Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    You can catch up with all the news via our print version of Member News online. Member News

    Alison Siu
  • Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    You can catch up with all the news via our print version of Member News online. Member News

    Alison Siu
  • Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    You can catch up with all the news via our print version of Member News online. Member News

    Alison Siu
  • Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    You can catch up with all the news via our print version of Member News online. Member News

    Alison Siu
  • Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    You can catch up with all the news via our print version of Member News online. Member News

    Alison Siu
  • Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    You can catch up with all the news via our print version of Member News online. Member News

    Alison Siu
  • Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    Member News - Issue 55 November 2020

    You can catch up with all the news via our print version of Member News online. Member News

    Alison Siu
  • CCAP updates

    CCAP updates

    G'day all Hope you and your family are healthy and safe. Please join me in congratulating Warren McLuckie and Ikhwan Tiong @Kiat for being elected as CCAP committee member for the session 2020-2023. Looking forward to working with Warren and Kiat. We received quite a number of nominations from so many highly qualified candidates, unfortunately there are only 2 vacancies. Thank you very much to those who have expressed interest to be part of CCAP. Please put in your nomination again next year. On behalf of the CCAP members, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to Alice and Henry for their strong support, dedication, and teamwork. Thank you very much. Have a nice day. Best regards Siong

    Siong Tang
  • Report on AHT2020 Appropriate Healthcare Technologies (AHT) Webinars on 18 Sept 2020

    Report on AHT2020 Appropriate Healthcare Technologies (AHT) Webinars on 18 Sept 2020

    The AHT2020 Event, full title "How appropriate healthcare technologies contribute in a public health emergency" was held successfully on Friday 18 September 2020. It consisted of 3 webinars and the event marked the 20th anniversary of our first IET AHT event. The AHT2020 event “How appropriate healthcare technologies contribute in a public health emergency” was held successfully on Friday 18 September 2020. It marked the 20th Anniversary of our first IET appropriate healthcare technologies (AHT) event. It was originally planned to have a 2-day physical conference and planning was well advanced. However, it became clear in March that the outbreak of COVID-19 would make that impossible. So we opted for an on-line format with a focus on AHT responses to public health emergencies in low resource…

    Leonard Cornish
  • NW Midlands on YouTube

    NW Midlands on YouTube

    As we are moving many of our events to Zoom this year, these are now recorded and placed onto YouTube. So welcome to our YouTube channel at: NW Midlands YouTube channel

    Samuel Wane
  • Mailings From This Website

    Mailings From This Website

    Because the software supplier for this site has updated the software and due to gdpr, if you are signed up to this site and wish to receive mailings, please go to "Settings" and tick the box marked "Notify me of Private Messages from group admins" Regards David

    David Blake
  • Engineered by Dyslexia

    Engineered by Dyslexia

    If you have the time please sign in and watch https://communities.theiet.org/discussions/viewtopic/1183/26808 Brian Reynolds BSc IEng MIET

    Brian Reynolds
  • Comparing Construction Products: Dispelling The Myths

    Comparing Construction Products: Dispelling The Myths

    In this third article about product data for manufacturers in the construction industry we look at the myths around product comparison and ask – why not compare? Product comparison is an essential part of the specification process, yet construction manufacturers can seem reluctant for their products to be compared with those of their competitors’. Why is that? In this third article about product data for manufacturers in the construction industry we look at the myths around product comparison and ask – why not compare? Myth 1: Specifiers don’t want to Compare Products There is some truth in the first myth, because specifiers are creatures of habit, they are busy, and time is tight. The last NBS Specification survey (2017) stated that 60% of respondents were reusing specifications from previous…

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • Welcome To IET@150

    Welcome To IET@150

    It’s not every year an organisation reaches such a momentous milestone, so we’re pulling out all the stops to make this an anniversary year to remember...We officially turn 150 years old on 17 May 2021, but our celebrations start from today – 1 October 2020, as Professor Danielle George starts her presidential year – and run through to late 2021. Read all about it We want you all to take part and enjoy this year, starting with tuning in to Danielle’s Presidential Address next Thursday, 8 October at 1pm BST. Details can be found on the event website ( theiet.org/presidents-address ), and it will be available on-demand too! Keep visiting our dedicated IET@150 website where we’ll be sharing the latest news and updates so you can keep track of what’s coming up and how to get involved. We’ll also…

    IET Editorial
  • How The 5G Technology Will Enhance Our Future Life? (IET West Yorkshire Local Network Webinar)

    How The 5G Technology Will Enhance Our Future Life? (IET West Yorkshire Local Network Webinar)

    "Quality of coverage" will be the defining moment for 5G explained Professor Raed Abd-Alhameed during the 'How the 5G technology will enhance our future life?' IET West Yorkshire Local Network Webinar. This 5G webinar was not to be missed, all the speakers are currently not only researching 5G developments, but at the same time, defining how 5G services (and beyond) are going to be deployed for everyday use. The speakers are specialist researchers from the H2020 Project “Secure Network Coding for Reduced Energy Next Generation Mobile Small Cells” from University of Bradford and their own respective researching affiliations. The webinar demonstrated how niche collaboration in the field of 5G technology and beyond is now at the point where it is possible to create information resources for multi…

  • Call 2: Standards And Product Data Must Be Connected  #ManufacturersPLG

    Call 2: Standards And Product Data Must Be Connected #ManufacturersPLG

    Watch the video of the call about the second article in our series on manufacturers' product data, recorded on 25 September 2020This video is a recording of a call to discuss the second article in the series discussing a Plain Language Guide to Product Data for Construction Product Manufacturers. You can read the article and subscribe to further updates here:  Standards and Product Data Must Be Connected Join the conversation on the blog, on the calls (registration link in each blog post) or via LinkedIn and Twitter using the hashtag #Manufacturers PLG.

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • Innovation Management Technical Network: Update

    Innovation Management Technical Network: Update

    Our aim is to provide support and guide innovators and the funders of innovation (public and private) to overcome the challenges associated with managing innovation. The activities are relevant to entrepreneurs, businesses, investors, academics, funding bodies, and Government.We have been working to reshape our planned event series and adapt presentations and speakers to suit virtual delivery.  We understand the importance of networking, and we will continue to review opportunities to do so safely. The webinar has lots of opportunities for engagement with polls and Q&A. We continue to focus this series on the following aims: • To enable innovators better understand the UK funding landscape for securing investment • To enable innovators better understand what ‘good’ looks like in relation to…

  • Events From Other Local Networks And Professional Institutions

    Events From Other Local Networks And Professional Institutions

    The IET Sussex Network organise a programme of events each year, all of which can be found under the Events tab on our web site. Our neighbouring Networks also organise events, as do other Professional Engineering Institutions (PEI) in our area. Just as most of our events are open to non-members, so many of the other PEI events are also open, although registration is usually required. You may be interested in some of the events held by other IET Networks and other PEIs, so here is a list of places you can go to find out what is going on in or near our patch. The joint programme 'booklet' for the 2021/22 season can be found here. Local Networks and Professional Engineering Institutions Events Programmes British Computer Society, Hampshire Branch https://www.bcs.org/membership…

    David James
  • Quantum Joins The Family Of IET Engineering Disciplines!

    Quantum Joins The Family Of IET Engineering Disciplines!

    Quantum technologies will have cross-cutting impacts on current engineering sectors varying from satellites to computing platforms.    Last week, the Technical and Professional Community Networks Committee approved the formation of a Quantum Engineering Technical Network (QETN).  Read on to find out more...As Quantum technologies will have cross-cutting impacts on current engineering sectors varying from satellites to computing platforms; the QETN seeks to achieve three primary objectives, closely aligned to the wider TN strategy: •    The bringing together of engineers working in quantum technologies to share knowledge and practice experience concerning the development of skills, products and applications and their underpinning technologies.  •    The development and evolution of the Quantum…

  • New Research shows children and parent’s lack of understanding of Green Jobs

    New Research shows children and parent’s lack of understanding of Green Jobs

    As the final part of this year’s  Engineer a Better World campaign , we conducted new research into children’s and parent’s understanding of green jobs and have launched a new video content series to help explain what they are and what they entail. The research found that over two-thirds of children (68%) aged 5 – 13, hope to follow a career that helps the environment, but a lack of understanding about these jobs could stop them from getting there. Seven in 10 (71%) kids feel this knowledge gap is the biggest barrier to their dream career, and a third (33%) of parents cannot give an example of a sustainability-related profession to guide their children. The Government recently announced a £40million investment to unlock thousands of ‘green jobs’. However, without an understanding of eco-friendly…

    IET Editorial
  • Call 1: Why Is Product Data Important To Manufacturers? #ManufacturersPLG

    Call 1: Why Is Product Data Important To Manufacturers? #ManufacturersPLG

    Watch the video of the call about the first article in our series on manufacturers' product data, recorded on 11 September 2020This video is a recording of a call to discuss the first article in the series discussing a Plain Language Guide to Product Data for Construction Product Manufacturers. You can read the article and subscribe to further updates here:   Why Is Product Data Important to Manufacturers?  Join the conversation on the blog, on the calls (registration link in each blog post) or via LinkedIn and Twitter using the hashtag #Manufacturers PLG.

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • Drum Roll Please!   And The Winner Of The 2020 Poster Prize Is......

    Drum Roll Please! And The Winner Of The 2020 Poster Prize Is......

    Earlier this month we held our Particle Accelerator Enginering Annual Event by Zoom.  Obviously it was quite different from our normal day and half conference, and this year had a particular sadness as the physical event was due to be hosted by our colleagues in CERN.   Read on to find out what our 2020 Poster Prize winner had to say, and for a link to the Presentations if you missed the event.Back to this year's Zoom event. If you missed the event, you can see some of the presentations in our 2020 event folder   As part of the event we had some fantastic poster presentations from students and early career colleagues.  The prize up for grabs this year was £100 and it gives me great pleasure to announce that our winner was Laurence Wroe .  Here's what Laurence had to say afterwards. I have just…

    Joanne Longton
  • Upcoming Events From The University Of Huddersfield IET On Campus Group

    Upcoming Events From The University Of Huddersfield IET On Campus Group

    Hi Everyone, I hope you are all keeping well. Here's a summary of the upcoming events from the University of Huddersfield IET On Campus group. The first event is on 8th October, see the flyer and table below for more details.   Date Title Summary of event Registration 8th October 2020 From Huddersfield, Through the Ash Cloud and onto Electric Vehicles - The Common Language of Engineering and its Application Across Sectors. With Andy Walker BSc (Hons) MSc CEng FIET - Jaguar Land Rover Andrew is going to deliver an exciting talk about his engineering career and anyone who is interested in Andrew's work is welcome to join us. The event will be hosted through zoom and will open at 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start.  IET events page https://events.theiet.org/events/jaguar-land-rover/ More info and Registration…

    Oliver Clarke
  • E&T Win Big At 2020 Tabbie Awards

    E&T Win Big At 2020 Tabbie Awards

    Congratulations to our E&T Team for winning gold, silver, and bronze awards as well as getting several honourable mentions at this year’s TABPI Awards. The 2020 Tabbie Awards, presented by TABPI (Trade, Association, and Business Publications International), took place on 20 August. These awards recognise the very best B2B publications worldwide. Our E&T colleagues had a big list of wins: 2020 Technical Article GOLD 2020 How-to Articles SILVER 2020 Department BRONZE Honourable Mentions: 2020 Regular Comms 2020 Special Section 2020 Front Cover, Digital Imagery 2020 Front Cover Special Issues Amanda Weaver (Head of Practitioner Publishing at the IET) said: “It was fantastic to see E&T cited for `clever writing on a very important topic’ and `an insightful and extremely interesting’ how-to article…

    IET Editorial