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This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • IET-Southampton Technical Talk Series

    IET-Southampton Technical Talk Series

    The next IET-Southampton Technical Talk Series will be held at University of Southampton Malaysia, Iskandar Puteri, Johor. This talk will be featuring prominent speakers from IET Malaysia and the Southampton Nanofabrication Center, UK.

    Wai Yie Leong
  • GoGreen Month

    GoGreen Month

    Hosted by IET MAHSA  On Campus, the main objective of preserving the environment, and also a thanks giving to the nature Go Green month had been launched with an array of events contributing to the need for a greener globe. The Go Green month had been officially launched by Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Hj. Mohamed Haniffa Bin Hj. Abdullah. Tan Sri in his speech going green has obvious benefits like reducing the amount of pollution that enters the soil, air and water. Also he encouraged the youngsters the use of alternative energy resources and avoiding the burning of fossil fuels, recycling and reducing waste. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156418142242400&set=gm.10156375412583681&type=3&theater&ifg=1 www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCE3G4ni48GemNWot9GetZ3C_oH7rJs https://www.facebook.com…

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET  Technical Visit To PETRONAS Rotating Equipment Analytic (PROTEAN), KLCC.

    IET Technical Visit To PETRONAS Rotating Equipment Analytic (PROTEAN), KLCC.

    IET Malaysia Local Network with Control & Automation Technical Professional Network (TPN), Malaysia Chapter will organize a technical Visit to PETRONAS Rotating Equipment Analytic (PROTEAN), KLCC.

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET Committee Assoc Prof Ts Ir Dr Syuhaida Ismail presented at ICW 2019 by CIDB Malaysia

    IET Committee Assoc Prof Ts Ir Dr Syuhaida Ismail presented at ICW 2019 by CIDB Malaysia

    4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) is the revolution of convergence in cyber and physical realms in the form of data and analytics from the industrial internet of things (IoT), automation, mobility and the cloud. This affects all disciplines, economies, industries and governments, including construction and project management. With construction project complexity, 4IR increases productivity and flexibility in the process of construction and project management practices. This talk thus aims at appraising construction and project management practices worldwide towards the 4IR, where continuous construction industry performance improvement could be made efficiently and effectively by investigating the 4IR impact to the society as a whole. This talk is expected to shed lights on the current scenarios…

    Wai Yie Leong
  • National Women Scientist Achievement Conference 2019. (In conjunction with International Women Day).

    National Women Scientist Achievement Conference 2019. (In conjunction with International Women Day).

    IET Chair presented in the National Women Scientist Achievement Conference 2019. (In conjunction with International Women Day).

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET Malaysia LN Committee Members visited YB Yeo Bee Yin

    IET Malaysia LN Committee Members visited YB Yeo Bee Yin

    IET Malaysia LN Committee Members visited YB Yeo Bee Yin - Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (MESTECC) to promote IET volunteering activities in an effort to promote Engineering & Technology in Malaysia ? . #mestecc   #yeobeeyin   #iet   #ietmalaysia   . Thanks YB  Yeo Bee Yin(杨美盈)  !

    Wai Yie Leong
  • Dr John Tan  winning the Paul Fletcher Award

    Dr John Tan winning the Paul Fletcher Award

    Congratulations to Dr John Tan for winning the Paul Fletcher Award and also featuring in the awesome issue of Members News! Read more in the link below! (psst....turn to page 28) http://ow.ly/s2K350lhVh5

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET Industrial Digitization Talk

    IET Industrial Digitization Talk

    Talk 1: IoT connectivity - LoRA, Sigfox, NB-IoT and LEO satellite IoT Speaker: M Faizal Ali, Co-Founder & CEO of Vectolabs Sdn Bhd. The talk will give the audience a broad understanding of different LPWAN technologies (Low power wide area network) and their suitable applications, and he will touch on a new technology of low earth orbit satellite IoT. Faizal will also talk about how setting up an LPWAN infrastructure can significantly lower connectivity costs, allow quick deployment of IoT devices and spur innovation for new solutions. Vectolabs started out as a Kickstarter project for an accelerometer-based deceleration indicator for motorcycles. The founder moved himself and the company from San Diego, CA to Cyberjaya Malaysia and reinventing Vectolabs to be an IoT company. Today it focusses…

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IET Malaysia After Hour Technical Talk

    IET Malaysia After Hour Technical Talk

    Industrial Digitalisation Series #4 IET Malaysia After Hour Technical Talk 1st Speaker: Malachy Martin, RVP KONY “Our Technology has exceeded our Humanity” - are we there yet? FB Record: https://www.facebook.com/TheIETMalaysia/videos/2049841835313732/ 2nd Speaker: Graham Dunn, VP Trilliant “IIOT Evolution & Its Application” FB Record: https://www.facebook.com/TheIETMalaysia/videos/430824897741550/

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IEEE Malaysia Annual Appreciation Dinner

    IEEE Malaysia Annual Appreciation Dinner

    IET Main Committees supporting 2019 IEEE Malaysia Annual Appreciation Dinner. Congratulations to IEEE Malaysia

    Wai Yie Leong
  • IEM YES Sport Carnival 2019

    IEM YES Sport Carnival 2019

    IEM YES Sport Carnival 2019 at Uniten. IET Basketball team emerged as 3rd Place, led by Jia Shern.

    Wai Yie Leong
  • Welcome And Update From The New Aerospace Network Chairman

    Welcome And Update From The New Aerospace Network Chairman

    Having spent three years as the IET Aerospace Technical Professional Network (TPN) Vice-Chairman I am delighted to finally step into the shoes so ably filled by David Lindley since 2016. I should, at this point, take the opportunity to thank him for all his efforts and the support he has provided to the IET Aerospace Community over the last 3 years and also to welcome his continued involvement as Deputy Chairman, pending the identification of my own eventual successor.Having harboured a life-long passion for all aspects of aerospace, it was a great honour to be given the opportunity to become Chairman of the IET Aerospace TPN and to represent the Aerospace Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) and the IET’s wider aerospace community. Strategically, I will be aiming to: •    Reach out to more IET members…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • BT Madley Earth Station Visit

    BT Madley Earth Station Visit

    BT recently hosted a technical tour of their BT Madley Communications Centre for the IET Satellite Technical Professional Network (TPN). There was a broad range of attendees (including people working in satellite, wider telecoms and the broader tech industry).   BT Madley is a secure, premium-quality, carrier-class Satellite Earth Station, with over 60 satellite antennas in operation ranging in diameter from 75cm to 32 metres. Attendees were shown the scale of BT Madley, which is one of Europe’s largest teleports, with a behind the scenes tour of the operations area, satellite hubs, radio equipment and power infrastructure. This including standing under the 32 metre Madley 1 antenna for this group photo. The Satellite TPN would like to thank BT Madley staff for hosting the visit which was much…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • The New SI: A New Dawn For Users Of Measurement?

    The New SI: A New Dawn For Users Of Measurement?

    In an historic moment on 16th November 2018; the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) Agreed proposals to redefine the SI System of units including redefinition of four of the base units. These redefinitions come into force today. Here we look at what this might mean for users of measurement beyond the Laboratories of the National Standards Laboratories.  Today (20th May) sees the launch of a new set of definitions of SI units. These are changes that have been rigorously researched and argued over for many years and are a remarkable achievement, amongst other things, finally laying to rest the last unit based on a physical artefact (the kilogram).   There will be lots of publicity today about what this all means for the Scientific community [For inspiration try  https://www.linkedin…

    Pete Loftus
  • Community Collaboration

    Community Collaboration

    The Sussex Network’s interaction with the local community mainly revolves around our series of talks, our STEM activities and developing relationships with the local universities. Non-members attend our talks at two locations (north and south of the county), we meet children at STEM fairs, where we have an IET stand, and at workshops that we run in schools, and we give student prizes. Our collaboration is really only in the form of our members who sit on university Industrial Liaison Boards. But perhaps that is not community collaboration in the strictest sense. So a request from the Engineering UK Business Partnership Manager and Head of STEM Sussex to attend a discussion with a community group was intriguing, particularly since their interest was to promote the achievements of Dame Caroline…

    David James
  • Singapore Network: Singapore PATW Final 2019

    Singapore Network: Singapore PATW Final 2019

    We are wowed by all presenters' stories and journey in discovering the engineering and science world. You all are awesome! Congratulations to Ankur Sharma, who is a student from NTU Singapore, advancing to the Regional PATW! Nevertheless, thanks to all participants who showed us the best in them. We hope that it would be a wonderful experience. Let us meet again in the next one! Our special guest speakers for this evening are: Dr Andrew Ng - Associate Prof at Singapore Institute of Technology Mr Morgan Bonici – IET LifeSkills Trainer Ms Zhang Zhiyi – Singapore PATW Champion 2018 Mr Tan Eng Hwa – IET Singapore Network YP Chair

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Singapore Network: Attracting Young Minds!

    Singapore Network: Attracting Young Minds!

    Attracting young minds! We were getting in touch with the students from Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT@NYP), Singapore. One of our speakers, Mr Morgan Bonici gave an introduction to IET and Incorporated Engineer registration. Next, Dr Andrew Ng, who is also Associate Professor at SIT, shared his journey on Charted Engineer registration. Another speaker, Mr Richard Fong provided some insights on professional registration in engineering career. Lastly, Kai Xian, a member of IET Volunteering Engagement Board and Yi Sheng, On Campus Advisor Young Professionals Singapore shared the vibrancy of IET volunteering communities. We look forward to seeing everyone of them in the future events!

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Professional Registration Weekly Webinars

    Professional Registration Weekly Webinars

    Interested in Registration?  Why not join one of our weekly webinars to find out more...As part of our ongoing support for members working toward professional registration, we have launched a weekly webinar series to support those working toward Professional Registration and to help those ready to apply for Professional Registration. These interactive sessions allow you to hear more about the IET and the process for competence development and applying for Professional Registration and also allow you to ask any questions you have as part of the Q&A session. They are free to attend and held regularly so you can attend when it suits you. To find out more, visit the website at:  https://www.theiet.org/career/professional-registration/getting-help-with-your-application/professional-registration…

    Kathryn Bain
  • IET EngTalk: Rihanna Changed My Life: Inspiring A New Generation Of Cyber Security Professionals

    IET EngTalk: Rihanna Changed My Life: Inspiring A New Generation Of Cyber Security Professionals

    "Don't wait for people to ask you about Cyber Security" discussed Raj Samani, chief scientist at McAfee, at the IET Eng Talk lecture held at IET Savoy Place in London. The NSCS are a good example of how the message of Cyber Security should be spread into all places of education, their Cyber First strategy allows school children to increase their knowledge on cyber security and also look to it as a professional career path. Raj discussed that the yesteryear of career development has completely different connotations to what is actually required today and as our sprawling metropolis moves to a digital society it is up to every one of us to do more to encourage career development. Dr Maria Bada, a research associate at the Cambridge Cybercrime Centre took to the stage to explain how human activities…

  • Railway Electrification ~ Not Scalextric ! (IET Central London Network)

    Railway Electrification ~ Not Scalextric ! (IET Central London Network)

    Sticking to the theme of Transformation, I attended the IET Central London Network lecture on Railway Electrification which demonstrated that the lack of future proofing the use of any technology means not only will innovation be slowed down, but also, it increases the chances of missed opportunity for economic development. Will Railway Electrification create eco-friendly profitable self-sustaining ecosystems? Is the UK on track? (Couldn’t resist) – Are new Novel innovations on the horizon? Read the blog and watch the live streamed-video here to understand how current Government policy is being applied to Railway Electrification.  Read about Mind Control Of Scalextric on the E&T site here

    Rimesh Patel
  • Railway Electrification: Time For A Policy Reset? (IET Central London Network)

    Railway Electrification: Time For A Policy Reset? (IET Central London Network)

    ‘The Railway Electrification: Time for a policy reset?’ Evening lecture held by the IET Central London Network at the IET Savoy Place gave good debatable insights into how Government policies should now consider approaches like Electrification. The event was presented in collaboration with the Railway Association and the IMeche. Speakers included Andy Mellors Managing Director of South Western Railway, David Clarke Technical Director of Railway Industry Association and Iain Flynn Technical Director of Synergy Rail Limited. The evening was a thought provoking attempt by the Railway Industry Association and Professional Institutions to persuade Government to change its policy on Electrification on the basis that it can be delivered at a lower cost if there is a long term investment plan that…

    Rimesh Patel
  • The Future of Medicine - Is this short video still relevant in 2019?

    The Future of Medicine - Is this short video still relevant in 2019?

    On 11th June 2019 we are hosting the 5th Annual Future of Medicine event with a host of expert speakers covering healthcare data, Artificial Intelligence, robotics and healthcare devices.  We filmed this in 2017 so has the past two years advanced us further than expected?  Join us to find out.   https://events.theiet.org/the-5th-annual-future-of-medicine-conference/

  • Speaker Highlight - Professor Kaspar Althoefer, Director Of The Centre Of Advanced Robotics @ Queen Mary (ARQ). The 5th Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2029

    Speaker Highlight - Professor Kaspar Althoefer, Director Of The Centre Of Advanced Robotics @ Queen Mary (ARQ). The 5th Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2029

    Our next speaker highlight for the 5th Future of Medicine - The Role of Doctors in 2029 is Professor Kaspar Althoefer, Director of the Centre of Advanced Robotics @ Queen Mary (ARQ).  Register to hear Professor Althoefer present on 'Advances in soft robotics for minimally invasive surgery' Register now to attend. Professor Althoefer is an experienced roboticist leading competitively funded research on soft robotics, intelligent micro-sensing systems and interaction dynamics modelling with applications in minimally invasive surgery, assistive technologies and human-robot interaction at Queen Mary University of London. He acquired in excess of £5.7M as Principal Investigator from national/international funding bodies and successfully completed 22 PhD projects. Professor Althoefer’s research team…



    A membership and accreditation forum was held n Tuesday April 16, 2019 with students of the School of Business and computer Science (SBCS), Mt. Hope. This forum sought to engage students to participate in the IET PATW competition held annually as well as to encourage them in the Global Challenge competition.Special emphasis was also the proposed formation of an On Campus Group at the educational facility. This forum also sought to educate these students about the IET Global standards as well as membership with the IET. The students were very eager and showed keen interest in being part of the IET as members. The IET Trinidad and Tobago Local Network (IET TT LN) look forward to working together with the SBCS to further the IET global initiatives.

    J. Maraj