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This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • We Caught Up With Last Year's William James Award Winner, Rossana Castaldo - “The Power To Change People’s Lives – That’s What Keeps Me Going”

    We Caught Up With Last Year's William James Award Winner, Rossana Castaldo - “The Power To Change People’s Lives – That’s What Keeps Me Going”

    As we approach the 2019  Healthcare Technologies Student and Early Career awards (submission deadline, 28 June at 17:00) we caught up with last year's William James award winner to find out the rewards of research life, her route into postdoctoral research and the perks of winning an IET award. Rossana Castaldo, a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Univeristy of Warwick, is working in biomedical engineering and developing technology which promises to improve chemotherapy treatment.  Tell us more about your research Our bodies operate according to circadian rhythms – they change physically, mentally and behaviourally following a daily cycle. These circadian rhythms affect chemotherapy treatment and treatment affects them too, so they need to be monitored.This can be done by blood, salivary…

  • Scientific Video Protocols

    Scientific Video Protocols

    Scientific Video Protocols is a full open-access peer-reviewed video journal publishing in 4k cinematic quality.  The home page is  https://scivpro.com/ There are interesting interviews from leaders of research groups including ones from the Cavendish.  Take a look at  https://scivpro.com/manuscript/10_32386_scivpro_000008/ for an interview with Sir Richard Friend regarding Perovskite LEDs.

    David Blake
  • YWE winner, Sophie Harker, features on new Engineering Matters podcast

    YWE winner, Sophie Harker, features on new Engineering Matters podcast

    Last year's IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year (YWE) winner, Sophie Harker, features in the latest Engineering Matters podcast .In the podcast, Sophie discusses how she first became interested in engineering, her career to date and her aspirations to become an astronaut. The podcast includes a call to action for young woman engineers to apply for this year's YWE awards. Entries are open until 7 July 2019. Sophie also received the Sir Henry Royce Achievement Medal for Young Professionals and since her award win, she has been actively involved in IET activities, volunteering as a media spokesperson for British Science Week. Sophie's also taking part in planned activities for this year's International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) and our Engineer a Better World campaign, which launches soon…

    IET Editorial
  • Control & Automation Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2019

    Control & Automation Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2019

    Seeking nominations for our Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2019. The Prize recognises a student for their research excellence in the field of Control & Automation.  Do you know a student who deserves to win this year - the prize money on offer is £500!The award is open to all relevant students who were awarded their PhD in the general area of Control and Automation, at a UK university, between 1st October 2017 up to 30 September 2019 and nominations are now open.  This year, for the first time, we are using an online platform for submissions. Apply online Closing date is 1st October 2019 at 17:00 (GMT) Need any more encouragement to nominate someone?   Read what last year's winner Alberto Padoan had to say: " It is a great pleasure and honour to receive the 2018 IET Control & Automation Ph.D.…

    Joanne Longton
  • Happy Eid Mubarak / Selamat Hari Raya

    Happy Eid Mubarak / Selamat Hari Raya

    Wishing members who are celebrating the end of Ramadan with joy and happiness of Eid Mubarak / Selamat Hari Raya.

    Siong Tang
  • YPCC Project: Engineering Open House Goes Global

    YPCC Project: Engineering Open House Goes Global

    YPCC Project: Engineering Open House goes Global     18/19 Goal/Objective: Engineering Open House events held in three additional countries in 2019     Identify potential organisations who would be interested in holding an Engineering Open House event in their place of business . Work with them to plan, promote, and execute the event.     Background   Engineering Open House is currently a UK only initiative that sees businesses open their doors to children and their parents to see engineering in real life. The event has run for the last 2 years and the number of businesses involved has increased including companies like Google, BBC, TFL, and Ofcom.     Example @ https://youtu.be/bStRGxrdf9A     Constraints   No budget is allocated from the IET, only event promotional materials and marketing…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET Singapore YPS: Python Programming Workshop

    IET Singapore YPS: Python Programming Workshop

    Programming is easy! Our introductory Python programming workshop was glad to have Assc Prof. Dr Andrew Ng sharing his expertise! Through this quick but informative workshop, participants gained confidence to dive deeper in programming exploration. More exciting workshops are coming soon. Stay tuned!

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Cambridge Museum of Technology

    Cambridge Museum of Technology

    The Cambridge Museum of Technology reopens on 7 June 2019.  For full details of the museum and how to get there, go to  https://www.museumoftechnology.com/#home The refurbished museum will also include the Pye Museum with exhibits recording the history of the Pye Company.

    David Blake
  • Active And Passive 2019 In Cardiff

    Active And Passive 2019 In Cardiff

    The annual Active and Passive RF Devices Seminar was held this year on 22 May 2019 in Cardiff University   The delegates were treated to a full day of speakers discussing a wide variety of topics. The day kicked off with Professor Sam Evans, the head of School of Engineering at Cardiff University, welcoming us to the university and providing some background about the school’s work in this field. Professor Khaled Elgaid later gave a more in depth talk about the work currently happening at Cardiff University. Markus Loerner, Rohde and Schwartz travelled from Germany to give an interesting talk on beamforming RF front end design and test. Spyros Grammenos closed the day with a lively talk on how to clean up space with a net and a harpoon There were also speakers from Heriot Watt University, Manchester…

    Former Staff Member
  • Still Time To Contribute To This IET Book On Hybrid/All Electric Aircraft

    Still Time To Contribute To This IET Book On Hybrid/All Electric Aircraft

    The Editors of an IET book on the above topic are calling for additional authors who would like to contribute to this publication.This book will inform design engineers, researchers, planners and regulators on the current and likely near-term future state of technologies for more and all electric aircraft. It will review systematically the different systems involved, including motor and battery technology, infrastructure, and the runway ahead.  Electrical power systems on aircraft have progressed substantially, enabled by advances in power storage, motor power delivery, distribution, generation and electrical actuator technologies. The goal is an ‘all-electric’ aircraft solution, where the primary power source for the aircraft would no longer be a fossil fuel combustion device. This would be…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • CAWE 2019 Hits Salford!

    CAWE 2019 Hits Salford!

    The 7 th edition of the IET Colloquium on Antennas, Wireless and Electromagnetics, was held earlier this month in sunny Salford.   The TPN’s roadshow was held in Salford this year, in the old converted fire station, which is now part of University of Salford. The event is an open forum for research to share their research on a wide range of topics from electromagnetic devices, systems to the propagation of electromagnetic fields . Speakers came from across the UK, including speakers from the University of Salford, University of Birmingham and BAE Systems The invited speakers were: Mike Warrington from University of Leicester presenting about communications with aircrafts on polar routes Tony Brown from University of Manchester discussing antennas in radio astronomy There was vibrant Q&A session…

    Former Staff Member
  • [MAHSA IET OC]: 190427 GE Volunteers Mangrove Planting Program

    [MAHSA IET OC]: 190427 GE Volunteers Mangrove Planting Program

    With the recent increase of global warming around the world we begin to wonder what we can do to bring a change and reduction to it before it causes a catastrophic event which can’t be undone. That’s why GE volunteers and some Student Volunteers from IET Mahsa On Campus(OC) in conjunction with Earth Day 2019 decided to organize a mangrove planting event, which would see the volunteers plant a total of 500 Trees and gain useful knowledge on Mangroves. The main goal of this event was not only to plant trees but also to create awareness to the volunteers on the importance of tree planting and the positive effect it has on the society. Research and studies have placed mangroves amongst the most important ecosystem in our planet, they make up a transitional region between land and sea anchoring…

  • Battery Technology Speakers' Slides

    Battery Technology Speakers' Slides

    Slides from the Battery Technology event at WMG, 2nd May 2019 Please go to https://communities.theiet.org/communities/files/156/17356

    Derrick Willer
  • Speaker Highlight - Dr Miguel Hernandez-Silveira, MF Technology Ltd. The 5th Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2029

    Speaker Highlight - Dr Miguel Hernandez-Silveira, MF Technology Ltd. The 5th Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2029

    Join us at The 5th Future of Medicine - The Role of Doctors in 2029 and hear Dr Miguel Hernandez-Silveira from MF Technology Ltd. MF Technology Ltd specialises in consultancy services for research and development of digital healthcare platforms involving wearable sensors, cloud computing and machine learning algorithms for healthcare and wellness applications. Today, MF Technology provides services to few healthcare and wellness start-up companies which emerged from top universities such as Imperial College of London and The University of Surrey.Miguel Hernandez-Silveira was born in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1970. He obtained his Computer Science and Electronics Engineering degree from the Universidad Fermin Toro, Venezuela, in 1996. Then, he joined one of the most prestigious Venezuelan universities…

  • Meeting with Pusat STEM Negara

    Meeting with Pusat STEM Negara

    IET Malaysia Local Network, Vice Chairman, IR Amir having meeting with Pusat STEM Negara on IET Faraday

    Wai Yie Leong
  • Meeting with TNB ILSAS

    Meeting with TNB ILSAS

    IET Malaysia main committee and YPS meeting with TNB ILSAS, on potential collaboration

    Wai Yie Leong
  • Tech Talk 2019 at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak.

    Tech Talk 2019 at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak.

    Tech Talk 2019 at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak. Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus collaborated with IEM Swinburne Sarawak Student Section and IEEE Swinburne Sarawak Student Branch to organize Tech Talk 2019. A total of 147 participants showed up. The participants consisted of students and staff from Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Segi College Sarawak, PPKS, NIIT, UNIMAS, Lim Kok Wing University and others. IET Malaysia Network East Malaysia Representative, Dr. Chua Hong Siang, was the advisor of the event. The speakers were: 1) Mr. Andrew Chien, Head of Research and Inovation Section, Data Science and Innovation Division of SAINS (Sarawak Information System Sdn. Bhd.) 2) Mr. Ryan Jee , Founder of JobStock 3) Mr. Tia Swee Hua, Global Senior Group Manager in R&D…

    Wai Yie Leong
  • MoU Signing with MINDS

    MoU Signing with MINDS

    MoU Signing with MINDS at KLCC, during ITEX Opening Ceremony, 2nd MAY 2019

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET Present Around the World

    IET Present Around the World

    PATW Malaysia 2019 (National Level) was  held on 4th May 2019 at UCSI University. We have 11 participants from all over Malaysia.

    Wai Yie Leong
  • FIRST LEGO League Malaysia Championship (FLL Malaysia)

    FIRST LEGO League Malaysia Championship (FLL Malaysia)

    A big greeting from FIRST LEGO League Malaysia Championship (FLL Malaysia) Committee. We'd like to announce that the FLL Malaysia excitement is here once again for year 2019 with the theme named "Into Orbit" and we wish to invite you to be involved in FLL Malaysia 2019 as part of our judges panel. We'd also like to announce that as previous year, FLL Junior Malaysia 2019 with the theme of "Mission Moon" will be held together with FLL Malaysia 2019. The program is mainly targeted for children from age 7 to 11 as introduction to them to the fascinating worlds of science and technology. This season will transport FLL & FLL Jr. teams into space, where they will explore, challenge, and innovate in the vast expanse of space. I've attached below the event's information for your kind perusal. The latest…

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET Northern Region: Technical Talk On “Engineering Path Towards Business Excellence”

    IET Northern Region: Technical Talk On “Engineering Path Towards Business Excellence”

    On 27th of April 2019, IET Malaysia has successfully organised Technical Talk on “Engineering Path Towards Business Excellence” by Mr KC Lau (Group Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Inari Amertron Berhad) and “Embracing Engineering Chartership in the Era of Digitalisation - Academia vs Industry” Ts. Eur Ing. Ir. Jimmy Fam Deng Fong Jimmy Fam Deng Fong (IET United Kingdom Council Member 2014-2017, IET Malaysia Main Committee 2018/2020) at Eastin Hotel, Penang. The talk has attracted 40 participants from Universities and Industries.

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET Academy - Introduction To Railway Safety

    IET Academy - Introduction To Railway Safety

    Support your technical workforce with the best in engineering e-learning A unique e-learning solution that can support the most diverse engineering workforce and provide your technical teams and individuals with the highly specialised skills they need to thrive within your business. Unique from other learning providers, the IET Academy provides: In-depth engineering e-learning – full length courses (up to 30 hrs) ensure learners gain a deep working knowledge in their specialist field Trusted content – courses are devised and developed by recognised industry experts Customised packages – we can develop a bespoke learning programme for you to include the right course content and/or bundled units that meet the learning needs of your workforce 'Anytime, anywhere’ learning – give your engineers…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Attending IEM 60th Anniversary Dinner at Sunway Resort Hotel

    Attending IEM 60th Anniversary Dinner at Sunway Resort Hotel

    IET Main Committees and IET YPS attending IEM 60th Anniversary Dinner at Sunway Resort Hotel, 20th APR 2019

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET technical talk on the Importance of Control & Automation in Industrial 4.0.

    IET technical talk on the Importance of Control & Automation in Industrial 4.0.

    The IET Control & Automation Technical Professional Network (TPN), Malaysia Chapter organised a technical talk on the Importance of Control & Automation in Industrial 4.0. Facebook recording:    https://www.facebook.com/TheIETMalaysia/   Control & Automation Technical Professional Network (TPN) Malaysia Chapter On 10th of April 2019, the IET Malaysia Control and Automation Technical Professional Network (TPN) has successfully organised their first Technical Talk on “Control Theory in the 4th Industrial Revolution” by Associate Professor Tan Chee Pin (Head of Mechatronics Engineering, Monash University Malaysia) & “Redefining Industry 4.0” by Mr. Kevin Tan Sze Pin (Director, Iconix Technology Sdn. Bhd. ) at Le Meridean Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The talk has attracted over 40 participants from various…

    Wai Yie Leong