction Product Data Must Be Connected

    Standards And Construction Product Data Must Be Connected

    Our second article in this series is about standards, and why they are important to solving the challenge of the product data journey.  Check the invitation to participate in the online discussion too! In this second article about product data for manufacturers in the construction industry we look at standards: what they are, why they must be connected to construction product data in a governed way, and how this could be achieved. What are Standards?  The minimum common specifications, methods and procedures which should be used for construction products are defined by Standards. Standards create a level playing field for all; a benchmark that all companies can adhere to in terms of performance, product testing and processes. Some standards provide a best practice process - such as the International…

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • Listen To An Exciting New Series Of Podcasts With Key Parliamentarians

    Listen To An Exciting New Series Of Podcasts With Key Parliamentarians

    Our Public Affairs activities aim to position the IET as the go-to place for Parliamentarians for independent, impartial engineering and technology expertise. Like many of activities, the ongoing pandemic has made this difficult and has forced us to operate in different ways.In order to achieve our goals, we have a stakeholder map of key individuals that we want to engage with. These include Government Ministers, Chief Scientific Advisors (many of which are IET Fellows and past Presidents), as well as Shadow Ministers and key backbench MPs and Peers. In a normal world, we would engage with them often through face-to-face meetings or events.  Clearly, that currently isn’t possible, so we’ve been looking at other ways to engage with them and position the IET as the home of independent, impartial…

    IET Editorial
  • Innovation Awards Ceremony

    Innovation Awards Ceremony

    The awards ceremony for the IET's Innovation Awards will be taking place at 4pm GMT on Thursday 19 November.  If you wish to attend the virtual event, please make a booking at https://eandtinnovationawards.theiet.org/free-virtual-ceremony/?utm_source=adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=eandtinnovationawards&utm_term=website

    David Blake
  • IET Malaysia Supporting Innovate Malaysia Design Conference (IMDC) 2020 To Promote STEM And Green Technology

    IET Malaysia Supporting Innovate Malaysia Design Conference (IMDC) 2020 To Promote STEM And Green Technology

    As a continuous effort in promoting STEM education in Malaysia, IET Malaysia is proudly supporting IET Green Technology Award for the up coming Innovate Malaysia Design Conference (IMDC) 2020. Innovate Malaysia Design Competition is the largest design competition in Malaysia, opened to all third year or final year degree engineering, computer science, IT, and science/mathematics students. The goal of the competition is to promote innovative culture in engineering design work, tackle real-world problems with practical engineering solutions, and churn out brightest talents for product development, further research, and commercialisation. Technology companies, including Dassault Systémes SOLIDWORKS, Google, Intel, Keysight, MathWorks, Microsoft, SAS, and SilTerra, work together to co-organise…

    Alison Siu
  • Join Us For The Members Annual Information Event - 16th September

    Join Us For The Members Annual Information Event - 16th September

    Our Members Annual Information Event will be taking place virtually on Wednesday, 16 September from 2pm until 3.30pm (BST). To register to attend, please complete the  online registration  form and you will receive the link to the online broadcast. Our Members Annual Information Event is an opportunity to hear from CES Nigel Fine about our achievements of 2019, as well as looking forward to our future plans with a presentation from President, Peter Bonfield. A Q&A session will be held at the end of the event. Members are welcome to submit questions in advance to  communications@theiet.org . We hope to see you there! Please note: this event is only open to members of the IET.

    IET Editorial
  • Meet Our Sports Of The Future Winner!

    Meet Our Sports Of The Future Winner!

    Our Sports of the Future competition ran in April and May as part of our Engineer a Better World campaign. We encouraged children to use their imagination to create a new sport or invention to make existing sport even better!We had plenty of innovative and clever ideas from robots you can play football with, to a gun that fires chicken nuggets at athletes to keep them sustained. Some entries were even inspired by social distancing restrictions, including the ‘Squennis Ball’ that automatically returns to you, allowing you to play tennis without a partner, and social distancing trainers that light up if you’re within two metres of someone else. Our 13-year-old winner, Charlotte Geary, came up with an innovative way to make skaters go faster and do more tricks without ever having to take their…

    IET Editorial
  • 2020 programme

    2020 programme

    Because of the Covid virus we have had to cancel all our events for the remainder of 2020. We hope to resume sometime in 2021. Jim Gaw SESAME committee

    Samuel Gaw (Jim)
  • Novel Soft Robotics Approaches Addressing The Challenges In Nuclear Decommissioning

    Novel Soft Robotics Approaches Addressing The Challenges In Nuclear Decommissioning

    Join us for an upcoming webinar organised by the Control & Automation Technical NetworkThe United Kingdom is forecast to accumulate 4.9 million tonnes of radioactive waste by 2025 and the ongoing nuclear decommissioning project is expected to span over the next 120 years. Owing to the hazardous nature of this activity, robot-assisted decommissioning is an attractive solution but poses tremendous challenges such as nuclear radiation and operation in confined and unstructured environments.  Join us for a free webinar, presented by Professor Kaspar Althoefer.  In this talk, Prof Althoefer will discuss some of the innovative approaches for sensor delivery and robotic manipulation based on soft and bioinspired robots being explored at the Centre for Advanced Robotics @ Queen Mary. The talk will…

    Joanne Longton
  • Why Is Product Data Important To Manufacturers?

    Why Is Product Data Important To Manufacturers?

    We kick off our series of articles about manufacturers product data with an article about what product data is and why it is important - check the invitation to participate in the online discussion too! In this first of a series of articles about product data for manufacturers in the construction industry we look at the importance of secure, validated and interoperable structured product information and why it is the key to bringing the construction industry into a safer future.   What type of data are we talking about? When we talk about product data for manufacturers, we’re talking about the wide range of information generated about their products. For example: Manufacturing Data – the information that is required to make the product, such as bills of materials (the ingredients), the manufacturing…

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • University Of Leeds - Creating Resilient Sustainable Micro-grids - 4th September: Free

    University Of Leeds - Creating Resilient Sustainable Micro-grids - 4th September: Free

    The University of Leeds has organised a free to (virtually) attend workshop. The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funded Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) project CRESUM-HYRES is organising a virtual workshop to showcase parts of the project’s work, the Universities partners, and prominent researchers in the area to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. The CRESUM-HYRES virtual workshop includes three sessions focused on:     1. Towards Resilience, flexibility, and Sustainability in Remote Microgrids 2. Planning of Sustainable Microgrids 3. Operation of Sustainable Microgrids    The first session will be concluded by a panel discussion involving the three keynote speakers with substantial experience of leading research projects on modern microgrids…

    Oliver Clarke
  • The All-Ethernet In-Vehicle Network - 'Evolution Or Revolution?' (IET Webinar)

    The All-Ethernet In-Vehicle Network - 'Evolution Or Revolution?' (IET Webinar)

    The drive towards autonomous and connected mobility is dramatically re-defining vehicle architecture as we know today. The car will become the ultimate 'mobile device', a 'data centre on wheels' characterised by software and no longer mechanics - all using ethernet as a core component explained Mike Jones, Senior Marketing Manager, Automotive Ethernet Microchip at the 'Evolution or Revolution?' The All-Ethernet In-Vehicle Network' IET Webinar. Mike spoke about how Ethernet's durability will allow the hardware components to become domain specific but also responsive to applications buses, enabling about the concept of the software defined car - which will have over 100 million lines of code enabling dynamic cloud-based applications. PCIe technology is to play a big role in ethernet evolution…

    Rimesh Patel
  • New Laptops For Old : Using Free And Open Source Software

    New Laptops For Old : Using Free And Open Source Software

    A free method of bringing an old laptop back to life, a recording of a recent talk presented to the IET by Mr. Mike Farnworth in July and again in August 2020.A common fate for a Windows PC after a few years is to be retired because it's out-of-date.  Even if its hardware is healthy, a computer will run more slowly when old than it did when new. The problem will be its software. There's a simple solution: use free and open-source software instead. As a general rule, any PC will run noticeably faster under Linux than under Windows.  Rebuilding an old PC with a Linux software distribution gives it a new lease of life. This talk will show you what to do. The task is surprisingly easy, and the software costs nothing! Here is a video of the talk written and presented by Mike Farnworth  https://www…

    David Crawford
  • Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020

    Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020

    Dear Member, Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineering and Technology Singapore will be held on Tuesday 29th September 2020 at 7.30pm. The meeting will take place online. All resolutions to be put before the Annual General Meeting must be sent to the Honorary Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting. That is, by Tuesday 15th September 2020. As per clause 7.5 of the Constitution, at least half of the members of the current Management Committee except the Chairman and Honorary Secretary will retire then shall be eligible for immediate re-election, then members for the 2020 – 2021 Committee will be elected during the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for the Management Committee (Nomination Form enclosed) close at 6pm on Tuesday…

    Alison Siu
  • Introducing The Plain Language Guide For Manufacturers

    Introducing The Plain Language Guide For Manufacturers

    Manufacturers produce a significant part of the information required to bring about a safer construction industry; but this information is currently not structured or shared in a consistent way. Read about the project to produce a Plain Language Guide to Product Data for Manufacturers and how you can get involved. If industry is to meet the challenges of a digital future, avoid a race to the bottom and respond to the requirements of a new building safety regulatory system, we need manufacturers to structure and share their data safely. This IET project is producing a Plain Language Guide to Product Data for Manufacturers in the UK and Europe. The guide aims to help decision makers in manufacturing identify: Why structured data is important. How to avoid poor investment decisions. How to protect…

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • Diversity in PEMD

    Diversity in PEMD

    Join the discussion on ways to stop the decline in the number of engineers and how to improve diversity within the profession, with the Driving the Electric Revolution team, guest host Jacqui Murray, Deputy Director of the Faraday Battery Challenge and others. https://lnkd.in/de7Mi3B #DrivingElectricRevolution #Diversity #STEM This Thursday 27 August 2020 at 15:00 (UK time)

    Bill Drury
  • West Yorkshire Network Committee

    West Yorkshire Network Committee

    The IET West Yorkshire Network organise a programme of engineering activities in the West Yorkshire area. All of these events and activities are made possible by the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers. If you would like to know more about our committees, or would like to be a volunteer for us, please get in touch with any of the volunteers listed here. Dr Crinela Pislaru  - Chairman Dr Crinela Pislaru has over 20 years’ experience of teaching and research in UK Universities. Her expertise is on Engineering education and control engineering with applications in rail industry and manufacturing industry. She was awarded the status of Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) as recognition of her high level of competence and ongoing commitment to professionalism…

    Oliver Clarke
  • IET Supported Event - Online Railway Automation Seminar - 2 Days, 4 Leading Institutions

    IET Supported Event - Online Railway Automation Seminar - 2 Days, 4 Leading Institutions

    As automation, artificial intelligence and robotics technologies continue to develop, they open up many opportunities to increase railway capacity, performance and reliability, while reducing costs and improving customer experience and safety. Much is also to be learnt about how automation can be introduced effectively and safely.  Four major professional engineering institutions (IRSE, The PWI, IMechE and IET) have joined forces to deliver perhaps the most comprehensive in-depth seminar on rail automation to be held to date.                   Delegates can watch 17 pre-recorded presentations from international industry experts in advance of two live 90-minute seminar sessions, which will each include an interactive Q&A session.    The cost of the seminar, including on-demand access to all…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Update On Condition Monitoring Techniques For Assessment Of High Voltage Assets

    Update On Condition Monitoring Techniques For Assessment Of High Voltage Assets

    Fundamentally, the desired result of a diagnostic test is to determine the status of the apparatus as to whether an abnormality is detected, how critical it is, and how soon it will require attention. The justification for the tests is the benefit of having data to support decisions that affect the reliability of the asset. Short of limiting the use of an asset, diagnostic testing is the only reliable and economic approach to ensuring its longevity for reliable and safe operation.  Some tests can detect very specific anomalies while others offer a broad assessment of the asset. The scope of this presentation is to consolidate all the current techniques ranging from simple insulation resistance testing to more complex methods such as Frequency Response Analysis for field testing of HV assets…

    Teck Tan
  • Annual Event 2020 - Speaker Updates

    Annual Event 2020 - Speaker Updates

    We are very excited to announce our Annual event will take place via Zoom this year - 9 - 10 September.  Taking place over two days, we have some fantastic speakers lined up for you.   Day one will cover COVID-19 response from the particle accelerator community and the second day will be alligned with what the annual conference usually covers. Registration is required, and the Zoom link to join the event will be sent to you no later than 2 days before. Details for the speakers to date are below.  For further details and how to register please  Visit the webpage Diamond's contribution to the fight against covid-19", Dr Alice Douangamath , Senior Beamline Scientist, Diamond Light Source Ltd  Synopsis: SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, has resulted in over twenty million confirmed cases…

    Joanne Longton
  • Innovative Nuclear Competition Launch – Are You Ready For The Challenge?

    Innovative Nuclear Competition Launch – Are You Ready For The Challenge?

    The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority – including Sellafield Ltd and Magnox Ltd – has teamed up with Innovate UK to call on companies to come up with new ideas and innovative approaches to the challenge. You can view the Government press release here Robotics, sensors, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, advanced software, route planning and tracking, image recognition, materials characterisation, control, autonomous systems:  these are just some of the potential technologies which could be used for the Sort and Segregate Nuclear Waste competition. It is open to any interested organisations – they don’t have to be from a nuclear background – to form consortia and develop a plan to address the challenge. It involves work at Sellafield and several Magnox nuclear reactor sites – the UK’s…

  • Where do we go next?

    Where do we go next?

    Where do we go next?  This is a blog post by Phil Haggar, posted here by Martin Russ. Needs must. Necessity compels us. And scares some us too, I’ve no doubt. When your freelance income looks shakier than it has for a while, maybe there’s a genuine reason to pull up the duvet; order something from Amazon to cheer yourself up and hope it’s all going to get better Eventually.  Engineers and emotions are strange bedfellows. We are trained to solve problems, and, when there are issues with a live broadcast service, remaining dispassionate is a benefit. But dispassionate logic, without emotion, is Vulcan not human. And as human engineers, understanding our emotions can be a key part of our toolbox.  When managing technical projects, an important part is to review the lessons learned. I have a small…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Help us find our IET@150 STEM Personality of the Year

    Help us find our IET@150 STEM Personality of the Year

    Do you know someone who deserves this once in a lifetime award? We’re looking to recognise a person or group who are making a difference to our world. They could be helping local communities, fighting global challenges or benefiting society anywhere in the world, through a direct or indirect association with engineering or technology. They should be STEM role models for young people, highly regarded in their field and excellent communicators. It’s quick and easy to nominate. You can visit:  https://www.theiet.org/about/iet-150-anniversary/help-us-find-our-iet-150-stem-personality-of-the-year/ Nominees can be of any nationality, from any country of residence, and do not need to be an IET member. This is a great opportunity to share experience, or nominate someone doing something amazing

    Kathryn Bain